Package ClusterShell :: Module MsgTree
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Source Code for Module ClusterShell.MsgTree

  1  # 
  2  # Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DAM 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2016 Stephane Thiell <> 
  4  # 
  5  # This file is part of ClusterShell. 
  6  # 
  7  # ClusterShell is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  8  # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
  9  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
 10  # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
 11  # 
 12  # ClusterShell is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 15  # Lesser General Public License for more details. 
 16  # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 18  # License along with ClusterShell; if not, write to the Free Software 
 19  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 
 21  """ 
 22  MsgTree 
 24  ClusterShell message tree module. The purpose of MsgTree is to provide a 
 25  shared message tree for storing message lines received from ClusterShell 
 26  Workers (for example, from remote cluster commands). It should be 
 27  efficient, in term of algorithm and memory consumption, especially when 
 28  remote messages are the same. 
 29  """ 
 31  from itertools import ifilterfalse, imap 
 32  from operator import itemgetter 
 34  # MsgTree behavior modes 
 35  MODE_DEFER = 0 
 36  MODE_SHIFT = 1 
 37  MODE_TRACE = 2 
40 -class MsgTreeElem(object):
41 """ 42 Class representing an element of the MsgTree and its associated 43 message. Object of this class are returned by the various MsgTree 44 methods like messages() or walk(). The object can then be used as 45 an iterator over the message lines or casted into a string. 46 """
47 - def __init__(self, msgline=None, parent=None, trace=False):
48 """ 49 Initialize message tree element. 50 """ 51 # structure 52 self.parent = parent 53 self.children = {} 54 if trace: # special behavior for trace mode 55 self._shift = self._shift_trace 56 else: 57 self._shift = self._shift_notrace 58 # content 59 self.msgline = msgline 60 self.keys = None
62 - def __len__(self):
63 """Length of whole message string.""" 64 return len(str(self))
66 - def __eq__(self, other):
67 """Comparison method compares whole message strings.""" 68 return str(self) == str(other)
70 - def _add_key(self, key):
71 """Add a key to this tree element.""" 72 if self.keys is None: 73 self.keys = set([key]) 74 else: 75 self.keys.add(key)
77 - def _shift_notrace(self, key, target_elem):
78 """Shift one of our key to specified target element.""" 79 if self.keys and len(self.keys) == 1: 80 shifting = self.keys 81 self.keys = None 82 else: 83 shifting = set([key]) 84 if self.keys: 85 self.keys.difference_update(shifting) 86 87 if not target_elem.keys: 88 target_elem.keys = shifting 89 else: 90 target_elem.keys.update(shifting) 91 92 return target_elem
94 - def _shift_trace(self, key, target_elem):
95 """Shift one of our key to specified target element (trace 96 mode: keep backtrace of keys).""" 97 if not target_elem.keys: 98 target_elem.keys = set([key]) 99 else: 100 target_elem.keys.add(key) 101 return target_elem
103 - def __getitem__(self, i):
104 return list(self.lines())[i]
106 - def __iter__(self):
107 """Iterate over message lines up to this element.""" 108 bottomtop = [] 109 if self.msgline is not None: 110 bottomtop.append(self.msgline) 111 parent = self.parent 112 while parent.msgline is not None: 113 bottomtop.append(parent.msgline) 114 parent = parent.parent 115 return reversed(bottomtop)
117 - def lines(self):
118 """Get an iterator over all message lines up to this element.""" 119 return iter(self)
120 121 splitlines = lines 122
123 - def message(self):
124 """ 125 Get the whole message buffer from this tree element. 126 """ 127 # concat buffers 128 return '\n'.join(self.lines())
129 130 __str__ = message 131
132 - def append(self, msgline, key=None):
133 """ 134 A new message is coming, append it to the tree element with 135 optional associated source key. Called by MsgTree.add(). 136 Return corresponding MsgTreeElem (possibly newly created). 137 """ 138 # get/create child element 139 elem = self.children.get(msgline) 140 if elem is None: 141 elem = self.__class__(msgline, self, 142 self._shift == self._shift_trace) 143 self.children[msgline] = elem 144 145 # if no key is given, MsgTree is in MODE_DEFER 146 # shift down the given key otherwise 147 # Note: replace with ternary operator in py2.5+ 148 if key is None: 149 return elem 150 else: 151 return self._shift(key, elem)
152 153
154 -class MsgTree(object):
155 """ 156 MsgTree maps key objects to multi-lines messages. 157 158 MsgTree is a mutable object. Keys are almost arbitrary values (must 159 be hashable). Message lines are organized as a tree internally. 160 MsgTree provides low memory consumption especially on a cluster when 161 all nodes return similar messages. Also, the gathering of messages is 162 done automatically. 163 """ 164
165 - def __init__(self, mode=MODE_DEFER):
166 """MsgTree initializer 167 168 The `mode' parameter should be set to one of the following constant: 169 170 MODE_DEFER: all messages are processed immediately, saving memory from 171 duplicate message lines, but keys are associated to tree elements 172 usually later when tree is first "walked", saving useless state 173 updates and CPU time. Once the tree is "walked" for the first time, its 174 mode changes to MODE_SHIFT to keep track of further tree updates. 175 This is the default mode. 176 177 MODE_SHIFT: all keys and messages are processed immediately, it is more 178 CPU time consuming as MsgTree full state is updated at each add() call. 179 180 MODE_TRACE: all keys and messages and processed immediately, and keys 181 are kept for each message element of the tree. The special method 182 walk_trace() is then available to walk all elements of the tree. 183 """ 184 self.mode = mode 185 # root element of MsgTree 186 self._root = MsgTreeElem(trace=(mode == MODE_TRACE)) 187 # dict of keys to MsgTreeElem 188 self._keys = {}
190 - def clear(self):
191 """Remove all items from the MsgTree.""" 192 self._root = MsgTreeElem(trace=(self.mode == MODE_TRACE)) 193 self._keys.clear()
195 - def __len__(self):
196 """Return the number of keys contained in the MsgTree.""" 197 return len(self._keys)
199 - def __getitem__(self, key):
200 """Return the message of MsgTree with specified key. Raises a 201 KeyError if key is not in the MsgTree.""" 202 return self._keys[key]
204 - def get(self, key, default=None):
205 """ 206 Return the message for key if key is in the MsgTree, else default. 207 If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method 208 never raises a KeyError. 209 """ 210 return self._keys.get(key, default)
212 - def add(self, key, msgline):
213 """ 214 Add a message line associated with the given key to the MsgTree. 215 """ 216 # try to get current element in MsgTree for the given key, 217 # defaulting to the root element 218 e_msg = self._keys.get(key, self._root) 219 if self.mode >= MODE_SHIFT: 220 key_shift = key 221 else: 222 key_shift = None 223 # add child msg and update keys dict 224 self._keys[key] = e_msg.append(msgline, key_shift)
226 - def _update_keys(self):
227 """Update keys associated to tree elements (MODE_DEFER).""" 228 for key, e_msg in self._keys.iteritems(): 229 assert key is not None and e_msg is not None 230 e_msg._add_key(key) 231 # MODE_DEFER is no longer valid as keys are now assigned to MsgTreeElems 232 self.mode = MODE_SHIFT
234 - def keys(self):
235 """Return an iterator over MsgTree's keys.""" 236 return self._keys.iterkeys()
237 238 __iter__ = keys 239
240 - def messages(self, match=None):
241 """Return an iterator over MsgTree's messages.""" 242 return imap(itemgetter(0), self.walk(match))
244 - def items(self, match=None, mapper=None):
245 """ 246 Return (key, message) for each key of the MsgTree. 247 """ 248 if mapper is None: 249 mapper = lambda k: k 250 for key, elem in self._keys.iteritems(): 251 if match is None or match(key): 252 yield mapper(key), elem
254 - def _depth(self):
255 """ 256 Return the depth of the MsgTree, ie. the max number of lines 257 per message. Added for debugging. 258 """ 259 depth = 0 260 # stack of (element, depth) tuples used to walk the tree 261 estack = [(self._root, depth)] 262 263 while estack: 264 elem, edepth = estack.pop() 265 if len(elem.children) > 0: 266 estack += [(v, edepth + 1) for v in elem.children.values()] 267 depth = max(depth, edepth) 268 269 return depth
271 - def walk(self, match=None, mapper=None):
272 """ 273 Walk the tree. Optionally filter keys on match parameter, 274 and optionally map resulting keys with mapper function. 275 Return an iterator over (message, keys) tuples for each 276 different message in the tree. 277 """ 278 if self.mode == MODE_DEFER: 279 self._update_keys() 280 # stack of elements used to walk the tree (depth-first) 281 estack = [self._root] 282 while estack: 283 elem = estack.pop() 284 children = elem.children 285 if len(children) > 0: 286 estack += children.values() 287 if elem.keys: # has some keys 288 mkeys = filter(match, elem.keys) 289 if len(mkeys): 290 yield elem, map(mapper, mkeys)
292 - def walk_trace(self, match=None, mapper=None):
293 """ 294 Walk the tree in trace mode. Optionally filter keys on match 295 parameter, and optionally map resulting keys with mapper 296 function. 297 Return an iterator over 4-length tuples (msgline, keys, depth, 298 num_children). 299 """ 300 assert self.mode == MODE_TRACE, \ 301 "walk_trace() is only callable in trace mode" 302 # stack of (element, depth) tuples used to walk the tree 303 estack = [(self._root, 0)] 304 while estack: 305 elem, edepth = estack.pop() 306 children = elem.children 307 nchildren = len(children) 308 if nchildren > 0: 309 estack += [(v, edepth + 1) for v in children.values()] 310 if elem.keys: 311 mkeys = filter(match, elem.keys) 312 if len(mkeys): 313 yield elem.msgline, map(mapper, mkeys), edepth, nchildren
315 - def remove(self, match=None):
316 """ 317 Modify the tree by removing any matching key references from the 318 messages tree. 319 320 Example of use: 321 >>> msgtree.remove(lambda k: k > 3) 322 """ 323 # do not walk tree in MODE_DEFER as no key is associated 324 if self.mode != MODE_DEFER: 325 estack = [self._root] 326 # walk the tree to keep only matching keys 327 while estack: 328 elem = estack.pop() 329 if len(elem.children) > 0: 330 estack += elem.children.values() 331 if elem.keys: # has some keys 332 elem.keys = set(ifilterfalse(match, elem.keys)) 333 334 # remove key(s) from known keys dict 335 for key in filter(match, self._keys.keys()): 336 del self._keys[key]