PyPlotter - A Python/Jython Graph Plotting Package. Manual
5.1 Overview
PyPlotter basically consists of two parts, a front end part and a back
end part. The front end part comprises the high level classes to plot
cartesian graphs or simplex diagrams. These are the class Cartesian
from the Graph module and class Diagram from
the Simplex module. The backend part is a simple driver
interface that is defined in the Gfx module. There exist
several implementations of this driver interface for different graphical
user interfaces. They are located in the modules named **Gfx.
Package PyPlotter consists of the following Modules:
- Compatibility
- A helper module to ensure compatibility with different Python versions
(Verions 2.1 through to Version 2.4) as well as compatibility with
Jython 2.1 .
- Colors
- A helper module for dealing with colors. If contains a list of well
distinguishable colors (useful if drawing many graphs on one single
plain) and a few filter functions that help assigning similar color
shades to graphs that belong to the same of several groups.
- Gfx
- This module defines the driver interface (class Driver).
It also contains class Pen to store a set of graphical attributes
such as color, line width etc.
- **Gfx
- These modules contain implementations of Gfx.Driver for
different GUIs. There are drivers for the following GUI toolkits:
- tkGfx for the tkinter GUI toolkit that comes with
the Python standard distribution.
- qtGfx for the qt GUI toolkit (
qtGfx tries to import qt version 4, but falls back on version
3, if version 4 of qt is not present.
- wxGfx for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit (
- gtkGfx for the gtk GUI toolkit (
- awtGfx for the Java awt/swing GUI toolkit under
Jython, the Python version running under the Java JVM.
- for postscript output that can be written to a file.
- Graph
- Contains the high level class Cartesian for drawing graphs
on a cartesian plain. It also contains a number of intermediate level
classes for mapping virtual to screen coordinates etc.
- Simplex
- Contains the high level class Diagram for drawing simplex
diagrams of population dynamics. Within in this module also some intermediate
classes for simplex drawing and coordinate transformation are implemented.