Source code for TkApplication

# TkApplication class.  Superclass for applications using the Tkinter framework
# Applications using the BrickPi derive from this, implementing appropriate functionality.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Charles Weir.  Shared under the MIT Licence.

import Tkinter as tk

from BrickPiWrapper import BrickPiWrapper
import logging

[docs]class TkApplication(BrickPiWrapper): ''' Main application class using the Tk toolkit. Implements the regular calls required by the scheduler. The default implementation creates a simple small window which exits when it receives the 'Q' key, but this can be changed by overriding the doInitialization() method. ''' def __init__(self, sensorConfiguration={}): '''Initialization: *sensorConfiguration* is a map as passed to BrickPiWrapper''' BrickPiWrapper.__init__(self, sensorConfiguration ) self.root = tk.Tk() self.doInitialization() self.timerTick()
[docs] def doInitialization(self): 'Default initialization function with a simple window - override if you want something different' self.root.geometry('300x200') self.label = tk.Label(text="BrickPi") self.label.pack() self.root.bind('<KeyPress>', self.onKeyPress)
[docs] def mainloop(self): 'The main loop for the application - call this after initialization. Returns on exit.' self.root.mainloop()
def timerTick(self): # Private: Does all the coroutine processing, every 20ms or so. self.doWork() self.root.after(int(self.timeMillisToNextCall()), self.timerTick)
[docs] def onKeyPress(self, event): '''Default key press handling - answers True if it's handled the key. Override this function to add extra keypress handling. ''' char = event.char if char == "": # Key such as shift or control... pass elif(char=='q'): "Application terminated") self.root.destroy() else: return False return True