constants – physical constants and cosmological calculations
The constants module contains attributes storing physical constants and
conversion factors. Most of these are at the package level and should be
imported as:
from astropysics.constants import c,G,ergperev
The following constants are included (all in cgs units):
- G: Newton’s gravitational constant
- mp: proton mass
- me: electron mass
- e: electron charge
- Ms: solar mass
- Mj: jupiter mass
- Me: earth mass
- Rs: solar radius
- Rj: jupiter radius
- Re: mean earth radius
- Rea: equatorial earth radius (as defined by WGS84)
- Reb: polar earth radius (as defined by WGS84)
- Lsun: solar luminosity
- kb: boltzmann’s constant
- Rb: gas constant
- c: speed of light - exact
- h: planck’s constant
- hbar: reduced planck’s constant
- g0: mean earth gravitational acceleration at sea level
The following unit conversion factors are also provided:
- ergperev
- secperday
- secperyr
- secpergyr
- cmperpc
- pcpercm
- lyperpc
- pcperly
- cmperau
- aupercm
- asecperrad
- auperpc (same as asecperrad)
Additional, convinience or derived values include:
- GMskm: Standard gravitational parameter for the sun in km^3 s^-2
- GMsau: Standard gravitational parameter for the sun in AU km^2 s^-2
- GMspc: Standard gravitational parameter for the sun in pc km^2 s^-2
The package also includes classes representing various cosmologies that are used
to derive relevant cosmological parameters. The current default is the
WMAP7Cosmology, based on the LCDM cosmology with parameters favored by
The cosmological parameters for the builtin cosmologies are:
- H0: Hubble’s constant (all cosmologies)
- h: H0/100 (all cosmologies)
- h7: H0/70 (all cosmologies)
- omega: Total energy density as a fraction of the critical density (any FRW)
- omegaR: radiataion desnity (any FRW)
- omegaM: total matter density (any FRW)
- omegaL: dark energy/cosmological constant density (any FRW)
- omegaK: curvature density (any FRW)
- sigma8: rmc density fluctuation amplitude at 8 Mpc/h (WMAP)
- omegaB: Baryon density (WMAP)
- omegaC: dark/non-baryonic matter density (WMAP)
- ns: primordial power spectrum index (WMAP)
- t0: Age of universe in Gyr (WMAP)
The currently active cosmology will export it’s parameters so they should be
used in other modules as:
from astropysics.constants import H0,omega
Classes and Inheritance Structure
Module API
class astropysics.constants.Cosmology
Bases: object
A base class for a cosmology - intended to be subclassed, as this cosmology
only has a hubble constant.
- All cosmologies should have a hubble constant (H0) in km/s/Mpc
- Subclasses should also define a class variable _params with a list
of strings that specify the names of the cosmological parameters for the
subclasses cosmology. These will be exported to the constants module.
- Error bars for parameters in _params can optional be specified as
a class variable <paramname>_err. These should be a tuple
H0 = 0
Hubble constant
for this cosmology in units of km s^-1/Mpc.
Returns the requested parameter’s value and its associated errors.
Parameters: | parname – The name of the parameter to be retrieved. |
Returns: | A tuple (parval,lowererr,uppererr) |
Reduced Hubble constant:
Reduced Hubble constant:
Reduced Hubble constant:
Names of the cosmological parameters for this Cosmology.
class astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.Cosmology
A cosmology based on the FRW metric with a global density, a matter
density, and a radiation density, and a comological constant as
specified at z=0
default values are approximately LambdaCDM
H0 = 72
computeOmegaKz(z, units='cgs')
compute curvature density at arbitrary redshift
compute cosmological constant density at arbitrary redshift
compute matter density at arbitrary redshift
compute radiation density at arbitrary redshift
Virial overdensity asparamaterized in Bryan&Norman 98 for a given
Good to 1% for omega(z) = 0.1-1, requires either omega = 1 (flat
universe) or omega_lambda = 0.
omegaL = 0.7
omegaM = 0.3
omegaR = 0
rho(z=0, units='cgs')
mean density in this cosmology
units can be ‘cgs’ or ‘cosmological’ (Mpc,Msun)
rhoC(z=0, units='cgs')
Computes the critical density at a given redshift, e.g.
Parameters: |
- z (scalar or array) – redshift at which to compute critical density
- units (string) –
- ‘cgs’: g/cm^3
- ‘cosmological’: Msun/Mpc^3
Returns: | Critical density in the requested units
Raises ValueError: |
| if an unrecognized units string is given
class astropysics.constants.SCDMCosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
“Standard” CDM – flat, with no cosmological constant.
omegaL = 0
omegaM = 1.0
omegaR = 0
class astropysics.constants.WMAP3AllCosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
WMAP3+all (
H0 = 70.4
H0_err = (1.6, 1.5)
ns = 0.947
ns_err = 0.015
omegaB = 0.04266666666666667
omegaB_err = 0.0013
omegaC = 0.19766666666666668
omegaC_err = (0.0079, 0.0077)
omegaL = 0.7596666666666667
omegaL_err = 0.018
sigma8 = 0.776
sigma8_err = (0.032, 0.031)
class astropysics.constants.WMAP3Cosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
WMAP3 only (
H0 = 73.2
H0_err = (3.2, 3.1)
ns = 0.958
ns_err = 0.016
omegaB = 0.044
omegaB_err = 0.0014
omegaC = 0.224
omegaC_err = 0.014
omegaL = 0.732
omegaL_err = 0.034
sigma8 = 0.761
sigma8_err = (0.048, 0.049)
class astropysics.constants.WMAP5BAOSNCosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
H0 = 70.1
H0_err = 1.3
ns = 0.96
ns_err = (0.013, 0.014)
omegaB = 0.046
omegaB_err = 0.0015
omegaC = 0.233
omegaC_err = 0.013
omegaL = 0.721
omegaL_err = 0.015
sigma8 = 0.817
sigma8_err = 0.026
t0 = 13.73
t0_err = 0.12
class astropysics.constants.WMAP5Cosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
WMAP5-only (
H0 = 71.9
H0_err = (2.7, 2.6)
ns = 0.963
ns_err = (0.015, 0.014)
omegaB = 0.044
omegaB_err = 0.003
omegaC = 0.214
omegaC_err = 0.027
omegaL = 0.742
omegaL_err = 0.03
sigma8 = 0.796
sigma8_err = 0.036
t0 = 13.69
t0_err = 0.13
class astropysics.constants.WMAP7BAOH0Cosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
H0 = 70.4
H0_err = (1.4, 1.3)
ns = 0.963
ns_err = 0.012
omegaB = 0.045
omegaB_err = 0.0016
omegaC = 0.227
omegaC_err = 0.014
omegaL = 0.728
omegaL_err = (0.016, 0.015)
sigma8 = 0.809
sigma8_err = 0.024
t0 = 13.78
t0_err = 0.11
class astropysics.constants.WMAP7Cosmology
Bases: astropysics.constants.FRWCosmology
WMAP7-only (
H0 = 71.0
H0_err = 2.5
ns = 0.963
ns_err = 0.014
omegaB = 0.044
omegaB_err = 0.0028
omegaC = 0.222
omegaC_err = 0.026
omegaL = 0.734
omegaL_err = 0.029
sigma8 = 0.801
sigma8_err = 0.03
t0 = 13.71
t0_err = 0.13
astropysics.constants.choose_cosmology(nameorobj, autoupdate=True, args=None, kwargs=None)
Change the currently active cosmology and export its cosmological parameters
into the package namespace.
Parameters: |
- nameorobj (string or Cosmology object) – the new cosmology to use
- autoupdate (bool) – If True, the cosmology object will automatically propogate changes to
its parameters up to the module variables. Otherwise,
update_cosmology() must be called explicitly to have this behavior
- args (dictionary or None) – If nameorobj is a string, these are passed in as positional arguments
to the object initializer (if not None). Otherwise it is ignored.
- args – If nameorobj is a string, these are passed in as keyword arguments to
the object initializer (if not None). Otherwise it is ignored.
Returns: | the Cosmology object after being assigned as current.
astropysics.constants.flambda_to_fnu_l(flambda, lamb)
astropysics.constants.flambda_to_fnu_n(flambda, nu)
astropysics.constants.fnu_to_flambda_l(fnu, lamb)
astropysics.constants.fnu_to_flambda_n(fnu, nu)
If name is None, will retreive the currently in use Cosmology instance.
Otherwise, returns the subclass of Cosmology with the provided
Returns the names of all cosmology types in the registry
astropysics.constants.register_cosmology(cosmocls, name=None)
Add the provided subclass of Cosmology to the cosmology registry
if name is None, the name will be inferred from the class name, otherwise
updates the package-level variables for changes in the current Cosmology