LCONF is a light - human-friendly, simple readable data serialization format for dynamic configuration.
LCONF Specification 7.0 should be backwards compatible with version 6.0
adds support for setting: optional Empty-KeyValuePair-ReplacementValues in the
- for instance: a integer value is expected but one wants for empty LCONF Key :: Value Pairs to return -1 or whatever
- inclusive Default Comments
Named Sections allow for extended text/info/explanations before or after a Section without the need of # Comment tags.
Multiple LCONF-Sections can be within one LCONF text source or file
my name key :: assigned value
There are 3 sub types of lists:
Key :: Value-Lists: oneline lists
- name list :: Tim,Joe,Peter
Key-Value-Lists: multiline lists: values with indentation: basically just an different way to write/read it
- name list Tim Joe Peter
List-Of-Tuples: multiline list of tuples: values with indentation
- each tuple must have at least 2 values
- all tuples must have the same number of items as columns defined
- list of RGB colors |Color Name|Red|Green|Blue| forestgreen, 34, 139, 34 brick, 156, 102, 31
Items with indentation: each item can be any of the Four Main Structures
. my mapping key
key :: value
- name list :: Tim,Joe,Peter
Block item can be any of the Four Main Structures
Repeated Blocks allows to configure any number of such blocks within the ‘LCONF text source/file’.
LCONF implements the idea of easy item value transformation. Any Item-Value must be easily transformable using customary hook functions or some other ways to achieve such: depending on the library language. Such are implemented in the LCONF-Default-Template-Structure.
Key :: Value Pairs: each one can have a separate transformation function
Empty values with transformation-function are returned as empty strings
Key :: Value-Lists and Key-Value-Lists: can have only one transformation function which will be applied to each item in the list
- can have one transformation function which will be applied to each item in each tuple of the list
- or can have for each value (column) a separate transformation function which will be applied to each line (row)
Empty values with transformation-function are returned as empty strings
LCONF is ordered
Any order will always be based on the LCONF-Default-Template-Structure and not on the LCONF text source/file
- the order of Block-Names of (Repeated-Block-Identifiers):
will be always as in the ‘LCONF text source/file’ (as they are not previously known)
- the order of Lists items:
will be always as in the ‘LCONF text source/file’ (as they are not previously known)
LCONF is based on the idea of a: predefined LCONF-Default-Template-Structure.
This gives it order, default values and one knows what to expect.
helps to emit/dump in proper order based on the structure
- inclusive any Default-Comment/Empty Lines
- Any LCONF library must implement an option to emit/dump any Repeated Block with an optional ‘dummy-blk’ with default values.
the only thing which is not pre-known are:
the user set values
the number of items in lists
the number of Block-Names in Repeated Blocks
but Repeated Blocks have an option to predefine: NUMBER_MIN_REQUIRED_BLOCKS, NUMBER_MAX_ALLOWED_BLOCKS
any library which implements the LCONF: human-friendly, simple readable data serialization format should give some thoughts as how do write such LCONF-Template-Default-Structure in a simple form
which will be parsed to all implemented defaults as nothing gets overwritten There won’t be any Repeated Blocks because there are no default Block-Names set.
___SECTION :: DefaultLCONF
To get Default-Values do not define the item in the ‘LCONF text source/file’
- for Repeated Blocks: to get the Default-Values for a whole Block: only define the Block-Identifier and the Block-Name without any items
LCONF actively supports pretty printing (emitting/dumping).
By design there is a strict predefined outline of indentation, structure ect..
For list items there are 2 option implemented:
oneline lists: empty lists or usually used for lists with few items
multiline lists with item indentation: usually used for lists with more items
- List-Of-Tuples: are always multiline lists
# Default-Comment/Empty Lines
unlike many other formats LCONF design has full support for emitting/dumping of Default-Comment/Empty Lines
- such must be implemented in the LCONF-Template-Default-Structure
LCONF does not support parsing # Comment lines from the ‘LCONF text source/file’
- Such are skipped by design
Any base LCONF (string representation) without transformation can be dumped as a valid json obj (array) which is also a valid yaml.
BUT not every json array/object or yaml might be represented as a valid LCONF-Section
LCONF does require a predefined implemented LCONF-Default-Template-Structure
- one can not >> just parse << a ‘LCONF text source/file’
LCONF has some additional features e.g.:
- there is an option to loop over all keys in order as implemented by the: LCONF-Default-Template-Structure
- support for output of Default-Comment/Empty Lines
LCONF supports customary transform functions: json/yaml may not be able to handle the type of such transformation
- but the base LCONF (string representation) should be ok