Source code for rabacus.cosmology.transfer_functions.bbks86

""" The transfer function of BBKS86, """

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#from ...constants import units as units
from rabacus.constants import units 

__all__ = ['TransferBBKS']

[docs]class TransferBBKS: """ Transfer function of BBKS86, This transfer function was designed for situations in which the baryon density is much smaller than the cold dark matter density. In symbols, OmegaB << OmegaC. Note that all quantities returned by this class are arbitrarily normalized. Args: `cpdict` (dict) A dictionary of cosmological parameters. For example, see :class:`~rabacus.cosmology.parameters.planck.load.PlanckParameters`. The dictionray `cpdict` must include the following keys, - ``omegac`` -> current CDM density in units of critical today - ``h`` -> Hubble parameter H0 = 100 h km/s/Mpc - ``ns`` -> slope of primordial power spectrum """ def __init__( self, cpdict ): # check input dictionary #-------------------------------------------------------- need_keys = ['omegac', 'h', 'ns'] for key in need_keys: if not cpdict.has_key( key ): raise InitError, ' key missing from cpdict \n' # transfer variables #-------------------------------------------------------- self.OmegaC = cpdict['omegac'] self.h = cpdict['h'] self.ns = cpdict['ns'] self.Gamma = self.OmegaC * self.h = units.CosmoUnits(self.h, 1.0)
[docs] def T_cdm( self, k ): """ CDM transfer function (Eq. G3). Args: `k` (real or array): wavenumber with units of inverse length Returns: `T_cdm` (real or array): cold dark matter transfer function at the scales `k`. Normalization is arbitrary. """ # make sure we have k in 1/Mpch #---------------------------------------------- if hasattr(k,'units'): k.units = 'hh/Mpc' else: raise ValueError, '\n Input variable k must have units \n' # construct the unitless quantity q #---------------------------------------------------------------- q = ( k / ( ) / self.Gamma # calculate fit #---------------------------------------------------------------- t1 = np.log( 1.0 + 2.34 * q ) t2 = 2.34 * q t3 = 1 + 3.89*q + (16.1*q)**2 + (5.46*q)**3 + (6.71*q)**4 T = t1 / t2 * t3**(-1.0/4) return T
[docs] def T_b( self, k ): """ Baryon transfer function (Eq. G4). Args: `k` (real or array): wavenumber with units of inverse length Returns: `T_b` (real or array): baryon transfer function at the scales `k`. Normalization is arbitrary. """ # make sure we have k in 1/Mpch #---------------------------------------------- if hasattr(k,'units'): k.units = 'hh/Mpc' else: raise ValueError, '\n Input variable k must have units \n' T_cdm = self.T_cdm( k ) Rjr = 1.6 / np.sqrt( self.OmegaC ) * / kRjr2 = (k * Rjr)**2 kRjr2 = kRjr2.simplified T = T_cdm / (1.0 + kRjr2 / 2) return T
[docs] def Pk_cdm( self, k ): """ CDM Power spectrum Args: `k` (real or array): wavenumber with units of inverse length Returns: `Pk_cdm` (real or array): CDM power spectrum at the scales `k`. Normalization is arbitrary. """ # make sure we have k in 1/Mpch #---------------------------------------------- if hasattr(k,'units'): k.units = 'hh/Mpc' else: raise ValueError, '\n Input variable k must have units \n' kk = np.array(k) T = self.T_cdm( k ) Pk = kk**self.ns * T * T return Pk
[docs] def Pk_b( self, k ): """ Baryon power spectrum Args: `k` (real or array): wavenumber with units of inverse length Returns: `Pk_b` (real or array): Baryon power spectrum at the scales `k`. Normalization is arbitrary. """ # make sure we have k in 1/Mpch #---------------------------------------------- if hasattr(k,'units'): k.units = 'hh/Mpc' else: raise ValueError, '\n Input variable k must have units \n' kk = np.array(k) T = self.T_b( k ) Pk = kk**self.ns * T * T return Pk #if __name__ == "__main__": # # print 'Testing BBKS Transfer Function' # print 'Note the units of k are h Mpc^-1' # cpdict = dict( omegam=0.2865, # omegab=0.04628, # omegac=0.2865 - 0.04628, # h=0.6932, # ns=1.0 ) # bbks = TransferBBKS( cpdict ) # log_kmin = -4.0 # log_kmax = 4.0 # Nk = 1000 # log_k = np.linspace( log_kmin, log_kmax, Nk ) # k = 10**log_k / / # T_cdm = bbks.T_cdm( k ) # T_b = bbks.T_b( k ) # fig = plt.figure( figsize=(10,10) ) # ax = fig.add_subplot( 111 ) # ax.loglog( k, T_cdm ) # ax.loglog( k, T_b ) # ax.set_xlabel( 'k [h/Mpc]' ) # ax.set_ylabel( 'T' )