Package genshi :: Package filters :: Module html :: Class HTMLFormFiller

Class HTMLFormFiller

object --+

A stream filter that can populate HTML forms from a dictionary of values.

>>> from genshi.input import HTML
>>> html = HTML('''<form>
...   <p><input type="text" name="foo" /></p>
... </form>''')
>>> filler = HTMLFormFiller(data={'foo': 'bar'})
>>> print(html | filler)
  <p><input type="text" name="foo" value="bar"/></p>
Instance Methods
__init__(self, name=None, id=None, data=None, passwords=False)
Create the filter.
__call__(self, stream)
Apply the filter to the given stream.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, name=None, id=None, data=None, passwords=False)

Create the filter.
  • name - The name of the form that should be populated. If this parameter is given, only forms where the name attribute value matches the parameter are processed.
  • id - The ID of the form that should be populated. If this parameter is given, only forms where the id attribute value matches the parameter are processed.
  • data - The dictionary of form values, where the keys are the names of the form fields, and the values are the values to fill in.
  • passwords - Whether password input fields should be populated. This is off by default for security reasons (for example, a password may end up in the browser cache)
Overrides: object.__init__

Note: Changed in 0.5.2: added the passwords option

__call__(self, stream)
(Call operator)

Apply the filter to the given stream.
  • stream - the markup event stream to filter