PollyReports.py provides a set of classes for database report writing. It assumes that you are using Reportlab to do PDF generation, but can work with any "canvas-like" object as desired.
PollyReports provides a framework for report generation. The developer instantiates a Report object, passing it a data source and passing or assigning one or more Band objects. A Band, in turn, will contain a list of Elements representing data items, labels, or system variables which will be printed. When the Report object is fully populated, its generate() method is called, passing in a Reportlab Canvas object (or any object providing a similar interface); the Report object then consumes the data source and renders the various Bands of Elements into the Canvas object.
The data source must be an iterator that produces objects that can be accessed via [] operations, meaning mainly dict, list, and tuple types, i.e. the most common types of records returned by standard database modules.
The module has been kept as clean as possible, so that, though I don't actually recommend it, it would not be insane to say
from PollyReports import *
Importing only what you expect to use is still a better idea, of course.
In the descriptions below, only methods and properties intended to be "public" will be described. I have taken no particular steps to hide the non-public methods, but I make no representation that I won't change them later.
Of course, I make no representation that I won't change the public interface either; but it is reasonable to assume that I won't do that as often.
All measurements used in PollyReports are in terms of points, where one point is equal to 1/72 inch. In actuality, this is a feature of Reportlab (and of PDF generation in general), not merely a feature of PollyReports. When vertical coordinates are used, they increase going down (y) the page; this is different than the normal usage when printing with Reportlab, where y coordinates increase from bottom to top of the page.
Attributes are shown with their default values, if any. Empty lists shown are intelligently assigned (I know better than to actually include an empty list as a default parameter value).
rpt = Report(datasource = None, detailband = None, pageheader = None, pagefooter = None, reportfooter = None, groupheaders = [], groupfooters = [])
datasource must be an iterable object which yields objects that can be indexed with []. A standard database cursor yielding lists, tuples, or dicts is the expected case. When Report.generate() is called, this datasource will be consumed one row at a time.
If the datasource is empty, no output is generated.
titleband is a Band object which is printed before the page header on the very first page of the report. When the titleband is generated, it receives the row of data that will appear first on the page.
detailband should be initialized to a Band object (see below) which will be generated once per row in the data source. It is acceptable for the detail band to be None, which means no detail band will be rendered for each row (but subtotals, for instance, will still be generated). This is useful when you want a single report to offer both "detail" and "summary" views. However, if your design calls for the detail band to always be omitted, you may wish to redesign your database query instead for better performance.
pageheader is a Band object which is printed at the top of each page. When the pageheader Band is generated, it receives the row of data that will appear as the first on the page.
pagefooter is a Band object which is printed at the bottom of each page. When the pagefooter Band is generated, it receives the row of data that will appear as the first on the page.
reportheader is a Band object which is printed after the page header on the very first page of the report. When the reportheader is generated, it receives the row of data that will appear first on the page.
reportfooter is a Band object which is printed at the very end of the report. When the reportfooter Band is generated, it receives the row of data that was last processed.
groupheaders is a list of Band objects which are printed at the beginning of a new group of records, as defined by the 'value' of the Band (see below for more details). Whenever the value changes, that header, and all lower-level (i.e. later in the list) headers automatically print. If more than one group header band is defined, be sure to list the most important one (the one that changes least often) first. When a groupheader Band is generated, it receives the row of data that will be the first in the new group.
groupfooters is a list of Band objects which are printed at the end of a new group of records, as defined by the 'value' of the Band (see below for more details). Whenever the value changes, that footer, and all earlier (higher in the list) footers automatically print. If more than one group footer band is defined, be sure to list the most important one (the one that changes least often) last. This behavior is different from the group header behavior, and is by design. When a groupfooter Band is generated, it receives the row of data that was last in the group.
The generate method requires a single parameter, which must be a Reportlab Canvas object or an object that presents a similar interface. As it stands now, the following canvas methods and attributes are the only ones being used by PollyReports:
canvas.drawAlignedString() canvas.drawCentredString() canvas.drawRightString() canvas.drawString() canvas.line() canvas._pagesize canvas.restoreState() canvas.saveState() canvas.setFont() canvas.setLineWidth() canvas.setStrokeGray() canvas.showPage() canvas.translate()Attributes
All of the initialization parameters described above populate like-named attributes, which will not be described again. It is equally acceptable to assign them via the attributes after instantiation as by the initialization parameters.
rpt.topmargin = 36 defines the top margin of the report.
rpt.bottommargin = 36 defines the bottom margin of the report.
rpt.leftmargin = 36 defines the left margin of the report; all Elements are offset this far from the left edge automatically.
rpt.pagenumber = 0 is not generally changed by the caller; however, as a Report attribute, it is accessible to an Element using the sysvar option, so it is documented here. While Report.generate is running, the pagenumber attribute contains the current page number. An onrender handler (as described under the Element class, below) may be used to access this value to operate a progress bar, for instance.
rpt.rownumber = 0 is similar to row.pagenumber, in that it is intended to be used within an onrender handler. The rownumber value is one-based, that is, the first row to print is row number 1.
band = Band(elements, childbands, key, getvalue, newpagebefore = 0, newpageafter = 0)
elements is a list of Element (or Element-like) objects which define what data from the row to print, and how to print it. See Element, below, for details.
childbands is a list of Band objects which will be appended below this Band when it is generated. Child bands float below their parent, so if the parent has an Element which renders at different heights, the Elements in the child band(s) will not overwrite it.
getvalue is a function which accepts one parameter, the row, and returns an item of data. This permits calculations or modifications of the data before use. If getvalue is not provided, key is used. If neither key nor getvalue are provided, the value of the Band is None.
key is the key used to access data within the row, i.e., the row will be accessed as row[key]. key is only used if getvalue is not provided.
Note: Band values are used only in group headers and group footers, to determine if the value has changed.
newpagebefore and newpageafter, if true, indicate that a new page must be started at the indicated time. Neither apply to detail bands, page headers, or page footers, and newpageafter also does not apply to the report footer.
Methods and Attributes
Bands have no public methods or attributes.
element = Element(pos, font, text = None, key = None, getvalue = None, sysvar = None, align = "left", format = str, leading = None, onrender = None)
Note: An important feature of an Element is its value. In general, the value of an Element is relative to the current row, though this is not always so. There are four methods an Element may employ to acquire a value, and they are always applied in this order: getvalue, key, text, sysvar. If more than one of these methods is defined, the first in order is the only one which will be applied.
pos is a tuple of (x, y) defining the location relative to the top left corner of the band where the Element will be rendered.
fonts is a tuple of (fontname, fontsize) defining the font to be used when rendering the Element.
getvalue is a function which accepts one parameter, the row, and returns an item of data. This permits calculations or modifications of the data before use. If getvalue is provided (and key is omitted, of course), it will be used; if it is None, one of the lower-level access methods will be applied.
key is the key used to access data within the row, i.e., the row will be accessed as row[key]. If the key is provided, it will be used; if it is None, one of the other access methods will be applied.
text is a value to be used directly as the value of this Element, regardless of the current row's content.
sysvar is used to acquire a value from an attribute of the top-level Report object. It is usually used to access the current page number, i.e. sysvar = "pagenumber".
align may be set to any of "left", "right", "center" (or "centre"), or "align". It indicates where the value should be printed with respect to the x coordinate of the Element. If set to "left" (the default), the text will be aligned on the left, and therefore extend to the right from the given x coordinate. If set to "right", it will be aligned to the right (and thus extends to the left of the x coordinate). "center" centers the text at the given coordinate, and "align" attempts to line up the decimal point at that location. Please review the Reportlab documentation for more details on the "align" value (see the method drawAlignedString()).
format is a reference to a function or other callable (str by default) which is applied to the Element's value before rendering.
leading is the number of points to add to the "official" height of the Element to accomodate line and Band spacing. If not given, an internal calculation will be applied.
onrender is a reference to a function that is called when the Element is rendered. It is actually passed to the Renderer (see below). onrender is called with a single parameter, a reference to the Renderer. Assuming you called that parameter "obj", the Element which spawned the Renderer is accessible as obj.parent, and the Report as obj.parent.report.
Elements have no public methods.
element.report contains a reference to the top-level Report object. This is initialized at the beginning of Report.generate().
sumelement = SumElement(pos, font, text = None, key = None, getvalue = None, sysvar = None, align = "left", format = str, leading = None, onrender = None)
SumElement is a subclass of Element which is used to calculate a sum (total) of the value of the SumElement over a group of records. SumElements are only effective when included within group footers or the report footer. In general, a SumElement sums up its values continuously until the value is retrieved, i.e. until the SumElement is rendered, at which point the running total is reset to zero.
SumElements have the same parameters, methods, and attributes as regular Elements; see above for details of these features.
Renderers are internal objects used by PollyReports to print out the values of Elements. As they are entirely internal, they will not be described in any particular detail here; if you need to understand more fully how they work, please consult the source code.
imageelement = Image(pos, width, height, text = None, key = None, getvalue = None, onrender = None)
An Image object works like an Element, but instead of printing text, it prints an image. The text and key parameters work exactly like the same parameters to an Element object, but the resulting text is treated like a filename (and must point to an existing image file which is reachable by the application). The getvalue parameter defines a function, similar to the same parameter in the Element object, but this function may return either a filename or a Reportlab ImageReader object, as documented for the drawElement() method in the Reportlab documentation. Note that if a non-Reportlab canvas-like object is used, this may not apply.
ImageRenderers are internal objects used by PollyReports to print out the values of Image objects. As they are entirely internal, they will not be described in any particular detail here; if you need to understand more fully how they work, please consult the source code.
rule = Rule(pos, width, thickness = 1)
The Rule class is used to print out horizontal lines, such as separators.
pos is a tuple defining the starting position of the Rule when rendered.
width is the width (extending right from the position indicated by pos) to which the Rule will extend.
thickness defines the thickness of the Rule when rendered.
Methods and Attributes
Rules have no public methods or attributes.