Package mrv :: Package automation :: Module base
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Source Code for Module mrv.automation.base

  1  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  2  """general methods and classes """ 
  3  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext" 
  5  from mrv.dge import PlugAlreadyConnected 
  6  import logging 
  7  log = logging.getLogger("mrv.automation.base") 
  9  #{ Edit 
11 -def _toSimpleType( stringtype ):
12 for cls in [ int, float, str ]: 13 try: 14 return cls( stringtype ) 15 except ValueError: 16 pass 17 # END for each simple type 18 raise ValueError( "Could not convert %r to any simple type" % stringtype )
20 -def _getNodeInfo( node ):
21 """:return: ( nodename, args, kwargs ) - all arguments have been parsed""" 22 args = [ node.get_name().strip('"') ] 23 nodeattrs = node.get_attributes() 24 tl = nodeattrs.get('toplabel', '').strip('"') 25 if tl: 26 args.extend( [ _toSimpleType( a ) for a in tl.split(',') ] ) 27 # END if args are set 28 29 kwargs = dict() 30 bl = nodeattrs.get('bottomlabel', '').strip('"') 31 if bl: 32 for kwa in bl.split(','): 33 k,v = tuple(kwa.split('=')) 34 kwargs[ k ] = _toSimpleType( v ) 35 # END for each kw value 36 # END if bottom label is set 37 38 # convert name such that if one can write nodename(args,kwargs), without 39 # destroing the original node name 40 typename = node.get_label() 41 if typename: 42 typename = typename.strip('"').split( "(" )[0] 43 44 return ( typename, args,kwargs )
46 -def loadWorkflowFromDotFile( dotfile, workflowcls = None ):
47 """Create a graph from the given dotfile and create a workflow from it. 48 The workflow will be fully intiialized with connected process instances. 49 The all compatible plugs will automatically be connected for all processes 50 connected in the dot file 51 52 :param workflowcls: if not None, a dgengine.Graph compatible class to be used 53 for workflow creation. Defaults to automation.workflow.Workflow. 54 :return: List of initialized workflow classes - as they can be nested, the 55 creation of one workflow can actually create several of them""" 56 import pydot 57 import processes 58 from workflow import Workflow 59 wflclass = workflowcls or Workflow 60 dotgraph = pydot.graph_from_dot_file( dotfile ) 61 62 if not dotgraph: 63 raise AssertionError( "Returned graph from file %r was None" % dotfile ) 64 65 66 # use the filename as name 67 edge_lut = {} # string -> processinst 68 wfl = wflclass( name=dotfile.namebase() ) 69 70 71 for node in dotgraph.get_node_list(): 72 # can have initializers 73 nodeid = node.get_name().strip( '"' ) 74 # ignore default node 75 if nodeid == "node": 76 continue 77 processname,args,kwargs = _getNodeInfo( node ) 78 79 # skip nodes with incorrect label - the parser returns one node each time it appears 80 # in the file, although its mentioned in connections, at least if labels are used 81 if not isinstance( processname, basestring ): 82 continue 83 84 # GET PROCESS CLASS 85 try: 86 processcls = getattr( processes, processname ) 87 except AttributeError: 88 raise TypeError( "Process '%s' not found in 'processes' module" % processname ) 89 90 # create instance and add to workflow 91 try: 92 processinst = processcls( *args, **kwargs ) 93 except TypeError: 94 log.error( "Process %r could not be created as it required a different init call" % processcls ) 95 raise 96 else: 97 edge_lut[ nodeid ] = processinst 98 wfl.addNode( processinst ) 99 # END for each node in graph 100 101 102 # ADD EDGES 103 ############# 104 # create most suitable plug connections 105 for edge in dotgraph.get_edge_list(): 106 snode = edge_lut[ edge.get_source().strip('"') ] 107 dnode = edge_lut[ edge.get_destination().strip('"') ] 108 destplugs = dnode.inputPlugs( ) 109 110 numConnections = 0 111 for sourceplug in snode.outputPlugs(): 112 try: 113 # first is best 114 targetcandidates = snode.filterCompatiblePlugs( destplugs, sourceplug.attr, raise_on_ambiguity = 0, attr_affinity = False, attr_as_source = True ) 115 except ( TypeError,IndexError ),e: # could have no compatible plugs or is ambigous 116 log.debug(str(e.args)) # debug 117 continue 118 else: 119 # if a plug is already connected, try another one 120 blockedDestinationShells = list() 121 numplugconnections = 0 122 for rate,targetplug in targetcandidates: 123 try: 124 sshell = snode.toShell( sourceplug ) 125 dshell = dnode.toShell( targetplug ) 126 sshell.connect( dshell ) 127 128 numConnections += 1 129 numplugconnections += 1 130 except PlugAlreadyConnected: 131 # remember the connected d-shell - we might disconnect it later 132 blockedDestinationShells.append( dnode.toShell( targetplug ) ) 133 else: 134 pass # allow several connections ( if no other claims one ... ) 135 # END for each candidate 136 137 # if we have no connecitons, and one node already connected has at least two from 138 # the same plug disconnect the node in question 139 # Dont do anything if we are connected or have less than 2 blocked 140 if numplugconnections > 0 or len( blockedDestinationShells ) < 2: 141 continue 142 143 # count connections by sourceshell 144 sourcemap = dict() # source->list( edge( s->d ) ... ) 145 for shell in blockedDestinationShells: 146 inshell = dshell.input() 147 sourcemap.setdefault( inshell, list() ).append( ( inshell,dshell ) ) 148 149 # find multiple edges 150 for sourceshell, edgelist in sourcemap.iteritems(): 151 if len( edgelist ) < 2: 152 continue 153 sshell = snode.toShell( sourceplug ) 154 dshell = edgelist[-1][1] # take the last edge as it possibly has lowest connection priority 155 sshell.connect( dshell, force = 1 ) # connect breaking existing ones 156 157 numConnections += 1 158 break 159 # END for each sourceshell record 160 161 # END try connecting plugs 162 # END for each output plug on snode 163 164 # assure we have a connection 165 if numConnections == 0: 166 raise AssertionError( "Found no compatible connection from %s to %s in workflow %s - check your processes" % ( snode, dnode, wfl ) ) 167 # END for each edge 168 169 return wfl
170 171
172 -def addWorkflowsFromDotFiles( module, dotfiles, workflowcls = None ):
173 """Create workflows from a list of dot-files and add them to the module 174 175 :param workflowcls: see `loadWorkflowFromDotFile` 176 :return: list of workflow instances created from the given files""" 177 outwfls = list() 178 for dotfile in dotfiles: 179 wflname = dotfile.namebase() 180 # it can be that a previous nested workflow already created the workflow 181 # in which case we do not want to recreate it 182 if hasattr( module, wflname ): 183 continue 184 185 wflinst = loadWorkflowFromDotFile( dotfile, workflowcls = workflowcls ) 186 setattr( module, wflname , wflinst ) 187 outwfls.append( wflinst ) 188 189 return outwfls
190 191 #} END interface 192