RHESSysWorkflows  1.33
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 123]
 NclimateioRoutines for reading, modifying, and writing RHESSys climate data
 NCreateFlowtableCreate RHESSys flowtable
 NCreateGRASSLocationFromDEMImport DEM into new GRASS GIS location
 NCreateWorldfileCreate RHESSys worldfile
 NCreateWorldfileMultipleCommand line driver program to create multiple RHESSys worldfiles, one worldfile for each subbasin delineated
 NDelineateWatershedUse GRASS GIS to delineate a watershed for study area defined by a DEM
 NGenerateBaseStationMapGenerate climate base station raster map in GRASS for a list of base stations using Thiessen polygons
 NGenerateLandcoverMapsImport landcover raster maps into a GRASS location and generate landcover, road and impervious coverage maps
 NGeneratePatchMapGenerate patch map in the GRASS location associated with the project directory
 NGenerateSoilTextureMapQuery RHESSys ParamDB for soil definitions for a custom soil map
 NImportClimateDataImport climate station and corrsponding data, already in RHESSys format, into project directory
 NImportRasterMapIntoGRASSImport raster map already registered in metadata via EcohydroLib.RegisterRaster, into GRASS
 NImportRHESSysSourceImport RHESSys source code into project directory; Will import either from the Git repository hosted on GitHub, from a local copy of the source tree
 NPatchToCumulativeMapTool for making cummulative maps of patch-scale RHESSys output variables
 NPatchToCumulativeValuesTool for printing cummulative values of patch-scale RHESSys output variables
 NPatchToMapTool for mapping patch-scale RHESSys yearly output variables
 NPatchToMovieTool for making animations of patch-scale RHESSys output variables
 NPatchZonalStatsTool for calculating zonal statistics for patch-scale RHESSys output variables
 NPatchZonalStatsNormalizeTool for calculating zonal statistics for normalized patch-scale RHESSys output variables
 NRegisterLandcoverReclassRulesGenerate landcover raster maps reclassification rules for use with GenerateLandcoverMaps.py
 NRHESSysPlotTool for visualizing basin-scale RHESSys output
 NRHESSysPlotMassbalanceTool for comparing mass balance for observed and basin-scale RHESSys output
 NbaseBase classes for RHESSysWorkflows commands
 NexceptionsPackage defining exceptions for RHESSysWorkflows commands
 NflowtableRHESSysWorkflows commands related to flowtables
 NmodelrunRHESSysWorkflows commands related to running RHESSys models
 NworldfileRHESSysWorkflows commands related to world files
 NcommandsPackage defining high-level RHESSysWorkflows commands
 NcontextClass that encapsulated environment setup for rhessysworkflow scripts
 NmetadataClasses for writing and reading metadata for RHESSys workflows
 NrhessysFunctions related to RHESSys models
 Ntest_metadataTest methods for rhessysworkflows.metadata
 NRunLAIReadRun lairead utility to initializes vegetation carbon stores
 NRunLAIReadMultipleCommand line driver program to run lairead utility to initializes vegetation carbon stores
 NRunModelRun RHESSys
 NworldfileioRoutines for reading, modifying, and writing RHESSys worldfiles