Source code for BrickPiWrapper

# Wrapper class for the BrickPi() structure provided with the installation.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Charles Weir.  Shared under the MIT Licence.

from Motor import Motor
from Sensor import Sensor
import BrickPi as BP
from Scheduler import Scheduler

[docs]class BrickPiWrapper(Scheduler): ''' This extends the Scheduler with functionality specific to the BrickPi The constructor takes a map giving the class for the sensor connected to each port: 1 through 5. E.g. BrickPiWrapper( {'1': TouchSensor, '2': UltrasonicSensor } ) Motors and sensors are identified by their port names: motors are A to D; sensors 1 to 5. ''' def __init__(self, portTypes = {} ): Scheduler.__init__(self) self.motors = { 'A': Motor(BP.PORT_A, self), 'B': Motor(BP.PORT_B, self), 'C': Motor(BP.PORT_C, self), 'D': Motor(BP.PORT_D, self) } self.sensors = { } BP.BrickPiSetup() # setup the serial port for communication for port, sensorType in portTypes.items(): if isinstance(sensorType, int): sensor = Sensor(port, sensorType) else: sensor = sensorType(port) self.sensors[sensor.idChar] = sensor BP.BrickPi.SensorType[sensor.port] = sensor.type BP.BrickPiSetupSensors() #Send the properties of sensors to BrickPi self.setUpdateCoroutine( self.updaterCoroutine() )
[docs] def motor( self, which ): '''Answers the corresponding motor, e.g. motor('A') ''' return self.motors[which]
[docs] def sensor( self, which ): '''Answers the corresponding sensor, e.g. sensor('1') ''' return self.sensors[which]
def update(self): # Communicates with the BrickPi processor, sending current motor settings, and receiving sensor values. global BrickPi for motor in self.motors.values(): BP.BrickPi.MotorEnable[motor.port] = int(motor.enabled()) BP.BrickPi.MotorSpeed[motor.port] = motor.power() # Updates sensor readings, motor locations, and motor power settings. # Takes about 6ms. BP.BrickPiUpdateValues() for motor in self.motors.values(): position = BP.BrickPi.Encoder[motor.port] if not isinstance( position, ( int, long ) ): # For mac position = 0 motor.updatePosition( position ) for sensor in self.sensors.values(): value = BP.BrickPi.Sensor[sensor.port] if not isinstance( value, ( int, long ) ): # For mac value = 0 sensor.updateValue( value ) def updaterCoroutine(self): # Coroutine to call the update function. while True: self.update() yield