Establish the environment for connecting to your server by using
connection information passed with a url string argument. If the HA
feature is enabled in CUBRID, you must specify the connection information
of the standby server, which is used for failover when failure occurs, in
the url string argument of this function. If the user name and password
is not given, then the "PUBLIC" connection will be made by
default. Exclusive use of keyword parameters strongly recommended.
Consult the CUBRID CCI documentation for more details. Parameters:
<url> ::= <host>:<db_name>:<db_user>:<db_password>:[?<properties>]
<properties> ::= <property> [&<property>]
<property> ::= althosts=<alternative_hosts> [&rctime=<time>]
<alternative_hosts> ::= <standby_broker1_host>:<port>
<host> := HOSTNAME | IP_ADDR
<time> := SECOND
host : A host name or IP address of the master database
db_name : A name of the database
db_user : A name of the database user
db_password : A database user password
alhosts: Specifies the broker information of the standby server,
which is used for failover when it is impossible to connect to
the active server. You can specify multiple brokers for failover,
and the connection to the brokers is attempted in the order listed
in alhosts
rctime : An interval between the attempts to connect to the active
broker in which failure occurred. After a failure occurs, the
system connects to the broker specified by althosts (failover),
terminates the transaction, and then attempts to connect to the
active broker of the master database at every rctime. The default
value is 600 seconds.
Return a connection object.