Package mrv :: Package maya :: Package nt :: Module storage
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Module storage

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Contains an implementation for the Persistence plugin for easy access within mrv and derived nodes.
Classes [hide private]
    Storage Access
A storage node contains a set of attributes allowing it to store python data and objects being stored in a pickled format upon file save.
This node can be used as pythonic and easy-to-access value container - it could be connected to your node, and queried for values actually being queried on your node.
Functions [hide private]
    Procedural Access
findStoragePlug(masterPlug, dataID)
Returns: compound plug containing all data and connections for the given dataID
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_makeElementPlug(masterPlug, dataID)
Find an empty logical plug index and return the newly created logical plug with given dataID - unconditionally
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storagePlug(masterPlug, dataID, plugType=None, autoCreate=False)
Returns: plug of the given type, either as tuple of two plugs or the plug specified by plugType
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makePlug(masterPlug, dataID)
retrieve or create a plug that corresponds to the given dataID...
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Returns: all objectSets stored at the given message data plug
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Returns: parition node attached to the sets of the given message data plug or None
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objectSet(mdplug, setIndex, autoCreate=True, setPrefix='')
Get an object set identified with setIndex at the given dataId
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dataIDs(masterPlug, data_prefix='')
Returns: list of all data ids available in the given master plug
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setPartition(mdplug, state)
Make all sets of the given data message plug use a partition or not :param state: if True, a partition will be used, if False, it will be disabled :note: this method makes sure that all sets are hooked up to the partition :raise ValueError: If we did not have a single set to which to add to the partition :raise AttributeError: If the dataID has never had sets :return: if state is True, the name of the possibly created (or existing) partition
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Clear the data in the given value data plug
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Empty all data storage plugs beneath the given masterPlug.
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deleteObjectSet(mdplug, setIndex)
Delete the object set at the given message data plug, at the given setIndex...
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Variables [hide private]
  MFnDependencyNode = api.MFnDependencyNode
Function Details [hide private]

findStoragePlug(masterPlug, dataID)

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  • masterPlug - compound plug containing all data
compound plug containing all data and connections for the given dataID

_makeElementPlug(masterPlug, dataID)

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Find an empty logical plug index and return the newly created logical plug with given dataID - unconditionally
  • @undoable

storagePlug(masterPlug, dataID, plugType=None, autoCreate=False)

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  • masterPlug - masterPlug to search for data
  • dataID - the name of the plug to be returned
  • plugType - StorageBase.kMessage: return message array plug only StorageBase.kValue: return python pickle array plug only StorageBase.kStorage: return the storage plug itself containing message and the value plug StorageBase.kFlags return plug to integer which can be used as storage for bitflags to accompany the id None: return (picklePlug , messagePlug)
  • autoCreate - if True, a plug with the given dataID will be created if it does not yet exist
plug of the given type, either as tuple of two plugs or the plug specified by plugType
  • @undoable
  • AttributeError - if a plug with dataID does not exist and default value is None
  • TypeError - if plugtype unknown

makePlug(masterPlug, dataID)

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retrieve or create a plug that corresponds to the given dataID
:param dataID: string identifier
:return: the created data plug, containing subplugs dval and dmsg
        for generic data and  message connections respectively 

  • @undoable


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all objectSets stored at the given message data plug


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parition node attached to the sets of the given message data plug or None

objectSet(mdplug, setIndex, autoCreate=True, setPrefix='')

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Get an object set identified with setIndex at the given dataId
  • mdplug - data message plug whose object set to handle
  • setIndex - logical index at which the set will be connected to our message plug array
  • autoCreate - if True, a set will be created if it does not yet exist
  • setPrefix - if given, the string will be used as prefix for the name of newly created object sets
  • @undoable
  • ValueError - if a set does not exist at setIndex and autoCreate is False
  • AttributeError - if the plug did not exist (and autocreate is False)
  • method is implicitly undoable if autoCreate is True, this also means that you cannot explicitly undo this operation as you do not know if undo has been queued or not
  • newly created sets will automatically use partitions if one of the sets does

dataIDs(masterPlug, data_prefix='')

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  • data_prefix - the string prefix of data names which must match with the prefix of the data id to be returned, with the matching prefix pruned. By default, all data ids will match
list of all data ids available in the given master plug

setPartition(mdplug, state)

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Make all sets of the given data message plug use a partition or not :param state: if True, a partition will be used, if False, it will be disabled :note: this method makes sure that all sets are hooked up to the partition :raise ValueError: If we did not have a single set to which to add to the partition :raise AttributeError: If the dataID has never had sets :return: if state is True, the name of the possibly created (or existing) partition
  • @undoable


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Empty all data storage plugs beneath the given masterPlug. Message connections are currently not affected
  • @undoable

deleteObjectSet(mdplug, setIndex)

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Delete the object set at the given message data plug, at the given setIndex
:note: use this method to delete your sets instead of manual deletion as it will automatically
        remove the managed partition in case the last set is being deleted

  • @undoable