Package pyxb :: Package xmlschema :: Module structures :: Class Particle
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Class Particle

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                               object --+        
                                  cscRoot --+    
                          _ParticleTree_mixin --+
                       object --+               |
                                |               |
                          cscRoot --+           |
                                    |           |
 utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+       |
                                        |       |
                           object --+   |       |
                                    |   |       |
                              cscRoot --+       |
                                        |       |
     namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin --+   |
                                            |   |
                           object --+       |   |
                                    |       |   |
                              cscRoot --+   |   |
                                        |   |   |
namespace.archive._ArchivableObject_mixin --+   |
                                            |   |
                           object --+       |   |
                                    |       |   |
                              cscRoot --+   |   |
                                        |   |   |
     utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+   |
                                            |   |
                           object --+       |   |
                                    |       |   |
                              cscRoot --+   |   |
                                        |   |   |
            utils.utility.Locatable_mixin --+   |
                                            |   |
                       _SchemaComponent_mixin --+
                               object --+       |
                                        |       |
                                  cscRoot --+   |
                                            |   |
       namespace.resolution._Resolvable_mixin --+

An XMLSchema Particle component.

Instance Methods [hide private]
The minimum number of times the term may appear.
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Upper limit on number of times the term may appear.
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A reference to a ModelGroup, Wildcard, or ElementDeclaration.
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Extend the concept of effective total range to all particles.
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Return True iff this particle can legitimately match an empty sequence (no content).
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Return True iff this particle has a wildcard in its term.
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__init__(self, term, *args, **kw)
Create a particle from the given DOM node.
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Perform whatever steps are required to resolve this component.
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Determine whether this named component is resolved.
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_bindingRequires_vx(self, include_lax)
Placeholder for subclass method that identifies the necessary components.
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_adaptForScope(self, owner, ctd) source code
isAdaptable(self, ctd)
A particle has an unresolvable particle if it cannot be resolved, or if it has resolved to a term which is a model group that has an unresolvable particle.
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walkParticleTree(self, visit, arg)
The entry-point to walk a particle tree defining a content model.
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_walkParticleTree(self, visit, arg)
Mix-in supporting walks of Particle trees.
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Inherited from _SchemaComponent_mixin: bestNCName, facStateSortKey, hasBinding, isTypeDefinition, isUrTypeDefinition, nameInBinding, owner, schemaOrderSortKey, setNameInBinding

Inherited from namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin: bindingRequires

Inherited from utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin: __getstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
CreateFromDOM(cls, node, **kw)
Create a particle from the given DOM node.
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IsTypedefNode(cls, node) source code
IsParticleNode(cls, node, *others) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  __minOccurs = 1
  __maxOccurs = 1
  __term = None
  __pendingTerm = None
  __refAttribute = None
  __resolvableType = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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The minimum number of times the term may appear.

Defaults to 1.


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Upper limit on number of times the term may appear.

If None, the term may appear any number of times; otherwise, this is an integral value indicating the maximum number of times the term may appear. The default value is 1; the value, unless None, must always be at least minOccurs().


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Extend the concept of effective total range to all particles.

See and


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Return True iff this particle can legitimately match an empty sequence (no content).



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Return True iff this particle has a wildcard in its term.

Note that the wildcard may be in a nested model group.

__init__(self, term, *args, **kw)

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Create a particle from the given DOM node.

term is a XML Schema Component: one of ModelGroup, ElementDeclaration, and Wildcard.

The following keyword arguments are processed:

min_occurs is a non-negative integer value with default 1, denoting the minimum number of terms required by the content model.

max_occurs is a positive integer value with default 1, or None indicating unbounded, denoting the maximum number of terms allowed by the content model.

scope is the _ScopeDeclaration_mxin context that is assigned to declarations that appear within the particle. It can be None, indicating no scope defined, or a complex type definition.

  • scope - The scope in which the component is defined
  • namespace_context - The NamespaceContext to use within this component
  • node - If no namespace_context is provided, a DOM node must be provided from which a namespace context can be identified.
  • owner - Reference to the component that owns this one (the immediately enclosing component). Is None in the case of top-level components.
  • schema - Reference to the Schema component to which the component belongs. Required for every component except Schema, Annotation, and Wildcard.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Perform whatever steps are required to resolve this component.

Resolution is performed in the context of the namespace to which the component belongs. Invoking this method may fail to complete the resolution process if the component itself depends on unresolved components. The sole caller of this should be _NamespaceResolution_mixin.resolveDefinitions.

This method is permitted (nay, encouraged) to raise an exception if resolution requires interpreting a QName and the named component cannot be found.

Override this in the child class. In the prefix, if isResolved is true, return right away. If something prevents you from completing resolution, invoke self._queueForResolution() (so it is retried later) and immediately return self. Prior to leaving after successful resolution discard any cached dom node by setting self.__domNode=None.

self, whether or not resolution succeeds.
Overrides: namespace.resolution._Resolvable_mixin._resolve
(inherited documentation)


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Determine whether this named component is resolved.

Override this in the child class.

Overrides: namespace.resolution._Resolvable_mixin.isResolved
(inherited documentation)

CreateFromDOM(cls, node, **kw)
Class Method

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Create a particle from the given DOM node.

wxs is a Schema instance within which the model group is being defined.

node is a DOM element. The name must be one of ( 'group', 'element', 'any', 'all', 'choice', 'sequence' ), and the node must be in the XMLSchema namespace.

scope is the _ScopeDeclaration_mxin context that is assigned to declarations that appear within the model group. It can be None, indicating no scope defined, or a complex type definition.

_bindingRequires_vx(self, include_lax)

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Placeholder for subclass method that identifies the necessary components.

Returns: frozenset
The component instances on which this component depends
  • LogicError - A subclass failed to implement this method
Overrides: namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin._bindingRequires_vx
(inherited documentation)

walkParticleTree(self, visit, arg)

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The entry-point to walk a particle tree defining a content model.

See _ParticleTree_mixin._walkParticleTree.

_walkParticleTree(self, visit, arg)

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Mix-in supporting walks of Particle trees.

This invokes a provided function on each node in a tree defining the content model of a particle, both on the way down the tree and on the way back up. A standard implementation would be:

 def _walkParticleTree (self, visit, arg):
   visit(self, True, arg)
   self.__term.walkParticleTree(visit, arg)
   visit(self, False, arg)
  • visit - A callable with parameters node, entering, arg where node is an instance of a class inheriting _ParticleTree_mixin, entering indicates tree transition status, and arg is a caller-provided state parameter. entering is True if node has particle children and the call is before they are visited; None if the node has no particle children; and False if node has particle children and they have been visited.
  • arg - The caller-provided state parameter to be passed along with the node and entry/exit status in the invocation of visit.
Overrides: _ParticleTree_mixin._walkParticleTree
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)