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Python User Functions

A UDF is a Python function written by the user on the client-side which can execute in a distributed fashion on the cluster. The function is serialized and copies are distributed throughout the cluster as part of command execution. Various API command methods accept a UDF as a parameter. A UDF runs under the constraints of the particular command.

Frame Row UDF

A Frame Row UDF is a UDF which operates on a single row of a frame. The function has one parameter, a row object. Here is an example of a Row UDF that returns True for a row where the column named “score” has a value greater than zero:

>>> def my_custom_row_func(row):
...    return row['score'] > 0

This function would be useful in a Frame filter command, which filters a data frame keeping only those rows which meet certain criteria, – in this case, only rows with scores greater than zero:

>>> my_csv = CsvFile(“results.txt”, [(‘test’, str), (‘score’, int32)])
>>> my_frame = Frame(my_csv)
>>> my_frame.filter(my_custom_row_func)

The filter command iterates over every row in the frame and evaluates the user-defined function on each one and keeps only those rows which evaluate to True.

Row Object Parameter

The Row object is a read-only dictionary-like structure which contains the cell values for a particular row. The values are accessible using the column name, with typical Python square bracket lookup, as shown in the example above. The value of cell in column ‘score’ is accessed like this:

>>> row['score']

The cell values may also be accessed using dot-member notation. Here is an equivalent row function:

>>> def my_custom_row_func2(row):
...    return row.score > 0

The dot-member notation is provided for convenience (it follows the pandas DataFrame technique) and only works for columns whose names are legal Python variable names (it does not start with a number and is composed of alphanumeric characters and the underscore character). Columns whose names do not meet this criteria must be referenced using square brackets with strings.

New values must be added to a frame using the Frame’s add_columns method.

The row object supports a few dictionary-like methods:

  • keys() – returns a list of column names
  • values() – returns a list of column values
  • items() – returns a list of (key, value) tuples
  • types() – returns a list of column types

These methods all produce lists in the same order, in other words, it is safe to correlate their indices.

Also, iterating on the row object is the equivalent of iterating on items(). For example:

>>> def row_sum(row):
...     """
...     sums the values in the row, except for column "name"
...     """
...     try:
...         s = 0
...         for k, v in row:
...            if k != 'name':
...                sum += v
...        return s
...    except:
...        return -1

>>> frame.add_columns(row_sum, ('sum', int32))


This example is for illustration only. There are other ways of doing this, like using a list comprehension.

UDF Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to follow when writing a UDF:

  1. Error handling: Include error handling. If the function execution raises an exception, it will cause the entire command to fail and possibly leave the frame or graph in an incomplete state. The best practice is to put all UDF functionality in a try: except: block, where the except: clause returns a default value or performs a benign side effect. See the row_sum function example above, where we used a try: except: block and produced a -1 for rows which caused errors.

  2. Dependencies: All dependencies used in the UDF must fit into one of the following:

    1. Be available in the same Python code file (or REPL) as the UDF
    2. Be available in the server’s installed Python libraries.
    3. Be specified in the udf_dependencies list. This is a list of files and folders which will be sent along with the UDF to the server when it is invoked. This causes overhead, so use judiciously.
    >>> import trustedanalytics as ta
    >>> ta.udf_dependencies.append("")
  3. Simplicity: Stay within the intended simple context of the given command, like a row operation. Do not try to call other API methods or perform fancy system operations (which will fail due to permissions).

  4. Performance: Be mindful of performance. These functions execute on every row of data, in other words, many times.

  5. Printing: Printing (to stdout, stderr, …) within the UDF will not show up in the client REPL. Such messages will usually end up in the server logs. In general, avoid printing.

  6. Lambda: Lambda syntax is valid, but discouraged:

    >>> frame.filter(lambda row: row.score > 0)

    This is legal and attractively shorter to write. However, lambdas do not provide error handling, nor do they have a “name” that would be useful in exception stack traces. They cannot be tested in isolation nor have embedded documentation. Lambdas are not very shareable.

  7. Closures: Closures are read-only. Any closed over variables are copied during serialization, so it is not possible to obtain side-effects.

  8. Multiple executions: Do not make any assumptions about how many times the function may get executed.

  9. Parameterizing a UDF: Parameterizing a UDF is possible using Python techniques of closures and nesting function definitions. For example, the Row UDF only takes a single row object parameter. It could be useful to have a row function that takes a few other parameters. Let’s augment the row_sum function above to take a list of columns to ignore:

    >>> def get_row_sum_func(ignore_list):
    ...    """
    ...    returns a row function which sums the values in the row,
    ...    except for ignored columns
    ...    """
    ...    def row_sum2(row):
    ...        try:
    ...            s = 0
    ...            for k, v in row:
    ...                if k not in ignore_list:
    ...                    s += v
    ...            return s
    ...        except:
    ...            return -1
    ...        return row_sum2
    >>> frame.add_columns(get_row_sum_func(['name', 'address']), ('sum', int32))

    The row_sum2 function closes over the ignore_list argument making it available to the row function that executes on each row.