Source code for selvpcclient.resources.subnets

from selvpcclient import base
from selvpcclient.util import resource_filter

[docs]class Subnet(base.Resource): """Represents a subnet."""
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete current subnet from domain.""" self.manager.delete(
[docs]class SubnetManager(base.Manager): """Manager class for manipulating subnet.""" resource_class = Subnet @resource_filter def list(self, detailed=False): """Get list of all public subnets in current domain. :param bool detailed: Include info about servers. (optional) :rtype: list of :class:`Subnet` """ return self._list('/subnets?detailed=' + str(detailed), 'subnets')
[docs] def add(self, project_id, subnets): """Create public subnets for project. :param string project_id: Project id. :param dict subnets: Dict with key `subnets` and value as array of items region, quantity and type:: { "subnets": [ { "region": "ru-1", "quantity": 4, "type": "ipv4", "prefix_length": 29 } ] } :rtype: list of :class:`Subnet` """ url = '/subnets/projects/{}'.format(project_id) return self._list(url, 'subnets', body=subnets)
[docs] def show(self, subnet_id): """Show detailed subnet information. :param string subnet_id: Subnet id. :rtype: :class:`Subnet` """ return self._get('/subnets/{}'.format(subnet_id), 'subnet')
[docs] def delete(self, subnet_id): """Delete subnet from domain.""" self._delete('/subnets/{}'.format(subnet_id))