Package mrv :: Module path :: Class ConversionPath
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Class ConversionPath

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         object --+            
         basestring --+        
                    str --+    
         object --+       |    
                  |       |    
interface.Interface --+   |    
                      |   |    
     interface.iDagItem --+    
                       Path --+

On windows, python represents paths with backslashes, within maya though, these are slashes We want to keep the original representation, but allow the methods to work nonetheless.
Instance Methods [hide private]
_from_os_path(self, path)
Returns: path with separators matching to our configuration
source code
splitunc(self) source code
isunshared(self) source code

Inherited from Path: access, chown, chroot, ctime, lexists, link, move, pathconf, readlink, readlinkabs, samefile, startfile, statvfs, symlink

Inherited from str: __contains__, __format__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getnewargs__, __getslice__, __gt__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __new__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __sizeof__, __str__, capitalize, center, count, decode, encode, endswith, expandtabs, find, format, index, isalnum, isalpha, isdigit, islower, isspace, istitle, isupper, join, ljust, lower, lstrip, partition, replace, rfind, rindex, rjust, rpartition, rsplit, rstrip, split, splitlines, startswith, strip, swapcase, title, translate, upper, zfill

Inherited from str (private): _formatter_field_name_split, _formatter_parser

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __subclasshook__

    Special Python methods
__div__(self, rel)
fp.__div__(rel) == fp / rel == fp.joinpath(rel)
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Inherited from Path: __add__, __eq__, __hash__, __ne__, __radd__, __repr__, __truediv__

    iDagItem Implementation

Inherited from Path: children, parent

    Operations on path strings.
abspath(self) source code
normpath(self) source code
joinpath(self, *args)
Join two or more path components, adding a separator character (os.sep) if needed.
source code
relpathto(self, dest)
Return a relative path from self to dest.
source code
dirname(self) source code
Returns the final component of a pathname
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Return (p.parent(), p.basename())
splitpath(self) source code

Inherited from Path: containsvars, convert_separators, drive, expand, expand_or_raise, expanduser, expandvars, expandvars_deep, expandvars_deep_or_raise, ext, isabs, namebase, normcase, realpath, relpath, relpathfrom, splitall, splitdrive, splitext, stripext, tolinuxpath, tonative

    Listing, searching, walking, and matching

Inherited from Path: dirs, files, fnmatch, glob, listdir, walk, walkdirs, walkfiles

    Reading or writing an entire file at once

Inherited from Path: bytes, digest, lines, open, text, write_bytes, write_lines, write_text

    Methods for querying the filesystem

Inherited from Path: atime, exists, isWritable, isdir, isfile, islink, ismount, lstat, mtime, owner, size, stat

    Modifying operations on files and directories

Inherited from Path: chmod, rename, renames, setutime

    Create/delete operations on directories

Inherited from Path: makedirs, mkdir, removedirs, rmdir

    Modifying operations on files

Inherited from Path: remove, touch, unlink

    High-level functions from shutil

Inherited from Path: copy, copy2, copyfile, copymode, copystat, copytree, rmtree

    Query Methods

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: childrenDeep, isPartOf, isRoot, isRootOf, parentDeep, root


Inherited from interface.iDagItem: iterParents

    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: fullChildName

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from Path: getcwd, set_separator

    Operations on path strings.
_expandvars(cls, path)
Internal version returning a string only representing the non-recursively expanded variable
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Inherited from Path (private): _expandvars_deep

    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: addSep

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from Path: osep, sep

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: kOrder_BreadthFirst, kOrder_DepthFirst


Inherited from interface.iDagItem (private): _sep

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__div__(self, rel)

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fp.__div__(rel) == fp / rel == fp.joinpath(rel)

Join two path components, adding a separator character if needed.

Overrides: Path.__div__
(inherited documentation)

_expandvars(cls, path)
Class Method

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Internal version returning a string only representing the non-recursively expanded variable
Overrides: Path._expandvars
(inherited documentation)

_from_os_path(self, path)

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path with separators matching to our configuration


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Overrides: Path.abspath


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Overrides: Path.normpath

joinpath(self, *args)

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Join two or more path components, adding a separator character (os.sep) if needed. Returns a new path object.
Overrides: Path.joinpath
(inherited documentation)

relpathto(self, dest)

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Return a relative path from self to dest.

If there is no relative path from self to dest, for example if they reside on different drives in Windows, then this returns dest.abspath().

Overrides: Path.relpathto
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: Path.dirname


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Returns the final component of a pathname

basename of this path, '/hello/world' -> 'world'
Overrides: interface.iDagItem.basename
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: Return (p.parent(), p.basename())
Overrides: Path.splitpath
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: Path.splitunc


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Overrides: Path.isunshared