Package mrv
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Source Code for Package mrv

  1  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  2  """ 
  3  Initialize mrv system assisting development, debugging and maintenance 
  5          - install general `decorator` into __builtin__ namespace 
  6  """ 
  7  import __builtin__ 
  8  import logging 
  9  import logging.config 
 10  log = logging.getLogger("mrv") 
 12  __all__ = ("init_modules", ) 
 15  import os, sys 
 16  from path import Path 
 19  #{ Common 
20 -def init_modules( filepath, moduleprefix, recurse=False, self_module = None):
21 """ Call '__initialize' functions in submodules of module at filepath if they exist 22 These functions should setup the module to be ready for work, its a callback informing 23 the submodules that the super module is being requested. They return a True value if 24 the initialization was performed, or a False one if they weren't for some reason. 25 Throw to indicate error. 26 :param filepath: your module module.__file__ value 27 :param moduleprefix: prefix like "super.yourmodule." leading to the submodules from 28 an available system include path 29 :param recurse: if True, method will recursively initialize submodules 30 :param self_module: if not None, it must be the module that called this function. 31 It will be given to the __initialize functions as first arguments allowing 32 them to operate on functions of their own module - importing their own 33 module is not yet possible as it is in the course of being intialized itself. 34 The module will be given only to intermediate submodules in case recurse is True. 35 :note: in this moment, all submodules will be 'pulled' in""" 36 moduledir = Path( filepath ).parent() 37 moduleitems = moduledir.listdir( ) 38 moduleitems.sort() # assure we have the same order on every system 39 extensions = ( ".py", ".pyc", ".pyo" ) 40 initialized_modules = set() 41 42 if not moduleprefix.endswith( "." ): 43 moduleprefix += "." 44 45 # import each module 46 for path in moduleitems: 47 48 # SUB-PACKAGE ? 49 if path.isdir( ): 50 if not recurse: 51 continue 52 53 packageinitfile = None 54 for ext in extensions: 55 testpackageinitfile = path / "__init__%s" % ext 56 if testpackageinitfile.exists(): 57 packageinitfile = testpackageinitfile 58 break 59 # END if packageinit file exists 60 # END for each possible extension 61 62 # skip non-existing ones 63 if not packageinitfile: 64 continue 65 66 init_modules( packageinitfile, moduleprefix + path.basename(), recurse=True ) 67 continue 68 # END path handling 69 70 if path.ext() not in extensions: 71 continue 72 73 modulename = path.namebase() 74 if modulename.startswith( "_" ) or modulename.startswith( "." ) or modulename in ('all', 'mdb'): 75 continue 76 77 fullModuleName = moduleprefix + modulename 78 if fullModuleName in initialized_modules: 79 continue 80 # END prevent duplicate initialization due to different endings 81 initialized_modules.add(fullModuleName) 82 module = __import__( fullModuleName , globals(), locals(), [ modulename ] ) 83 84 # call init 85 args = ( self_module and [ self_module ] ) or tuple() 86 if hasattr( module, "__initialize" ): 87 res = module.__initialize( *args ) 88 if res: 89"Initialized " + module.__name__)
90 # EMD handle result 91 # END for each file or dir 92 93 94 #} END common 95 96 #{ Initialization 97
98 -def _remove_empty_syspath_entries():
99 """fix sys.path: if there are empty entries and our cwd is the mrvroot 100 we will be in trouble as we try to import our own 'maya' module which 101 will not provide the original maya packages of course 102 103 :note: only for internal use - code was moved into a method as it needs 104 to be called again from maya.__init__""" 105 while '' in sys.path: 106 sys.path.remove('')
107 # END while we have whitespace 108
109 -def _init_syspath( ):
110 """ Initialize the path such that additional modules can be found""" 111 import site 112 mrvroot = mrvroot = os.path.dirname( __file__ ) 113 114 _remove_empty_syspath_entries() 115 116 # process additional site-packackes 117 # The startup script may add additional site-package paths, but if these 118 # are non-default, they will not be handled which leads to an incomplete 119 # environment. Hence we process them. 120 # Fortunately, the function handles multiple initializations gracefully 121 for syspath in sys.path[:]: 122 if syspath.endswith('site-packages'): 123 site.addsitedir(syspath, set(sys.path)) 124 # END found site-packages path 125 # END for each path to possibly initialize 126 127 if sys.platform == 'darwin': 128 # in order to have a chance to get the setuptools going, 129 # add the default python library to the path. 130 sys.path.append("/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%s/Extras/lib/python"%sys.version[:3]) 131 # END desperate hack 132 133 # get external base 134 extbase = os.path.join( mrvroot, "ext" ) 135 136 # pyparsing 137 pyparsing = os.path.join( extbase, "pyparsing", "src" ) 138 139 # pydot 140 pydot = os.path.join( extbase, "pydot" ) 141 142 # networkx 143 networkxpath = os.path.join( extbase, "networkx" ) 144 145 # add all to the path 146 sys.path.append( pyparsing ) 147 sys.path.append( pydot ) 148 sys.path.append( networkxpath )
149 150 151 # end __init_syspath 152 153
154 -def _init_configProvider( ):
155 """ Install the configuration provider system 156 157 This allows values and settings to be stored in a convenient way. """ 158 pass
160 -def _init_internationalization( ):
161 """Install internationalization module 162 163 Using the default python gettext module, internationalization compatibility 164 can be garantueed. 165 166 Will map the '_' function to translate enclosed strings """ 167 import gettext 168 gettext.install( "mrv" )
169 170
171 -def _init_logging( ):
172 """ Initialize the default mrv logging interface 173 174 The logging interface unifies the way messages for the end user are handled 175 and assure a flexible message handling. 176 177 :note: will not raise even if the logging module could not be setup 178 179 :note: in the current implementation, it is based on the default python logging 180 package""" 181 logcfgfile = os.environ.get('MRV_LOGGING_INI', None) 182 if logcfgfile is None: 183 return 184 185 try: 186 logcfgfile = Path(logcfgfile).expand_or_raise() 187 logging.config.fileConfig(logcfgfile) 188 except Exception, e: 189 print "Failed to apply logging configuration at %s with error: %s" % (logcfgfile, str(e)) 190 else: 191 log.debug("Initialized logging configuration from file at %s" % logcfgfile)
192 # END exception handling 193 194 195
196 -def _init_python( ):
197 """ 198 Assure that certain python classes have the least possible amount of compatablity 199 so that we can work with them 200 """
201 202 203 #} END initialization 204 205 # INITIALIZE 206 ############# 207 _init_syspath( ) 208 _init_configProvider( ) 209 _init_internationalization( ) 210 _init_logging( ) 211 _init_python( ) 212