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phoenix_title wx.richtext.RichTextRange

This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RichTextRange:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default constructor.
Contains Returns True if pos was within the range.
FromInternal Converts the internal range, which uses the first and last character positions of the range, to the API-standard range, whose end is one past the last character in the range.
Get Return the start and end properties as a tuple.
GetEnd Gets the end position.
GetIM Returns an immutable representation of the wx.RichTextRange object, based on namedtuple.
GetLength Gets the length of the range.
GetStart Returns the start position.
IsOutside Returns True if this range is completely outside range.
IsWithin Returns True if this range is completely within range.
LimitTo Limit this range to be within range.
SetEnd Sets the end position.
SetRange Sets the range start and end positions.
SetStart Sets the start position.
Swap Swaps the start and end.
ToInternal Converts the API-standard range, whose end is one past the last character in the range, to the internal form, which uses the first and last character positions of the range.
__ne__ Inequality operator.
__add__ Adds a range to this range.
__sub__ Subtracts a range from this range.
__eq__ Equality operator.

property_summary Properties Summary

End See GetEnd and SetEnd
Length See GetLength
Start See GetStart and SetStart

api Class API

class wx.richtext.RichTextRange(object)

Possible constructors:


RichTextRange(start, end)


This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self)

Default constructor.

__init__ (self, start, end)

Constructor taking start and end positions.

  • start (long) –
  • end (long) –

__init__ (self, range)

Copy constructor.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –

Contains(self, pos)

Returns True if pos was within the range.

Does not match if the range is empty.

Parameters:pos (long) –
Return type:bool


Converts the internal range, which uses the first and last character positions of the range, to the API-standard range, whose end is one past the last character in the range.

In other words, one is added to the end position. (n, n+1) is the range of a single character.

Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextRange


Return the start and end properties as a tuple.

Return type:tuple
Returns:( start, end )


Gets the end position.

Return type:long


Returns an immutable representation of the wx.RichTextRange object, based on namedtuple.

This new object is hashable and can be used as a dictionary key, be added to sets, etc. It can be converted back into a real wx.RichTextRange with a simple statement like this: obj = wx.RichTextRange(imObj).


Gets the length of the range.

Return type:long


Returns the start position.

Return type:long

IsOutside(self, range)

Returns True if this range is completely outside range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –
Return type:bool

IsWithin(self, range)

Returns True if this range is completely within range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –
Return type:bool

LimitTo(self, range)

Limit this range to be within range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –
Return type:bool

SetEnd(self, end)

Sets the end position.

Parameters:end (long) –

SetRange(self, start, end)

Sets the range start and end positions.

  • start (long) –
  • end (long) –

SetStart(self, start)

Sets the start position.

Parameters:start (long) –


Swaps the start and end.


Converts the API-standard range, whose end is one past the last character in the range, to the internal form, which uses the first and last character positions of the range.

In other words, one is subtracted from the end position. (n, n) is the range of a single character.

Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextRange

__getitem__(self, idx)





__setitem__(self, idx, val)



Inequality operator.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –


Adds a range to this range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –


Subtracts a range from this range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –


Equality operator.

Returns True if range is the same as this range.

Parameters:range (wx.richtext.RichTextRange) –



See GetEnd and SetEnd


See GetLength


See GetStart and SetStart