Package mrv :: Module util
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Module util

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All kinds of utility methods and classes that are used in more than one modules
Classes [hide private]
For use with python's filter method, simulates logical AND Usage: filter(And(f1,f2,fn), sequence)
Call object encapsulating any code, thus providing a simple facade for it :note: derive from it if a more complex call is required
Advanced call class providing additional options:
Call the given callable object once this object is being deleted Its usefull if you want to assure certain code to run once the parent scope of this object looses focus
Adds utility functions to DirectedTree allowing to handle a directed tree like a dag :note: currently this tree does not support instancing :todo: add instancing support
Descriptor allowing to easily setup callbacks for classes derived from EventSender
Base class for all classes that want to provide a common callback interface to supply event information to clients.
Base class making the derived class an interface provider, allowing interfaces to be set, queried and used including build-in use
Meta class copying members from given classes onto the type to be created it will read the following attributes from the class dict: forbiddenMembers, overwritePrefix, __virtual_bases__
For use with python's filter method, simulates logical OR Usage: filter(Or(f1,f2,fn), sequence)
Read and write simple pipe separated files.
Singleton classes can be derived from this class, you can derive from other classes as long as Singleton comes first (and class doesn't override __new__)
Create a proper weak instance to an instance function by weakly binding the instance, not the bound function object.
Functions [hide private]
Returns: s with first letter capitalized
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copyClsMembers(sourcecls, destcls, overwritePrefix=None, forbiddenMembers=[], copyNamespaceGlobally=None)
Copy the members or sourcecls to destcls while ignoring member names in forbiddenMembers It will only copy mebers of this class, not its base classes
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Returns: int,float or str from string valuestr - a string that encodes a numeric value or a string
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Returns: as decodeString, but returns a list of appropriate values if the input argument is a list or tuple type
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iterNetworkxGraph(graph, startItem, direction=0, prune=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedb90>, stop=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedc08>, depth=-1, branch_first=True, visit_once=True, ignore_startitem=1)
Returns: iterator yielding pairs of depth, item
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Returns: set(submodule_name, ...) list of submodule names that could be imported using __import__
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Returns: list of sub-package names
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packageClasses(importBase, packageFile, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedaa0>)
Returns: all classes of modules of the given package file that additionally match given predicate
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pythonIndex(index, length)
Compute the actual index based on the given index and array length, thus -1 will result in the last array element's index
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uncapitalize(s, preserveAcronymns=False)
Returns: s with first letter lower case
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'mrv'
  log = <logging.Logger instance at 0x2ae99e0>
Function Details [hide private]


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s with first letter capitalized

copyClsMembers(sourcecls, destcls, overwritePrefix=None, forbiddenMembers=[], copyNamespaceGlobally=None)

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Copy the members or sourcecls to destcls while ignoring member names in forbiddenMembers It will only copy mebers of this class, not its base classes
  • sourcecls - class whose members should be copied
  • destcls - class to receive members from sourcecls
  • overwritePrefix - if None, existing members on destcls will not be overwritten, if string, the original method will be stored in a name like prefix+originalname (allowing you to access the original method lateron)
  • copyNamespaceGlobally - if not None, the variable contains the name of the namespace as string whose methods should also be copied into the global namespace, possibly overwriting existing ones. For instance, 'nsmethod' will be available as obj.nsmethod and as obj.method if the namespace value was 'ns. The forbiddenMembers list is applied to the original as well as the global name
  • this can be useful if you cannot inherit from a class directly because you would get method resolution order problems
  • see also the MetaCopyClsMembers meta class


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int,float or str from string valuestr - a string that encodes a numeric value or a string
  • TypeError - if the type could not be determined


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as decodeString, but returns a list of appropriate values if the input argument is a list or tuple type

iterNetworkxGraph(graph, startItem, direction=0, prune=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedb90>, stop=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedc08>, depth=-1, branch_first=True, visit_once=True, ignore_startitem=1)

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  • direction - specifies search direction, either : 0 = items being successors of startItem 1 = items being predecessors of startItem
  • prune - return True if item d,i in graph g should be pruned from result. d is the depth of item i
  • stop - return True if item d,i in graph g, d is the depth of item i stop the search in that direction. It will not be returned.
  • depth - define at which level the iteration should not go deeper if -1, there is no limit if 0, you would only get startitem. i.e. if 1, you would only get the startitem and the first level of predessessors/successors
  • branch_first - if True, items will be returned branch first, otherwise depth first
  • visit_once - if True, items will only be returned once, although they might be encountered several times
  • ignore_startitem - if True, the startItem will be ignored and automatically pruned from the result
iterator yielding pairs of depth, item

Note: this is an adjusted version of dge.iterShells


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  • path - module path containing the submodules
set(submodule_name, ...) list of submodule names that could be imported using __import__


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list of sub-package names

packageClasses(importBase, packageFile, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2aedaa0>)

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  • importBase - longest import base path whose submodules contain the classes to import
  • packageFile - the filepath to the package, as given in your __file__ variables
  • predicate - receives the class and returns True if it is a class you are looking for
all classes of modules of the given package file that additionally match given predicate

uncapitalize(s, preserveAcronymns=False)

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  • preserveAcronymns - enabled ensures that 'NTSC' does not become 'nTSC'
s with first letter lower case

Note: from pymel