Package pyxb :: Package utils :: Module fac :: Class Node
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Class Node

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Abstract class for any node in the term tree.

In its original form a position (pos) is a tuple of non-negative integers comprising a path from a node in the term tree. It identifies a node in the tree. After the FAC has been constructed, only positions that are leaf nodes in the term tree remain, and the corresponding symbol value (Python instance) is used as the position.

An update instruction (psi) is a map from positions to either Node.RESET or Node.INCREMENT. It identifies actions to be taken on the counter states corresponding to the positions in its domain.

A transition is a pair containing a position and an update instruction. It identifies a potential next node in the state and the updates that are to be performed if the transition is taken.

A follow value is a map from a position to a set of transitions that may originate from the pos. This set is represented as a Python list since update instructions are dicts and cannot be hashed.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kw)
Create a FAC term-tree node.
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clone(self, *args, **kw)
Create a deep copy of the node.
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Application-specific metadata provided during construction.
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The first set for the node.
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Abstract method that defines first for the subclass.
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The last set for the node.
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Abstract method that defines last for the subclass.
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True iff the empty string is accepted by this node.
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Abstract method that defines nullable for the subclass.
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The follow map for the node.
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Abstract method that defines follow for the subclass.
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Reset any term-tree state associated with the node.
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walkTermTree(self, pre, post, arg)
Utility function for term tree processing.
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_walkTermTree(self, position, pre, post, arg)
Abstract method implementing walkTermTree for the subclass.
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A map from positions to nodes in the term tree.
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A map from nodes to their position in the term tree.
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__resetAndValidate(self, node, pos, visited_nodes) source code
buildAutomaton(self, state_ctor=<class 'pyxb.utils.fac.State'>, ctr_cond_ctor=<class 'pyxb.utils.fac.CounterCondition'>, containing_state=None) source code
Implement definition 13.1 from HOV09.
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counterSubPositions(self, pos)
Implement definition 13.2 from HOV09.
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Obtain a description of the FAC in text format.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
_PosConcatPosSet(cls, pos, pos_set)
Implement definition 11.1 in HOV09.
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_PosConcatUpdateInstruction(cls, pos, psi)
Implement definition 11.2 in HOV09
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_PosConcatTransitionSet(cls, pos, transition_set)
Implement definition 11.3 in HOV09
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Class Variables [hide private]
  _Precedence = None
An integral value used for parenthesizing expressions.
  RESET = False
An arbitrary value representing reset of a counter.
An arbitrary value representing increment of a counter.
  __metadata = None
  __first = None
  __last = None
  __nullable = None
  __follow = None
  __posNodeMap = None
  __nodePosMap = None
  __counterPositions = None
Properties [hide private]
Application-specific metadata provided during construction.
The first set for the node.
The last set for the node.
True iff the empty string is accepted by this node.
The follow map for the node.
A map from positions to nodes in the term tree.
A map from nodes to their position in the term tree.
Implement definition 13.1 from HOV09.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kw)

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Create a FAC term-tree node.

  • metadata - Any application-specific metadata retained in the term tree for transfer to the resulting automaton.
Overrides: object.__init__

clone(self, *args, **kw)

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Create a deep copy of the node.

All term-tree--related attributes and properties are replaced with deep clones. Other attributes are preserved.

  • args - A tuple of arguments to be passed to the instance constructor.
  • kw - A dict of keywords to be passed to the instance constructor.

Note: Subclasses should pre-extend this method to augment the args and kw parameters as necessary to match the expectations of the __init__ method of the class being cloned.


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The first set for the node.

This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can appear first in a string matched by an execution starting at the node.


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Abstract method that defines first for the subclass.

The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a symbol.


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The last set for the node.

This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can appear last in a string matched by an execution starting at the node.


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Abstract method that defines last for the subclass.

The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a symbol.


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Abstract method that defines nullable for the subclass.

The return value should be True or False.


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Abstract method that defines follow for the subclass.

The return value should be a map from tuples of integers (positions) to a list of transitions, where a transition is a position and an update instruction.


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Reset any term-tree state associated with the node.

Any change to the structure of the term tree in which the node appears invalidates memoized first/follow sets and related information. This method clears all that data so it can be recalculated. It does not clear the metadata link, or any existing structural data.

walkTermTree(self, pre, post, arg)

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Utility function for term tree processing.

  • pre - a callable that, unless None, is invoked at each node n with parameters n, pos, and arg, where pos is the tuple of integers identifying the path from the node at on which this method was invoked to the node being processed. The invocation occurs before processing any subordinate nodes.
  • post - as with pre but invocation occurs after processing any subordinate nodes.
  • arg - a value passed to invocations of pre and post.


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Implement definition 13.1 from HOV09.

The return value is the set of all positions leading to NumericalConstraint nodes for which either the minimum value is not 1 or the maximum value is not unbounded.

counterSubPositions(self, pos)

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Implement definition 13.2 from HOV09.

This is the subset of counterPositions that occur along the path to pos.


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Obtain a description of the FAC in text format.

This is a diagnostic tool, returning first, last, and follow maps using positions.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


An integral value used for parenthesizing expressions.

A subterm that has a precedence less than that of its containing term must be enclosed in parentheses when forming a text expression representing the containing term.


Property Details [hide private]


Application-specific metadata provided during construction.

Get Method:
__get_metadata(self) - Application-specific metadata provided during construction.


The first set for the node.

This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can appear first in a string matched by an execution starting at the node.

Get Method:
__get_first(self) - The first set for the node.


The last set for the node.

This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can appear last in a string matched by an execution starting at the node.

Get Method:
__get_last(self) - The last set for the node.


True iff the empty string is accepted by this node.

Get Method:
__get_nullable(self) - True iff the empty string is accepted by this node.


The follow map for the node.

Get Method:
__get_follow(self) - The follow map for the node.


A map from positions to nodes in the term tree.

Get Method:
__get_posNodeMap(self) - A map from positions to nodes in the term tree.


A map from nodes to their position in the term tree.

Get Method:
__get_nodePosMap(self) - A map from nodes to their position in the term tree.


Implement definition 13.1 from HOV09.

The return value is the set of all positions leading to NumericalConstraint nodes for which either the minimum value is not 1 or the maximum value is not unbounded.

Get Method:
__get_counterPositions(self) - Implement definition 13.1 from HOV09.