Package ClusterShell :: Module NodeSet :: Class NodeSetBase
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Class NodeSetBase

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Base class for NodeSet.

This class allows node set base object creation from specified string pattern and rangeset object. If optional copy_rangeset boolean flag is set to True (default), provided rangeset object is copied (if needed), otherwise it may be referenced (should be seen as an ownership transfer upon creation).

This class implements core node set arithmetics (no string parsing here).


>>> nsb = NodeSetBase('node%s-ipmi', RangeSet('1-5,7'), False)
>>> str(nsb)
>>> nsb = NodeSetBase('node%s-ib%s', RangeSetND([['1-5,7', '1-2']]), False)
>>> str(nsb)
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, pattern=None, rangeset=None, copy_rangeset=True, autostep=None, fold_axis=None)
New NodeSetBase object initializer
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Get autostep value (property)
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set_autostep(self, val)
Set autostep value (property)
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Iterator on internal item tuples (pattern, indexes, padding, autostep).
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Iterator on single, one-item NodeSetBase objects.
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Iterator on single nodes as string.
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Iterator on single nodes as string.
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Object-based NodeSet iterator on single nodes.
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Object-based NodeSet iterator on contiguous node sets.
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Get the number of nodes in NodeSet.
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_iter_nd_pat(self, pat, rset)
Take a pattern and a RangeSetND object and iterate over nD computed nodeset strings while following fold_axis constraints.
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Get ranges-based pattern of node list.
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Return a shallow copy.
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__contains__(self, other)
Is node contained in NodeSet ?
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_binary_sanity_check(self, other) source code
issubset(self, other)
Report whether another nodeset contains this nodeset.
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issuperset(self, other)
Report whether this nodeset contains another nodeset.
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__eq__(self, other)
NodeSet equality comparison.
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__le__(self, other)
Report whether another nodeset contains this nodeset.
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__ge__(self, other)
Report whether this nodeset contains another nodeset.
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__lt__(x, y)
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__gt__(x, y)
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_extractslice(self, index)
Private utility function: extract slice parameters from slice object `index` for an list-like object of size `length`.
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__getitem__(self, index)
Return the node at specified index or a subnodeset when a slice is specified.
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_add_new(self, pat, rangeset)
Add nodes from a (pat, rangeset) tuple.
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_add(self, pat, rangeset, copy_rangeset=True)
Add nodes from a (pat, rangeset) tuple.
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union(self, other)
s.union(t) returns a new set with elements from both s and t.
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__or__(self, other)
Implements the | operator.
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add(self, other)
Add node to NodeSet.
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update(self, other)
s.update(t) returns nodeset s with elements added from t.
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updaten(self, others)
s.updaten(list) returns nodeset s with elements added from given list.
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Remove all nodes from this nodeset.
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__ior__(self, other)
Implements the |= operator.
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intersection(self, other)
s.intersection(t) returns a new set with elements common to s and t.
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__and__(self, other)
Implements the & operator.
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intersection_update(self, other)
``s.intersection_update(t)`` returns nodeset s keeping only elements also found in t.
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__iand__(self, other)
Implements the &= operator.
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difference(self, other)
``s.difference(t)`` returns a new NodeSet with elements in s but not in t.
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__sub__(self, other)
Implement the - operator.
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difference_update(self, other, strict=False)
``s.difference_update(t)`` removes from s all the elements found in t.
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__isub__(self, other)
Implement the -= operator.
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remove(self, elem)
Remove element elem from the nodeset.
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symmetric_difference(self, other)
``s.symmetric_difference(t)`` returns the symmetric difference of two nodesets as a new NodeSet.
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__xor__(self, other)
Implement the ^ operator.
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symmetric_difference_update(self, other)
``s.symmetric_difference_update(t)`` returns nodeset s keeping all nodes that are in exactly one of the nodesets.
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__ixor__(self, other)
Implement the ^= operator.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
iterable over nD 0-indexed axis
Properties [hide private]
Get autostep value (property)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, pattern=None, rangeset=None, copy_rangeset=True, autostep=None, fold_axis=None)

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New NodeSetBase object initializer

Overrides: object.__init__


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Object-based NodeSet iterator on contiguous node sets.

Contiguous node set contains nodes with same pattern name and a contiguous range of indexes, like foobar[1-100].

(Informal representation operator)

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Get ranges-based pattern of node list.

Overrides: object.__str__

_add_new(self, pat, rangeset)

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Add nodes from a (pat, rangeset) tuple. Predicate: pattern does not exist in current set. RangeSet object is referenced (not copied).

_add(self, pat, rangeset, copy_rangeset=True)

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Add nodes from a (pat, rangeset) tuple. `pat' may be an existing pattern and `rangeset' may be None. RangeSet or RangeSetND objects are copied if re-used internally when provided and if copy_rangeset flag is set.

__or__(self, other)
(Or operator)

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Implements the | operator. So s | t returns a new nodeset with elements from both s and t.

__ior__(self, other)

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Implements the |= operator. So ``s |= t`` returns nodeset s with elements added from t. (Python version 2.5+ required)

__and__(self, other)
(And operator)

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Implements the & operator. So ``s & t`` returns a new nodeset with elements common to s and t.

__iand__(self, other)

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Implements the &= operator. So ``s &= t`` returns nodeset s keeping only elements also found in t. (Python version 2.5+ required)

__sub__(self, other)
(Subtraction operator)

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Implement the - operator. So ``s - t`` returns a new nodeset with elements in s but not in t.

difference_update(self, other, strict=False)

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``s.difference_update(t)`` removes from s all the elements found in t.

:raises KeyError: an element cannot be removed (only if strict is

__isub__(self, other)

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Implement the -= operator. So ``s -= t`` returns nodeset s after removing elements found in t. (Python version 2.5+ required)

remove(self, elem)

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Remove element elem from the nodeset. Raise KeyError if elem is not contained in the nodeset.

:raises KeyError: elem is not contained in the nodeset

symmetric_difference(self, other)

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``s.symmetric_difference(t)`` returns the symmetric difference of two nodesets as a new NodeSet.

(ie. all nodes that are in exactly one of the nodesets.)

__xor__(self, other)
(Exclusive-Or operator)

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Implement the ^ operator. So ``s ^ t`` returns a new NodeSet with nodes that are in exactly one of the nodesets.

__ixor__(self, other)

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Implement the ^= operator. So ``s ^= t`` returns nodeset s after keeping all nodes that are in exactly one of the nodesets. (Python version 2.5+ required)

Property Details [hide private]


Get autostep value (property)

Get Method:
get_autostep(self) - Get autostep value (property)
Set Method:
set_autostep(self, val) - Set autostep value (property)