Package mrv :: Package doc :: Module extapi
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Source Code for Module mrv.doc.extapi

 1  # computers. 
 2  # 
 3  # Copyright (C) 2009 by Artur Wroblewski <> 
 4  # 
 5  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
 6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 7  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
 8  # (at your option) any later version. 
 9  # 
10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
11  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
13  # GNU General Public License for more details. 
14  # 
15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
16  # along with this program.  If not, see <>. 
17  # 
19  import os.path 
20  from docutils import nodes 
22 -def api_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
23 """ 24 Role `:api:` bridges generated API documentation by tool like EpyDoc 25 with Sphinx Python Documentation Generator. 26 27 Other tools, other than EpyDoc, can be easily supported as well. 28 29 First generate the documentation to be referenced, i.e. with EpyDoc:: 30 31 $ mkdir -p doc/_build/html/api 32 $ epydoc -o doc/_build/html/api ... 33 34 Next step is to generate documentation with Sphinx:: 35 36 $ sphinx-build doc doc/_build/html 37 38 """ 39 basedir = 'api' 40 prefix = 'build/html/generated/' # fixme: fetch it from configuration 41 exists = lambda f: os.path.exists(prefix + f) 42 43 # assume module is references 44 name = '%s' % text 45 uri = file = '%s/%s-module.html' % (basedir, text) 46 chunks = text.split('.') 47 48 # if not module, then a class 49 if not exists(file): 50 name = text.split('.')[-1] 51 uri = file = '%s/%s-class.html' % (basedir, text) 52 53 # if not a class, then function or class method 54 if not exists(file): 55 method = chunks[-1] 56 fprefix = '.'.join(chunks[:-1]) 57 # assume function is referenced 58 file = '%s/%s-module.html' % (basedir, fprefix) 59 if exists(file): 60 uri = '%s#%s' % (file, method) 61 else: 62 # class method is references 63 file = '%s/%s-class.html' % (basedir, fprefix) 64 if exists(file): 65 name = '.'.join(chunks[-2:]) # name should be Class.method 66 uri = '%s/%s-class.html#%s' % (basedir, fprefix, method) 67 68 if exists(file): 69 name = os.path.basename(uri) 70 name = name[:name.rfind('-')] 71 node = nodes.reference(rawtext, "Epydoc: %s" % name, refuri=uri, **options) 72 else: 73 # cannot find reference, then just inline the text 74 node = nodes.literal(rawtext, text) 75 76 return [node], []
77 78
79 -def setup(app):
80 app.add_role('api', api_role)