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Regression Tree Class

This is the TPZ.Rtree class in some detail, refer to the source code for mode information and methods.

Module author: Matias Carrasco Kind

class TPZ.Rtree(X, Y, minleaf=4, forest='yes', mstar=2, dict_dim='')

Creates a regression tree class instance

  • X (float or int array, 1 row per object) – Preprocessed attributes array (all columns are considered)
  • Y (float) – Attribute to be predicted
  • minleaf (int, def = 4) – Minimum number of objects on terminal leaf
  • forest (str, ‘yes’/’no’) – Random forest key
  • mstar (int) – Number of random subsample of attributes if forest is used
  • dict_dim (dict) – dictionary with attributes names

Get the branch in string format given a line search, where the line is a vector of attributes per individual object

Parameters:line (float) – input data line to look in the tree, same dimensions as input X
Returns:str – branch array in string format, ex., [‘L’,’L’,’R’]

Get the predictions given a line search, where the line is a vector of attributes per individual object

Parameters:line (float) – input data line to look in the tree, same dimensions as input X
Returns:float – array with the leaf content

Return an array with all branches in string format ex: [‘L’,’R’,’L’] is a branch of depth 3 where L and R are the left or right branches

Returns:str – Array of all branches in the tree

Returns an array of the used dimensions for all the the nodes on all the branches

Returns:int – Array of all the dimensions for each node on each branch
plot_tree(itn=-1, fileout='TPZ', path='', save_png='no')

Plot a tree using dot (Graphviz) Saves it into a png file by default

  • itn (int) – Number of tree to be included on path, use -1 to ignore this number
  • fileout (str) – Name of file for the png files
  • path (str) – path for the output files
  • save_png (str) – save png created by Graphviz (‘yes’/’no’)

Returns the content of a leaf on a branch (given in string format)

save_tree(itn=-1, fileout='TPZ', path='')

Saves the tree

  • itn (int) – Number of tree to be included on path, use -1 to ignore this number
  • fileout (str) – Name of output file
  • path (str) – path for the output file

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