Package coilmq :: Package tests :: Package functional :: Class TestStompServer
[frames] | no frames]

Class TestStompServer

        SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn --+    
    SocketServer.BaseServer --+       |    
                              |       |    
         SocketServer.TCPServer --+   |    
                                  |   |    
    server.socketserver.StompServer --+    
server.socketserver.ThreadedStompServer --+

A stomp server for functional tests that uses threading.Event objects to ensure that it stays in sync with the test suite.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, server_address, ready_event=None, authenticator=None, queue_manager=None, topic_manager=None)
Extension to TCPServer constructor to provide mechanism for providing implementation classes.
Called by constructor to activate the server.

Inherited from SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn: process_request, process_request_thread

Inherited from server.socketserver.StompServer: serve_forever, server_close, shutdown

Inherited from SocketServer.TCPServer: close_request, fileno, get_request, server_bind, shutdown_request

Inherited from SocketServer.BaseServer: finish_request, handle_error, handle_request, handle_timeout, verify_request

Class Variables
  allow_reuse_address = True

Inherited from SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn: daemon_threads

Inherited from SocketServer.TCPServer: address_family, request_queue_size, socket_type

Inherited from SocketServer.BaseServer: timeout

Instance Variables

Inherited from server.socketserver.StompServer: authenticator, queue_manager, topic_manager

Method Details

__init__(self, server_address, ready_event=None, authenticator=None, queue_manager=None, topic_manager=None)


Extension to TCPServer constructor to provide mechanism for providing implementation classes.

Overrides: SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__
(inherited documentation)



Called by constructor to activate the server.

May be overridden.

Overrides: SocketServer.BaseServer.server_activate
(inherited documentation)