
LCONF: Specification 7.0

LCONF is a light - human-friendly, simple readable data serialization format for dynamic configuration.



LCONF Indentation is exact 3 spaces per level


LCONF does require a predefined implemented LCONF-Default-Template-Structure.


LCONF is based on the idea of defaults and order which must be implemented previously - parsing a ‘LCONF text source/file’ will only overwrites such defaults with the user set values

Depending on the library and coding language such LCONF-Default-Template-Structure can be implemented in different ways but must have some common features:

  1. should be quite easily to implement
  2. must support options for easily defining value transformation: Value Transformation
  3. must support option to define: default comment lines, default empty lines which can be emitted/dumped: Default-Comment/Empty Lines
  4. must support option to define: order and default values of all LCONF items, keys, values, blocks ect..: Order, Default Values, Default-Comment/Empty Lines
  5. must support option to define: Empty-KeyValuePair-ReplacementValues Empty Key :: Value Pairs`

Default-Comment/Empty Lines

The LCONF-Default-Template-Structure can define Default-Comment/Empty Lines which can be emitted/dumped.


  • before the Block-Name (dummy_blk) there may be no Default-Comment/Empty Lines
  • within default list items there may be also no Default-Comment/Empty Lines


This does not apply to the ‘LCONF text source/file’ as such Comments are always skipped when the source text gets parsed.


LCONF uses mainly one native type: strings. Unlike many other formats: LCONF does not use quotation for strings.

Additionally it supports:

  • empty string values: for Key :: Value Pairs and empty Key :: Value-Lists are supported:

    where the value is left out and the last space after the double colon is skipped


    LCONF does not at all support trailing spaces

  • optional casting to different data types

Comment-Line Identifier

one number sign is used as Comment-Line Identifier: “# Comment-Line more info”

If the first none space character in a line is # the line is considered a Comment-Line

Comment-Line must have the indentation level of the following line (disregarding empty lines) User defined comment lines (LCONF source) are always skipped when the LCONF source is parsed.


LCONF with Comment-Line

___SECTION :: SectionName

# Comment-Line: must have the indentation level of the following line (disregarding empty lines)
first :: Tim
last :: Doe
age :: 39


related Default-Comment/Empty Lines which are implemented in the code’s LCONF-Default-Template-Structure

Key :: Value Separator

one space, double colons, one space is used as a: Key Value Separator: “Key Name :: Value”

Exception for empty string values: the last space is skipped so that there is no trailing space.

Key :: Value Pair

Uses the Key :: Value Separator

Each value is always interpreted as a: single string

  • to transform it use one Value Transformation function


LCONF with Key :: Value Pair

___SECTION :: SectionName
Color :: Blue
mykey :: a long sentence ...

Empty Key :: Value Pairs


LCONF with empty Key :: Value Pair

___SECTION :: SectionName
MyEmptyKeyValuePair ::

Empty Key :: Value Pair: for empty values the last space of the Key :: Value Separator is skipped


Empty values with transformation-function are returned as:

  • empty strings
  • or a predefined: Empty-KeyValuePair-ReplacementValue

Empty-KeyValuePair-ReplacementValue is optional and must be implemented within the code of a LCONF-Default-Template-Structure


There are 3 sub types of lists and all of them use the List Identifier and support empty lists.

For an empty list only define the List Identifier line without any items / item lines.

  • This will overwrite any default values
  • To keep all default values do not define the List at all

List Identifier

minus, one space is used as List Identifier for all 3 sub types of lists: “- List Identifier Name”


LCONF with List Identifiers for all 3 sub types of lists

___SECTION :: SectionName

# Key :: Value-List: one line
- Names :: Tim,Sandra,Max

# Key-Value-List: multi line with indentation
- Names

# List-Of-Tuples: multi line with indentation
- Colors RGB |Color Name|Red|Green|Blue|

Key :: Value-List

Ordered collection of items: oneline list

Uses the List Identifier and also the Key :: Value Separator and as value a collection of ordered items separated by comma ,


spaces are not stripped

Each list item is always interpreted as a: single string within a list obj.

  • This implies that list items can not be an other list or dict.
  • to transform it use one Value Transformation function which is applied to each item in the list


LCONF Key :: Value-List

___SECTION :: SectionName
- Names :: Tim,Sandra,Max

LCONF empty Key :: Value-List

___SECTION :: SectionName
- MyEmptyList ::


Ordered collection of items: multiline list

Uses the List Identifier and the value lines (list items) uses one indentation level (3 additional spaces).

Basically the same as Key :: Value-List just uses a different notation for readability and is mostly useful for longer lists (or when the items are long e.g. sentences).

Each list item line is always interpreted as a: single string within a list obj.

  • This implies that list items can not be an other list or dict.
  • to transform it use one Value Transformation function


LCONF Key-Value-List

___SECTION :: SectionName
- Names

LCONF empty Key-Value-List

___SECTION :: SectionName
- Names


Key-Value-List Identifier lines may NOT end with an pipe sign (vertical bar) |

WRONG LCONF Key-Value-List

___SECTION :: SectionName
- My List |
   VALUE list item1
   VALUE list item2


LCONF Key-Value-List can have comma separated lines

___SECTION :: SectionName
- list_
  • This is neither a multidimensional List-Of-Tuples because there was no last char: pipe sign |

The list item: 534,45 or 0,1,2,3 are a normal string lines (item lines of an: Key-Value-List) e.g. one could use a transformation function to simulate a kind of list within a list with different number of values (in case List-Of-Tuples can not fit the purpose)

  • splitting it be comma


Ordered collection of items: multi-line list of multiple values

Uses the List Identifier and additionally adds at the end a space followed by column names

The Value lines (tuple item rows) use one additional indentation level (3 additional spaces).

  • all item lines must have the same number of values (as defined in the column names)

List-Of-Tuples are useful for multidimensional lists or tables e.g. csv data.

  • Column Names are embraced and separated by pipe sign (vertical bar) and must be unique

  • List-Of-Tuples item lines: Values are separated by comma ,


    spaces around values are stripped


LCONF List-Of-Tuples with 3 expected items (columns) per line (row)

___SECTION :: SectionName
- My List of lists |X|Y|Z|
   value1, value2, value3
   value1, value2, value3

LCONF empty List-Of-Tuples

___SECTION :: SectionName
- My empty List of lists |X|Y|Z|

List-Of-Tuples can have empty (missing) values: Empty/Missing Values are returned as empty strings or if defined per column replacement values. Replacement-Values must be implemented in the LCONF-Default-Template-Structure.


Defined Empty/Missing Replacement-Values must be defined as strings as they run also through any transformation functions


LCONF List-Of-Tuples with Empty/Missing Values which will be returned as empty strings or with a Replacement-Values if implemented in the LCONF-Default-Template-Structure

___SECTION :: SectionName
- My List of lists |X|Y|Z|
   # COMMENT: the 2. item is empty or missing
   value1,       , value3
   value1, value2, value3
   # COMMENT: all items are empty or missing: the indentation level must be kept
   ,             ,
   # COMMENT: spaces are not important

Each single item value is always interpreted as a: single string within a tuple obj.

  • This implies that items in any of the tuples (rows) can not be an other list or dict.

  • have one transformation function which will be applied to each single item in each tuple

  • or have for each `column` a separate transformation function which will be applied to each line (row)

    in the example above this would be 3 transformation functions: X,Y,Z Columns


  • Empty values with transformation-function are returned as empty strings
  • Any Replacement-Value runs also through the transformation-function like any normally set value and is returned


dot, one space is used as Key-Value-Mapping Identifier: ”. Key-Value-Mapping Identifier Name”

A collection of items depending on the implementation this can be ordered or unordered


any LCONF library must implement an option to loop over it in order as defined in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure

Mapping items use one additional indentation level (3 additional spaces).
Each mapping item can be any of can be any of the Four Main Structures

An Empty Key-Value-Mapping Identifier is permitted: which will use all default values as implemented by a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure. It is basically the same as if one does not define it at all.

  • use it as a placeholder: e.g. if one wants previous comment lines


LCONF Key-Value-Mapping

___SECTION :: SectionName
. Mapping KEY
   mapping_item1_key :: mapping_item1_value
   - mapping_item2_key list
      my list item 1
   . mapping_item3_key nested key-value-mapping
      inner_mapping_item1_key :: inner_mapping_item1_value

   * mapping_item1_key Nested_BLK_Identifier

LCONF empty Key-Value-Mapping

___SECTION :: SectionName
. Mapping KEY
   mapping_item1_key :: mapping_item1_value
   - mapping_item2_key list
      my list item 1
   # Comment: below a permitted empty `Key-Value-Mapping Identifier` which will use all default values
   . mapping_item3_key nested key-value-mapping

   * mapping_item1_key Nested_BLK_Identifier

Key-Value-Mapping lines can not have any transformation function

  • but each item can (depending on the item)


Do get all default values for each item key

do not define the Key-Value-Mapping in the LCONF

OR define only the Key-Value-Mapping Identifier line in the LCONF which is permitted too


Repeated Blocks allows to configure any number of such blocks within the ‘LCONF text source/file’.

Repeated-Block-Identifier and Block-Name lines can not have any transformation function

  • but each block item of a Block-Name can (depending on the item)

Any number of Block-Names can be defined: this can also be limited in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure

Repeated Blocks have two options to predefine:

  • NUMBER_MIN_REQUIRED_BLOCKS in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure

    • 0 or greater
    • to not define it: set it to -1
  • NUMBER_MAX_ALLOWED_BLOCKS in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure

    • 1 or greater
    • to not define it: set it to -1

Block item can be any of the Four Main Structures.


asterisk, one space is used as Repeated-Block-Identifier: “* Repeated-Block-Identifier Name”

An Empty Repeated Block Identifier is permitted: but without a Block-Name it does nothing

  • use it as a placeholder: e.g. if one wants previous comment lines

Repeated-Block-Identifier lines can not have any transformation function


LCONF Repeated-Block

___SECTION :: SectionName
* Color_BLK_Identifier
   Sky Blue_Blk-Name
      blk_item_red :: 135
      blk_item_green :: 206
      blk_item_blue :: 235

LCONF empty Repeated-Block only define the Repeated Block Identifier line: it does nothing

___SECTION :: SectionName
* Color_BLK_Identifier


Each Block is named: Block-Names use one additional indentation level (3 additional spaces) from the Repeated-Block-Identifier.

Any number of Block-Names can be defined: this can also be limited in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure.

  • Repeated Blocks have two options to predefine: NUMBER_MIN_REQUIRED_BLOCKS, NUMBER_MAX_ALLOWED_BLOCKS




if a Block-Name is defined without any items at all: it is still valid using all defaults

LCONF Repeated-Block with an empty Block-Name which will using all defaults implemented in a LCONF-Template-Default-Structure

___SECTION :: SectionName
* Color_BLK_Identifier
   Sky Blue_Blk-Name

Block-Name Items

Block-Name Items use one additional indentation level (3 additional spaces) from the Block-Name.

Each Block-Name Item can be any of the Four Main Structures.

Block-Name Items lines can have transformation function/s (depending on the item type)

Section Start/End Tags

___SECTION, ___END are reserved for the purpose of SECTION START/END TAGS.


LCONF Section Start/End TAGS-Block LCONF-Section called: MyExample

___SECTION :: MyExample


Section Start/End TAGS are forbidden in any form except for the defined purpose.

Section Start TAG

three underlines, capital SECTION

This is followed by a Key :: Value Separator and the Section Name which is required: it can not be an empty string value.

It must always be without indentation.

Section End TAG

three underlines, capital END

It must always be without indentation.


A library does not have to validate these restrictions: validation is optional.

Restrictions Summary


  • FIRST NONE WHITE character of a line RESERVED:

    • * asterisk Except for Repeated-Block-Identifier
    • - minus Except for all kind of Lists-Identifier
    • . dot Except for all kind of Key-Value-Mapping
    • # number sign Except for Comment lines
  • LAST character of a line RESERVED:

    • Key-Value-List Identifier lines may NOT end with an pipe sign (vertical bar) |

    • List-Of-Tuples Identifier lines: must end with a pipe sign (vertical bar) |

      List-Of-Tuples Identifier can not contain any pipe sign (vertical bar) except for the purpose of separating column names

  • Item types in lists:

    • Key-Value-List and Key :: Value-List: may be only basic types: not another list, tuple, dict ect..


      LCONF Key-Value-List can have comma separated lines

      ___SECTION :: SectionName
      - list_
      • This is neither a multidimensional List-Of-Tuples because there was no last char: pipe sign |

      The list item: 534,45 or 0,1,2,3 are a normal string lines (item lines of an: Key-Value-List) e.g. one could use a transformation function to simulate a kind of list within a list with different number of values (in case List-Of-Tuples can not fit the purpose)

      • splitting it be comma
    • List-Of-Tuples: can contain tuples with the same number of items as column-names specified. (empty items are allowed)

      • items within the tuples: may be only basic types: not another list, tuple, dict ect..

Restrictions: Section Start/End Tag


Section Start/End Tag are forbidden in any form except for the defined purpose. Section Start/End Tags

Restrictions: Unique names

  • all Main Keys and Repeated-Block-Identifiers: must be unique
  • withing a `Key-Value-Mapping: the keys must be unique
  • within a `List-Of-Tuples: the column names must be unique
  • Block-Names: must be unique within one Repeated-Block-Identifier
  • Block-Keys: must be unique within one Block

Restrictions: Item Types in Lists

  • Key-Value-List and Key :: Value-List: may be only basic types: not another list, tuple, dict ect..


    LCONF Key-Value-List can have comma separated lines

    - list_
    • This is neither a multidimensional List-Of-Tuples because there was no last char: pipe sign |
    • It is also not a oneline Key :: Value-List

    The list item: 0,1,2,3 is a normal string line (item line of an: Key-Value-List) e.g. one could use a transformation function to simulate a kind of list within a list.

    • splitting it be comma

    WRONG LCONF Key-Value-List can have as items only basic types

    - mylist
       # wrong to have a nested list within a list
       - another_list ::
  • List-Of-Tuples: may only contain tuples (row lines) with the same number of items as column-names specified.

    • items within the tuples: may be only basic types: not another list, tuple, dict ect.. (empty items are supported)

Restrictions: No Trailing Spaces

Lines may not have any trailing spaces

Restrictions: Comments

Comment lines # within a LCONF-Section are required to have the indentation of the next none empty line.

Restrictions: Default-Comment/Empty Lines

LCONF is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license. Consult LICENSE.rst or http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause.

(c) 2014, peter1000 https://github.com/peter1000 All rights reserved.