Package mrv :: Package maya :: Module undo :: Class GenericOperationStack
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Class GenericOperationStack

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object --+    
 Operation --+

Operation able to undo generic callable commands (one or multiple). It would be used whenever a simple generic operatino is not sufficient

In your api command, create a GenericOperationStack operation instance, add your (mel) commands that should be executed in a row as Call. To apply them, call doIt once (and only once !). You can have only one command stored, or many if they should be executed in a row. The vital part is that with each do command, you supply an undo command. This way your operations can be undone and redone once undo / redo is requested

Instance Methods [hide private]
intiialize our variables
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Call all doIt commands stored in our instance after temporarily disabling the undo queue
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Call all undoIt commands stored in our instance after temporarily disabling the undo queue
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addCmd(self, doCall, undoCall)
Add a command to the queue for later application
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addCmdAndCall(self, doCall, undoCall)
Add commands to the queue and execute it right away - either always use this way to add your commands or the addCmd method, never mix them !
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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intiialize our variables
Overrides: object.__init__


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Call all doIt commands stored in our instance after temporarily disabling the undo queue
Overrides: Operation.doIt


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Call all undoIt commands stored in our instance after temporarily disabling the undo queue
Overrides: Operation.undoIt

addCmd(self, doCall, undoCall)

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Add a command to the queue for later application
  • doCall - instance supporting __call__ interface, called on doIt
  • undoCall - instance supporting __call__ interface, called on undoIt

addCmdAndCall(self, doCall, undoCall)

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Add commands to the queue and execute it right away - either always use this way to add your commands or the addCmd method, never mix them !
return value of the doCall

Note: use this method if you need the return value of the doCall right away