# Motor and associated classes, representing a motor attached to one of the BrickPi ports.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Charles Weir. Shared under the MIT Licence.
from Scheduler import Scheduler
import logging
[docs]class PIDSetting():
'''Settings for the PID servo algorithm. These may differ between motors. The default values are here.
Distances are in clicks, times in ms, motor power between -255 and +255, the sum of distance is added 20 times/sec.
Speeds in clicks per second.
def __init__(self,distanceMultiplier=0.9,speedMultiplier=0.23,integratedDistanceMultiplier=(0.05/20.0),
closeEnoughPosition=4, closeEnoughSpeed=10.0):
#: Factor for motor power as function of distance - in power units per click distance.
self.distanceMultiplier = distanceMultiplier
#: Factor for motor power as function of speed - in power units per (click per millisecond)
self.speedMultiplier = speedMultiplier
#: Factor for motor power as a function of the integrated distance - in power units per (click-millisecond)
self.integratedDistanceMultiplier = integratedDistanceMultiplier
#: Distance in clicks from the target that we'll accept as got there.
self.closeEnoughPosition = closeEnoughPosition
#: Speed that we'll consider as close enough to zero.
self.closeEnoughSpeed = closeEnoughSpeed
def __repr__(self):
return "PID Setting (distanceMultiplier=%3.4f, speedMultiplier=%3.4f, integratedDistanceMultiplier=%3.4f)" % (self.distanceMultiplier,
self.speedMultiplier, self.integratedDistanceMultiplier)
[docs]class TimePosition():
"Represents a motor position at a specific time. Time in milliseconds, position in clicks."
def __init__(self,time=0.0,position=0):
#: Time created
self.time = float(time)
#: Position at that time
self.position = int(position)
def __repr__(self):
return "TimeDist (%.3f, %d)" % (self.time, self.position)
[docs] def averageSpeedFrom(self, other):
'Answers the speed in clicks per second coming to this point from other'
result = 0.0
if self.time != other.time:
result = 1000.0 * (self.position - other.position) / (self.time - other.time)
return result
[docs]class Motor():
'''An NXT motor connected to a BrickPi port.
A motor is identified by its idChar ('A' through 'D').
It has a current position, relative to the basePosition it has set, and a current speed.
It also defines coroutines to position it using the standard PID servo motor algorithm, and
to run at a specific speed.
def timeMillis(self):
# Answers the current time - member function so we can mock it easily for testing.
return Scheduler.currentTimeMillis()
def __init__(self, port, scheduler = None):
self.port = port
#: Identifier for the motor
self.idChar = chr(port + ord('A'))
self._enabled = False
self._position = 0
self._power = 0
self.pidSetting = PIDSetting()
self.currentTP = self.previousTP = TimePosition(0, self.timeMillis())
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.basePosition = 0
[docs] def setPIDSetting( self, pidSetting ):
'Sets the parameters for the PID servo motor algorithm'
self.pidSetting = pidSetting
[docs] def setPower(self, p):
'Sets the power to be sent to the motor'
self._power = int(p)
[docs] def power(self):
'Answers the current power setting'
return self._power
[docs] def position(self):
'Answers the current position'
return self.currentTP.position
[docs] def enabled(self):
'Answers true if the motor is enabled'
return self._enabled
[docs] def enable(self, whether):
'Sets whether the motor is enabled'
self._enabled = whether
[docs] def zeroPosition(self):
'Resets the motor base for its position to the current position.'
self.basePosition += self.position()
[docs] def speed(self):
'Answers the current speed calculated from the latest two position readings'
return self.currentTP.averageSpeedFrom( self.previousTP )
def __repr__(self):
return "Motor %s (location=%d, speed=%f)" % (self.idChar, self.position(), self.speed())
def updatePosition(self, newPosition):
# Called by the framework when the BrickPi provides a new motor position.
self.previousTP = self.currentTP
self.currentTP = TimePosition( self.timeMillis(), newPosition - self.basePosition )
[docs] def stopAndDisable(self):
'Stops and disables the motor'
logging.info("Motor %s stopped" % (self.idChar))
[docs] def moveTo( self, *args, **kwargs ):
'Alternative name for coroutine positionUsingPIDAlgorithm'
return self.positionUsingPIDAlgorithm( *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def positionUsingPIDAlgorithm( self, target, timeoutMillis = 3000 ):
'Coroutine to move the motor to position *target*, stopping after *timeoutMillis* if it hasnt reached it yet'
return self.scheduler.withTimeout( timeoutMillis, self.positionUsingPIDAlgorithmWithoutTimeout( target ) )
[docs] def positionUsingPIDAlgorithmWithoutTimeout( self, target ):
'Coroutine to move the motor to position *target*, using the PID algorithm with the current PIDSettings'
distanceIntegratedOverTime = 0 # I bit of PID.
logging.info( "Motor %s moving to %d" % (self.idChar, target) )
while True:
delta = (target - self.currentTP.position)
distanceIntegratedOverTime += delta * (self.currentTP.time - self.previousTP.time)
speed = self.speed()
if abs(delta) <= self.pidSetting.closeEnoughPosition and abs(speed) < self.pidSetting.closeEnoughSpeed:
break # Near enough - finish.
power = (self.pidSetting.distanceMultiplier * delta
- self.pidSetting.speedMultiplier * speed
+ self.pidSetting.integratedDistanceMultiplier * distanceIntegratedOverTime )
self.setPower( power )
[docs] def setSpeed( self, targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond, timeoutMillis = 3000 ):
'Coroutine to run the motor at constant speed *targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond* for time *timeoutMillis*'
return self.scheduler.withTimeout( timeoutMillis, self.runAtConstantSpeed( targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond ) )
[docs] def runAtConstantSpeed( self, targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond ):
'''Coroutine to run the motor at constant speed *targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond*
# TODO: Algorithm needs work.
# Seems to hunt rather than stick at a fixed speed, and magic numbers should be configurable.
speedErrorMargin = 10
power = 20.0
if targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond < 0:
power = -power
logging.info( "Motor %s moving at constant speed %.3f" % (self.idChar, targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond) )
while abs(targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond - 0.0) > speedErrorMargin: # Don't move if the target speed is zero.
speed = self.speed()
if abs(speed - targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond) < speedErrorMargin:
elif abs(speed) < abs(targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond):
power *= 1.1
elif abs(speed) > abs(targetSpeedInClicksPerSecond):
power /= 1.1
self.setPower( power )