Process Flow Examples

The information in this section displays the general path taken to build using ATK with Python.

Python Path Setup

The location of the ‘trustedanalytics’ directory should be added to the PYTHONPATH environmental variable prior to starting Python. This can be done from a shell script, like this:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/lib/ # appends path where trustedanalytics directory exists to
                                        # any existing path
                                        # this could also be added to .bashrc or other profile script
python  # starts python CLI

This way, from inside Python, it is easier to load and connect to the REST server:

>>> import trustedanalytics as ta
>>> ta.connect()

Raw Data

Data is made up of variables of heterogeneous types (for example: strings, integers, and floats) that can be organized as a collection of rows and columns, similar to a table or spreadsheet. Each row corresponds to the data associated with one observation, and each column corresponds to a variable being observed. See the Python API Data Types for a current list of data types supported.

To see the data types supported:

>>> print ta.valid_data_types

You should see a list of variable types similar to this:

float32, float64, int32, int64, unicode
(and aliases: float->float64, int->int32, long->int64, str->unicode)


Although Trusted Analytics Platform utilizes the NumPy package, NumPy values of positive infinity (np.inf), negative infinity (-np.inf) or nan (np.nan) are treated as None. Results of any user-defined functions which deal with such values are automatically converted to None, so any further usage of those data points should treat the values as None.

Ingesting the Raw Data

See the API section Data Sources for the various methods of ingesting data.

Importing a CSV file.

These are some rows from a CSV file:

"next",5,"or not",1.0

CSV files contain rows of information separated by new-line characters. Within each row, the data fields are separated from each other by some standard character. In the above example, the separating character is a comma (,).

To import data, you must tell the system how the input file is formatted. This is done by defining a schema. Schemas are constructed as a list of tuples, each of which contains an ASCII-character name and the item’s data type, ordered according to the order of columns in the input file.

Given a file datasets/small_songs.csv whose contents look like this:

1,"Easy on My Mind"
2,"No Rest For The Wicked"
3,"Does Your Chewing Gum"
4,"Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves"
5,"Symphony No. 5"

Create a variable to hold the file name (for easier reuse):

>>> my_data_file = "datasets/small_songs.csv"

Create the schema my_schema with two columns: id (int32), and title (str):

>>> my_schema = [('id', ta.int32), ('title', str)]

The schema and file name are used in the CsvFile() command to describe the file format:

>>> my_csv_description = ta.CsvFile(my_data_file, my_schema)

The data fields are separated by a character delimiter. The default delimiter to separate column data is a comma. It can be changed with the parameter delimiter:

>>> my_csv_description = ta.CsvFile(my_data_file, my_schema, delimiter = ",")

This can be helpful if the delimiter is something other than a comma, for example, \t for tab-delimited records.

Occasionally, there are header lines in the data file. For example, these lines may describe the source or format of the data. If there are lines at the beginning of the file, they should be skipped by the import mechanism. The number of lines to skip is specified by the skip_header_lines parameter:

>>> csv_description = ta.CsvFile(my_data_file, my_schema, skip_header_lines = 5)


See Errata for an issue skipping header lines.

Now we use the schema and the file name to create CsvFile objects, which define the data layouts:

>>> my_csv = ta.CsvFile(my_data_file, my_schema)
>>> csv1 = ta.CsvFile(file_name="data1.csv", schema=schema_ab)
>>> csv2 = ta.CsvFile(file_name="more_data.txt", schema=schema_ab)

>>> raw_csv_data_file = "datasets/my_data.csv"
>>> column_schema_list = [("x", ta.float64), ("y", ta.float64), ("z", str)]
>>> csv4 = ta.CsvFile(file_name=raw_csv_data_file, schema=column_schema_list, delimiter='|', skip_header_lines=2)


A Frame is a class of objects capable of accessing and controlling “big data”. The data can be visualized as a two-dimensional table structure of rows and columns. Trusted Analytics Platform can handle frames with large volumes of data, because it is designed to work with data spread over multiple machines.

Create a Frame

There are several ways to create frames:

  1. As “empty”, with no schema or data
  2. With a schema and data
  3. By copying (all or a part of) another frame
  4. As a return value from a Frame-based method; this is part of the ETL data flow.

See the Python API Frames section for more information.


Create an empty frame:

>>> my_frame = ta.Frame()

The Frame my_frame is now a Python object which references an empty frame that has been created on the server.

To create a frame defined by the schema my_csv (see Importing a CSV file.), import the data, give the frame the name myframe, and create a Frame object, my_frame, to access it:

>>> my_frame = ta.Frame(source=my_csv, name='myframe')

To copy the frame myframe, create a Frame my_frame2 to access it, and give it a new name, because the name must always be unique:

>>> my_frame2 = my_frame.copy(name = "copy_of_myframe")

To create a new frame with only columns x and z from the original frame myframe, and save the Frame object as my_frame3:

>>> my_frame3 = my_frame.copy(['x', 'z'], name = "copy2_of_myframe")

To create a frame copy of the original columns x and z, but only those rows where z is TRUE:

>>> my_frame4 = my_frame.copy(['x', 'z'], where = (lambda row: Harry Potter in row.title),
... name = "copy_of_myframe_true")

Frames are handled by reference. Commands such as f4 = my_frame will only give you a copy of the Frame proxy pointing to the same data.

Let’s create a Frame and examine its contents:

>>> small_songs = ta.Frame(my_csv, name = "small_songs")
>>> small_songs.inspect()
>>> small_songs.get_error_frame().inspect()


The append method adds rows and columns of data to a frame. Columns and rows are added to the database structure, and data is imported as appropriate. If columns are the same in both name and data type, the appended data will go into the existing column.

As an example, let’s start with a frame containing two columns a and b. The frame can be accessed by Frame my_frame1. We can look at the data and structure of the database by using the inspect method:

>>> my_frame1.inspect()

  a:str   b:ta.int64
  apple          182
  bear            71
  car           2048

Given another frame, accessed by Frame my_frame2 with one column c:

>>> my_frame2.inspect()


With append:

>>> my_frame1.append(my_frame2)

The result is that the first frame would have the data from both frames. It would still be accessed by Frame my_frame1:

>>> my_frame1.inspect()

  a:str     b:ta.int64     c:str
  apple        182         None
  bear          71         None
  car         2048         None
  None        None         dog
  None        None         cat

Try this example with data files objects1.csv and objects2.csv:

>>> objects1 = ta.Frame(ta.CsvFile("datasets/objects1.csv", schema=[('Object', str), ('Count', ta.int64)], skip_header_lines=1), 'objects1')
>>> objects2 = ta.Frame(ta.CsvFile("datasets/objects2.csv", schema=[('Thing', str)], skip_header_lines=1), 'objects2')

>>> objects1.inspect()
>>> objects2.inspect()

>>> objects1.append(objects2)
>>> objects1.inspect()

See also the join method in the API section.

Inspect the Data

Trusted Analytics Platform provides several methods that allow you to inspect your data, including inspect and take. The Frame class also contains frame information like row_count.


To see the number of rows:

>>> objects1.row_count

To see the number of columns:

>>> len(objects1.schema)

To see the Frame pointer:

>>> objects1

To see two rows of data:

>>> objects1.inspect(2)

Gives you something like this:

  a:ta.float64  b:ta.int64
    12.3000            500
   195.1230         183954

The take() method makes a list of lists of frame data. Each list has the data from a row in the frame accessed by the Frame, in this case, 3 rows beginning from row 2.

>>> subset_of_objects1 = objects1.take(3, offset=2)
>>> print subset_of_objects1

Gives you something like this:

[[12.3, 500], [195.123, 183954], [12.3, 500]]


The row sequence of the data is NOT guaranteed to match the sequence of the input file. When the data is spread out over multiple clusters, the original sequence of rows from the raw data is lost. Also, the sequence order of the columns is changed (from original data) by some commands.

Some more examples to try:

>>> animals = ta.Frame(ta.CsvFile("datasets/animals.csv", schema=[('User', ta.int32), ('animals', str), ('int1', ta.int64), ('int2', ta.int64), ('Float1', ta.float64), ('Float2', ta.float64)], skip_header_lines=1), 'animals')
>>> animals.inspect()
>>> freq = animals.top_k('animals', animals.row_count)
>>> freq.inspect(freq.row_count)

>>> from pprint import *
>>> summary = {}
>>> for col in ['int1', 'int2', 'Float1', 'Float2']:
...     summary[col] = animals.column_summary_statistics(col)
...     pprint(summary[col])

Clean the Data

The process of “data cleaning” encompasses the identification and removal or repair of incomplete, incorrect, or malformed information in a data set. The Trusted Analytics Platform Python API provides much of the functionality necessary for these tasks. It is important to keep in mind that it was designed for data scalability. Thus, using external Python packages for these tasks, while possible, may not provide the same level of efficiency.


Unless stated otherwise, cleaning functions use the Frame proxy to operate directly on the data, so they change the data in the frame, rather than return a new frame with the changed data. Copying the data to a new frame on a regular basis and work on the new frame, provides a fallback if something does not work as expected:

>>> next_frame = current_frame.copy()

In general, the following functions select rows of data based upon the data in the row. For details about row selection based upon its data see Python User Functions.

Example of data cleaning:

>>> def clean_animals(row):
...     if 'basset hound' in row.animals:
...         return 'dog'
...     elif 'guinea pig' in row.animals:
...         return 'cavy'
...     else:
...         return row.animals

>>> animals.add_columns(clean_animals, ('animals_cleaned', str))
>>> animals.drop_columns('animals')
>>> animals.rename_columns({'animals_cleaned' : 'animals'})

Drop Rows:

The drop_rows method takes a predicate function and removes all rows for which the predicate evaluates to True.


Drop any rows in the animals frame where the value in column int2 is negative:

>>> animals.drop_rows(lambda row: row['int2'] < 0)

To drop any rows where a is empty:

>>> my_frame.drop_rows(lambda row: row['a'] is None)

To drop any rows where any column is empty:

>>> my_frame.drop_rows(lambda row: any([cell is None for cell in row]))

Filter Rows:

The filter method is like drop_rows, except it removes all rows for which the predicate evaluates to False.


To delete those rows where field b is outside the range of 0 to 10:

>>> my_frame.filter(lambda row: 0 >= row['b'] AND row['b'] >= 10)

Drop Duplicates:

The drop_duplicates method performs a row uniqueness comparison across the whole table.


To drop any rows where the data in a and column b are duplicates of some previously evaluated row:

>>> my_frame.drop_duplicates(['a', 'b'])

To drop all duplicate rows where the columns User and animals have the same values as in some previous row:

>>> animals.drop_duplicates(['User', 'animals'])

Drop Columns:

Columns can be dropped either with a string matching the column name or a list of strings:

>>> my_frame.drop_columns('b')
>>> my_frame.drop_columns(['a', 'c'])

Rename Columns:

Columns can be renamed by giving the existing column name and the new name, in the form of a dictionary. Unicode characters should not be used for column names.

Rename a to “id”:

>>> my_frame.rename_columns({'a': 'id'})

Rename column b to “author” and c to “publisher”:

>>> my_frame.rename_columns({'b': 'author', 'c': 'publisher'})

Transform the Data

Often, you will need to create new data based upon the existing data. For example, you need the first name combined with the last name, or you need the number of times John spent more than five dollars, or you need the average age of students attending a college.

Add Columns:

Columns can be added to the frame using values from other columns as their value.

Add a column int1_times_int2 as an ta.float64 and fill it with the contents of column int1 and column int2 multiplied together:

>>> animals.add_columns(lambda row: row.int1*row.int2, ('int1xint2', ta.float64))

Add a new column all_ones and fill the entire column with the value 1:

>>> animals.add_columns(lambda row: 1, ('all_ones', ta.int64))

Add a new column float1_plus_float2 and fill the entire column with the value of column float1 plus column float2, then save a summary of the frame statistics:

>>> animals.add_columns(lambda row: row.Float1 + row.Float2, ('Float1PlusFloat2', ta.float64))
>>> summary = animals.column_summary_statistics('Float1PlusFloat2')

Add a new column pwl, type ta.float64, and fill the value according to this table:

value in column float1_plus_float2 value for column pwl
None None
Less than 50 float1_plus_float2 times 0.0046 plus 0.4168
At least 50 and less than 81 float1_plus_float2 times 0.0071 plus 0.3429
At least 81 float1_plus_float2 times 0.0032 plus 0.4025
None of the above None

An example of Piecewise Linear Transformation:

>>> def piecewise_linear_transformation(row):
...    x = row.float1_plus_float2
...    if x is None:
...        return None
...    elif x < 50:
...        m, c =0.0046, 0.4168
...    elif 50 <= x AND x < 81:
...        m, c =0.0071, 0.3429
...    elif 81 <= x:
...        m, c =0.0032, 0.4025
...    else:
...        return None
...    return m * x + c

>>> animals.add_columns(piecewise_linear_transformation, ('pwl', ta.float64))

Create multiple columns at once by making a function return a list of values for the new frame columns:

>>> animals.add_columns(lambda row: [abs(row.int1), abs(row.int2)], [('abs_int1', ta.int64), ('abs_int2', ta.int64)])

Examining the Data

To get standard descriptive statistics information about my_frame, use the frame function column_summary_statistics:

>>> my_frame.column_summary_statistics()

Group by (and aggregate):

Rows can be grouped together based on matching column values, after which an aggregation function can be applied on each group, producing a new frame.

Example process of using aggregation based on columns:

  1. given our frame of animals
  2. create a new frame and a Frame grouped_animals to access it
  3. group by unique values in column animals
  4. average the grouped values in column int1 and save it in a column int1_avg
  5. add up the grouped values in column int1 and save it in a column int1_sum
  6. get the standard deviation of the grouped values in column int1 and save it in a column int1_stdev
  7. average the grouped values in column int2 and save it in a column int2_avg
  8. add up the grouped values in column int2 and save it in a column int2_sum
>>> grouped_animals = animals.group_by('animals', {'int1': [ta.agg.avg, ta.agg.sum, ta.agg.stdev], 'int2': [ta.agg.avg, ta.agg.sum]})
>>> grouped_animals.inspect()


The only columns in the new frame will be the grouping column and the generated columns. In this case, regardless of the original frame size, you will get six columns.

Example process of using aggregation based on both column and row together:

  1. Using our data accessed by animals, create a new frame and a Frame grouped_animals2 to access it
  2. Group by unique values in columns animals and int1
  3. Using the data in the float1 column, calculate each group’s average, standard deviation, variance, minimum, and maximum
  4. Count the number of rows in each group and put that value in column int2_count
  5. Count the number of distinct values in column int2 for each group and put that number in column int2_count_distinct
>>> grouped_animals2 = animals.group_by(['animals', 'int1'], {'Float1': [ta.agg.avg, ta.agg.stdev, ta.agg.var, ta.agg.min, ta.agg.max], 'int2': [ta.agg.count, ta.agg.count_distinct]})

Example process of using aggregation based on row:

  1. Using our data accessed by animals, create a new frame and a Frame grouped_animals2 to access it
  2. Group by unique values in columns animals and int1
  3. Count the number of rows in each group and put that value in column count
>>> grouped_animals2 = animals.group_by(['animals', 'int1'], ta.agg.count)


agg.count is the only full row aggregation function supported at this time.

Aggregation currently supports using the following functions:

  • avg
  • count
  • count_distinct
  • max
  • min
  • stdev
  • sum


Create a new frame from a join operation with another frame.

Given two frames my_frame (columns a, b, c) and your_frame (columns b, c, d). For the sake of readability, in these examples we will refer to the frames and the Frames by the same name, unless needed for clarity:

>>> my_frame.inspect()

  a:str       b:str       c:str
  alligator   bear        cat
  auto        bus         car
  apple       berry       cantaloupe
  mirror      frog        ball

>>> your_frame.inspect()

  b:str       c:ta.int64     d:str
  bus             871        dog
  berry          5218        frog
  blue              0        log

Column b in both frames is a unique identifier used to relate the two frames. Following this instruction will join your_frame to my_frame, creating a new frame with a new Frame to access it, with all of the data from my_frame and only that data from your_frame which has a value in b that matches a value in my_frame b:

>>> our_frame = my_frame.join(your_frame, 'b', how='left')

The result is our_frame:

>>> our_frame.inspect()

  a:str       b:str       c_L:str      c_R:ta.int64   d:str
  alligator   bear        cat          None           None
  auto        bus         car           871           dog
  apple       berry       cantaloupe   5281           frog
  mirror      frog        ball         None           None

Doing an “inner” join this time will include only data from my_frame and your_frame which have matching values in b:

>>> inner_frame = my_frame.join(your_frame, 'b')


>>> inner_frame = my_frame.join(your_frame, 'b', how='inner')

Result is inner_frame:

>>> inner_frame.inspect()

  a:str       b:str       c_L:str      c_R:ta.int64   d:str
  auto        bus         car             871         dog
  apple       berry       cantaloupe     5218         frog

Doing an “outer” join this time will include only data from my_frame and your_frame which do not have matching values in b:

>>> outer_frame = my_frame.join(your_frame, 'b', how='outer')

Result is outer_frame:

>>> outer_frame.inspect()

  a:str       b:str       c_L:str      c_R:ta.int64   d:str
  alligator   bear        cat            None         None
  mirror      frog        ball           None         None
  None        blue        None              0         log

If column b in my_frame and column d in your_frame are the common column: Doing it again but including all data from your_frame and only that data in my_frame which has a value in b that matches a value in your_frame d:

>>> right_frame = my_frame.join(your_frame, left_on='b', right_on='d', how='right')

Result is right_frame:

>>> right_frame.inspect()

  a:str      b_L:str      c:str      b_R:str    c:ta.int64   d:str
  None       None         None       bus         871         dog
  mirror     frog         ball       berry      5218         frog
  None       None         None       blue          0         log

Flatten Column:

The function flatten_column creates a new frame by splitting a particular column and returns a Frame object. The column is searched for rows where there is more than one value, separated by commas. The row is duplicated and that column is spread across the existing and new rows.

Given a frame accessed by Frame my_frame and the frame has two columns a and b. The “original_data”:


Bring the data in where it can by worked on:

>>> my_csv = ta.CsvFile("original_data.csv", schema=[('a', ta.int64), ('b', str)], delimiter='-')
>>> my_frame = ta.Frame(source=my_csv)

Check the data:

>>> my_frame.inspect()

  a:ta.int64   b:string
      1        solo, mono, single
      2        duo, double

Spread out those sub-strings in column b:

>>> your_frame = my_frame.flatten_column('b')

Now check again and the result is:

>>> your_frame.inspect()

  a:ta.int64   b:str
    1          solo
    1          mono
    1          single
    2          duo
    2          double

Seamless Graph

For the examples below, we will use a Frame my_frame, which accesses an arbitrary frame of data consisting of the following:

Employee Manager Title Years
Bob Steve Associate 1
Jane Steve Sn Associate 3
Anup Steve Associate 3
Sue Steve Market Analyst 1
Mohit Steve Associate 2
Steve David Marketing Manager 5
Larry David Product Manager 3
David Rob VP of Sales 7

Build the Graph

Make an empty graph and give it a name:

>>> my_graph = ta.graph()
>>> = "personnel"

Define the vertex types:

>>> my_graph.define_vertex_type("employee")
>>> my_graph.define_vertex_type("manager")
>>> my_graph.define_vertex_type("title")
>>> my_graph.define_vertex_type("years")

Define the edge type:

>>> my_graph.define_edge_type('worksunder', 'Employee', 'Employee', directed=True)

Add the data:

>>> my_graph.vertices['Employee'].add_vertices(employees_frame, 'Employee', ['Title'])
>>> my_graph.edges['worksunder'].add_edges(employees_frame, 'Employee', 'Manager', ['Years'], create_missing_vertices = True)


Improperly built graphs can give inconsistent results. For example, given EdgeFrames with this data:

Movieid, movieTitle, Rating, userId
1, Titanic, 3, 1
1, My Own Private Idaho, 3, 2

If the vertices are built out of this data, the vertex with Movieid of 1 would sometimes have the Titanic data and sometimes would have the Idaho data, based upon which order the records are delivered to the function.

Other Graph Options

Inspect the graph:

>>> my_graph.vertex_count
>>> my_graph.edge_count
>>> my_graph.vertices['Employee'].inspect(20)
>>> my_graph.edges['worksunder'].inspect(20)

For further information, see the API section on Graphs.

Make a VertexFrame:

>>> my_vertex_frame = my_graph.vertices("employee")

Make an EdgeFrame:

>>> my_edge_frame = my_graph.edges("worksunder")


See the models section of the API for details.

Graphical models find more insights from structured noisy data. See graph API for details of the Label Propagation (LP) and Loopy Belief Propagation (LBP).

For Topic Modeling, see the LDA Model section of the API and