

This is the main module of PySpeedIT. It is a combination of Benchmark-IT, Profile-IT, Line-Memory-Profile-IT, Disassemble-IT.


  1. Define one or more separate modules with test functions.


    # file:
    from operator import itemgetter
    from random import shuffle
    def _outer_helper(y_):
       return y_[1]
    def example_pep265(data_):
       result = sorted(data_.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
       del result
    def example_formal_func_outer(data_):
       result = sorted(data_.items(), key=_outer_helper)
       del result
    # for Benchmark-IT subcode_blocks
    def example_multiple_subcode_blocks():
       # ::SPEEDIT:: data
       data = dict(zip(range(1000), range(1000)))
       # **SPEEDIT**
       # ::SPEEDIT:: sorted
       result = sorted(data.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
       # **SPEEDIT**
       del result
    def memory_example():
       a = [1] * (10 ** 6)
       b = [2] * (2 * 10 ** 7)
       del b
       del a
  2. Define an other module to run Speed-IT.


    # file: run_speed_it
    # Import abspath
    from os.path import abspath as path_abspath
    # Import speed_it
    from PySpeedIT.speed_it import speed_it
    # define any needed extra variables to use as arguments
    data = dict(zip(range(1000), range(1000)))
    # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
    def main():
       # defining the: modules_func_tuple mapping
       modules__func_tuples = (
          # TUPLE format:
          # [module_path_str, (
          #   (name_str, function_name_str, list_of_positional_arguments, dictionary_of_keyword_arguments)
          # )]
          [path_abspath(''), (
             ('sorting: pep265', 'example_pep265', [data], {}),
             ('sorting: formal_func_outer', 'example_formal_func_outer', [data], {}),
             ('multiple_subcode_blocks', 'example_multiple_subcode_blocks', [], {}),
             ('memory_example', 'memory_example', [], {}),
          # any other module: a similar list


    Do not import the module with the functions to speed-it: the module is internally loaded from file

For more examples see any files in the PySpeedIT source SOURCE/Examples

  • especially the file:

Common Errors

Return statement in speed_it functions

Function which are used for speed_it may not have a return statement because they may run in a loop


WRONG return statement

# helper function is ok to have return statement
def recip_square(i_):
   return 1.0 / (i_ ** 2)

# function to be used by speed_it can not have a return statement
def approx_pi(n_=100000):
   val = 0.
   for k_ in range(1, n_ + 1):
      val += recip_square(k_)
   return (6 * val) ** 0.5

Missing speed_it modules__func_tuples arguments

If a function defines a default argument it still needs an argument passed on in the modules__func_tuples.


# function to be used by speed_it
def approx_pi(n_=100000):
   val = 0.
   for k_ in range(1, n_ + 1):
      val += recip_square(k_)
   return (6 * val) ** 0.5

WRONG: modules__func_tuples missing argument for : n_

modules__func_tuples = (
      [path_abspath(''), (
         ('calculate pi', 'approx_pi', [], {}),

OK: modules__func_tuples with argument for : n_

modules__func_tuples = (
      [path_abspath(''), (
         ('calculate pi', 'approx_pi', [], {'n_': 100000}),

Screenshots of OUTPUT HTML





Line-Memory-Profile-IT OUTPUT HTML


Disassemble-IT OUTPUT HTML



PySpeedIT.speed_it.speed_it(html_output_dir_path=None, enable_benchmarkit=True, enable_profileit=True, enable_linememoryprofileit=True, enable_disassembleit=True, modules__func_tuples=None, output_max_slashes_fileinfo=2, use_func_name=True, output_in_sec=False, profileit__repeat=1, benchmarkit__output_source=False, benchmarkit__with_gc=False, benchmarkit__check_too_fast=True, benchmarkit__rank_by='best', benchmarkit__run_sec=1, benchmarkit__repeat=3)

Writes the results per defined module to html files overwriting them if they existed.

  • html_output_dir_path – Base directory to output the results
  • enable_benchmarkit – enable/disable Benchmark-IT
  • enable_profileit – enable/disable Profile-IT
  • enable_linememoryprofileit – enable/disable Line-Memory-Profile-IT
  • enable_disassembleit – enable/disable Disassemble-IT
  • modules__func_tuples

    (tuple) TUPLE format:


    [module_path_str, (
       (name1_str, function1_name_str, list_of_positional_arguments, dictionary_of_keyword_arguments),
       (name2_str, function2_name_str, list_of_positional_arguments, dictionary_of_keyword_arguments),
    # defining the: modules_func_tuple mapping
    modules__func_tuples = (
       [path_abspath(''), (
          ('calculate pi', 'approx_pi', [], {}),
       [path_abspath(''), (
          ('sorting: pep265', 'example_pep265', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: stupid', 'example_stupid', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: list_expansion', 'example_list_expansion', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: generator', 'example_generator', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: lambda', 'example_lambda', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: formal_func_inner', 'example_formal_func_inner', [data], {}),
          ('sorting: formal_func_outer', 'example_formal_func_outer', [data], {}),
  • output_max_slashes_fileinfo

    (int) to adjust max path levels in the module file info

    (as well the Profile-IT func_txt)

  • use_func_name


    • if True the function name will be used in the output name
    • if False the func_dict key will be used in the the output name
  • output_in_sec


    • if true the output is kept in seconds (float)
    • if false it is transformed to:
      Orders of magnitude (time)
      Name Symbol Definition
      second ( s ) One second
      millisecond ( ms ) One thousandth of one second
      microsecond ( µs ) One millionth of one second
      nanosecond ( ns ) One billionth of one second
  • profileit__repeat

    (int) how often the function is repeated: the result will be the sum of all: similar to the code below

    for repeat in range(profileit__repeat):
       profiler.runcall(func, *func_positional_arguments, **func_keyword_arguments)
  • benchmarkit__output_source – (bool) if True a text file is written with the actual Benchmark-IT code used
  • benchmarkit__with_gc


    • if True gc is kept on during timing
    • if False: turns off garbage collection during the timing
  • benchmarkit__check_too_fast


    • if True and a code block is executed faster than a Reference-Time an Exception is raised.
      • Reference-Time: the smallest difference of calling perf_counter() immediately after each other a couple of times



  • benchmarkit__rank_by

    (str) best, average or worst

    ..important:: worst uses also the best loop time but ranks the worst one as: base 100%

  • benchmarkit__run_sec

    (float or -1)

    • the number of loops per run is scaled to approximately fit the benchmarkit__run_sec
    • if benchmarkit__run_sec is -1: then the generated function source code is only run once
  • benchmarkit__repeat

    (int) how often everything is repeated

    • This is a convenient variable that calls the whole Benchmark-IT setup repeatedly