Package mrv :: Package automation :: Package processes
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Package processes

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Contains all processes
Functions [hide private]
parseProcessesFromPackage(importBase, packageFile)
Parse all processes from the given package's sub-modules and add them to main processes module to make them available to the workflow system
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Add the given process classes to the list of known process types.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'mrv.automation.processes'
Function Details [hide private]

parseProcessesFromPackage(importBase, packageFile)

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Parse all processes from the given package's sub-modules and add them to main processes module to make them available to the workflow system
  • importBase - Something like: parentPackage.subpackage.mypackage, of your processes package
  • packageFile - the pointing to your processes package, usually __file__ of your package


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Add the given process classes to the list of known process types. They will be regeistered with their name obtained by str( processCls ). Workflows loaded from files will have access to the processes in this package
  • args - process classes to be registered to this module.