: extracts the first sequence records¶
command is in some way analog to the standard Unix head command.
It selects the head of a sequence file.
But instead of working text line by text line as the standard Unix tool,
selection is done at the sequence record level. You can specify the number of sequence records
to select.
> obihead -n 150 seq1.fasta > seq2.fasta
Selects the 150 first sequence records from the
file and stores them into theseq2.fasta
specific options¶
¶ Number of sequence records to be selected (default value : 10).
Options to specify input format¶
Restrict the analysis to a sub-part of the input file¶
¶ The N first sequence records of the file are discarded from the analysis and not reported to the output file
¶ Only the N next sequence records of the file are analyzed. The following sequences in the file are neither analyzed, neither reported to the output file. This option can be used conjointly with the –skip option.