Command-line Interface

Basic Usage

In order to use the CLI, you must provide your Selectel VPC API token and API endpoint. Use the corresponding configuration options (--url, --token), but it is easier to set them in environment variables.

export SEL_URL=url
export SEL_TOKEN=token
export SEL_API_VERSION=api_version # by default 2

Once you’ve configured your authentication parameters, you can run selvpc commands. All commands take the form of:

selvpc <command> [arguments...]

Run selvpc help to get a full list of all possible commands, and run selvpc help <command> to get detailed help for that command.

Display options


selvpc CLI supports filtering in the listing operation.

To specify a filter in * list command, you need to pass a pair of an attribute name and an expected value with the format of --<attribute> <value>. The example below retrieves subnets added into project.

$ selvpc subnet list --project xxxx3dc1894748b193031ae1bccf508a                                                                                                           01:04:15
|  id | project_id                       | region | cidr           | status |
| 420 | xxxx3dc1894748b193031ae1bccf508a | ru-1   | | DOWN   |

You can also specify multiple filters. The example below retrieves all licenses added into project locates on ru-2 region

$ selvpc license list --project xxxx3dc1894748b193031ae1bccf508a --region ru-1                                                                                                                                       01:05:24
|    id | project_id                       | region | type                          | status |
| xxxxx | xxxx3dc1894748b193031ae1bccf508a | ru-1   | license_windows_2012_standard | DOWN   |

Changing displayed columns

If you want displayed columns in a list operation, -c option can be used. -c can be specified multiple times and the column order will be same as the order of -c options.

$ selvpc license list -c id                                                                                                                                               01:05:32
|    id |
| xxxxx |


Display API-level communication

-v (or --verbose, --debug) option displays a detail interaction with VPC API. It is useful to debug what happens in the API level.

found extension EntryPoint.parse('table = cliff.formatters.table:TableFormatter')
found extension EntryPoint.parse('json = cliff.formatters.json_format:JSONFormatter')
found extension EntryPoint.parse('csv = cliff.formatters.commaseparated:CSVLister')
found extension EntryPoint.parse('value = cliff.formatters.value:ValueFormatter')
found extension EntryPoint.parse('yaml = cliff.formatters.yaml_format:YAMLFormatter')
REQ: curl -i -XGET "" -H "X-Token: xxx" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-selvpcclient/xxx"
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET /vpc/resell/v2/licenses?detailed=False HTTP/1.1" 200 156
RESP: 200 {'Content-Length': 'xxx', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } {"licenses": [{...}]}
|    id |
| xxxxx |