Package pyxb :: Package utils :: Module fac :: Class Transition
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Class Transition

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object --+

Representation of a FAC state transition.

Instance Methods [hide private]
The transition destination state.
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The set of counter updates that are applied when the transition is taken.
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The next transition to apply in this chain.
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A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.
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__init__(self, destination, update_instructions, layer_link=None)
Create a transition to a state.
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Return the state in this transition chain that must match a symbol.
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Return the symbol of the consumingState.
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satisfiedBy(self, configuration)
Check the transition update instructions against configuration counter values.
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apply(self, configuration, clone_map=None)
Apply the transitition to a configuration.
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chainTo(self, next_transition)
Duplicate the state and chain the duplicate to a successor transition.
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Replicate the transition as a layer link into its automaton.
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__eq__(self, other) source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  __destination = None
  __updateInstructions = None
  __nextTransition = None
  __layerLink = None
Properties [hide private]
The transition destination state.
The set of counter updates that are applied when the transition is taken.
The next transition to apply in this chain.
A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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The next transition to apply in this chain.

None if this is the last transition in the chain.


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A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.

None indicates this transition is from one state to another within a single automaton.

An instance of Configuration is a transition on completion of a subautomaton back to the configuration in the parent automaton. The destination is the state in the parent automaton.

An instance of Automaton requires creation of a sub-configuration and initial entry into the automaton. The destination is the state in the sub-automaton.

__init__(self, destination, update_instructions, layer_link=None)

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Create a transition to a state.

  • destination - the state into which the transition is made
  • update_instructions - A iterable of UpdateInstructions denoting the changes that must be made to counters as a consequence of taking the transition.
  • layer_link - The value for layerLink.
Overrides: object.__init__

satisfiedBy(self, configuration)

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Check the transition update instructions against configuration counter values.

This implementation follows layer changes, updating the configuration used as counter value source as necessary.

  • configuration - A Configuration instance containing counter data against which update instruction satisfaction is checked.
True iff all update instructions along the transition chain are satisfied by their relevant configuration.

apply(self, configuration, clone_map=None)

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Apply the transitition to a configuration.

This updates the configuration counter values based on the update instructions, and sets the new configuration state.

  • configuration - A Configuration of an executing automaton
  • clone_map - A map from Configuration to Configuration reflecting the replacements made when the configuration for which the transition was calculated was subsequently cloned into the configuration passed into this method. This is only necessary when the transition includes layer transitions.
The resulting configuration

Note: If the transition involves leaving a sub-automaton or creating a new sub-automaton, the returned configuration structure will be different from the one passed in. You should invoke this as:

 cfg = transition.apply(cfg)

chainTo(self, next_transition)

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Duplicate the state and chain the duplicate to a successor transition.

This returns a new transition which applies the operation for this transition, then proceeds to apply the next transition in the chain.

  • next_transition - A Transition node describing a subsequent transition.
a clone of this node, augmented with a link to next_transition.

Note: The node that is invoking this must not have successor transitions.


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Replicate the transition as a layer link into its automaton.

This is used on initial transitions into sub-automata where a sub-configuration must be created and recorded.

(Hashing function)

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Overrides: object.__hash__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

Property Details [hide private]


The transition destination state.

Get Method:
__get_destination(self) - The transition destination state.


The set of counter updates that are applied when the transition is taken.

Get Method:
__get_updateInstructions(self) - The set of counter updates that are applied when the transition is taken.


The next transition to apply in this chain.

None if this is the last transition in the chain.

Get Method:
__get_nextTransition(self) - The next transition to apply in this chain.


A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.

None indicates this transition is from one state to another within a single automaton.

An instance of Configuration is a transition on completion of a subautomaton back to the configuration in the parent automaton. The destination is the state in the parent automaton.

An instance of Automaton requires creation of a sub-configuration and initial entry into the automaton. The destination is the state in the sub-automaton.

Get Method:
__get_layerLink(self) - A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.