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phoenix_title wx.richtext.RichTextCompositeObject

Objects of this class can contain other objects.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RichTextCompositeObject:

method_summary Methods Summary

AppendChild Appends a child, returning the position.
CalculateRange Calculates the range of the object.
Defragment Recursively merges all pieces that can be merged.
DeleteChildren Deletes all the children.
DeleteRange Deletes the given range.
FindPosition Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character position.
GetChild Returns the nth child.
GetChildAtPosition Returns the child object at the given character position.
GetChildCount Returns the number of children.
GetChildren Returns the children.
GetRangeSize Returns the object size for the given range.
GetTextForRange Returns any text in this object for the given range.
HitTest Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus information about position.
InsertChild Inserts the child in front of the given object, or at the beginning.
Invalidate Invalidates the object at the given range.
IsAtomic Returns True if no user editing can be done inside the object.
IsComposite Returns True if this object is composite.
IsEmpty Returns True if the buffer is empty.
Move Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new.
RemoveChild Removes and optionally deletes the specified child.

property_summary Properties Summary

ChildCount See GetChildCount
Children See GetChildren

api Class API

class wx.richtext.RichTextCompositeObject(RichTextObject)

Possible constructors:


Objects of this class can contain other objects.


__init__(self, parent=None)
Parameters:parent (wx.richtext.RichTextObject) –

AppendChild(self, child)

Appends a child, returning the position.

Parameters:child (wx.richtext.RichTextObject) –
Return type:int

CalculateRange(self, start)

Calculates the range of the object.

By default, guess that the object is 1 unit long.

Parameters:start (long) –
Return type:end

Copy(self, obj)
Parameters:obj (wx.richtext.RichTextCompositeObject) –

Defragment(self, context, range=RICHTEXT_ALL)

Recursively merges all pieces that can be merged.

Return type:



Deletes all the children.

Return type:bool

DeleteRange(self, range)

Deletes the given range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –
Return type:bool

FindPosition(self, dc, context, index, forceLineStart)

Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character position.

Return type:



( bool, pt, height )

GetChild(self, n)

Returns the nth child.

Parameters:n (int) –
Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextObject

GetChildAtPosition(self, pos)

Returns the child object at the given character position.

Parameters:pos (long) –
Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextObject


Returns the number of children.

Return type:int


Returns the children.

Return type:RichTextObjectList

GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=Point(0, 0), parentSize=DefaultSize, partialExtents=None)

Returns the object size for the given range.

Returns False if the range is invalid for this object.

Return type:


GetTextForRange(self, range)

Returns any text in this object for the given range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –
Return type:string

HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0)

Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus information about position.

contextObj is returned to specify what object position is relevant to, since otherwise there’s an ambiguity. @ obj might not be a child of contextObj, since we may be referring to the container itself if we have no hit on a child - for example if we click outside an object.

The function puts the position in textPosition if one is found. pt is in logical units (a zero y position is at the beginning of the buffer).

Return type:



( int, textPosition, obj, contextObj )

InsertChild(self, child, inFrontOf)

Inserts the child in front of the given object, or at the beginning.

Return type:


Invalidate(self, invalidRange=RICHTEXT_ALL)

Invalidates the object at the given range.

With no argument, invalidates the whole object.

Parameters:invalidRange (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –


Returns True if no user editing can be done inside the object.

This returns True for simple objects, False for most composite objects, but True for fields, which if composite, should not be user-edited.

Return type:bool


Returns True if this object is composite.

Return type:bool


Returns True if the buffer is empty.

Return type:bool

Move(self, pt)

Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new.

Parameters:pt (wx.Point) –

RemoveChild(self, child, deleteChild=False)

Removes and optionally deletes the specified child.

Return type:




See GetChildCount


See GetChildren