pypi_get_stat usage :

usage: [-h] [package_name]
Gathers download stats from pypi regarding the download information of the
geiven package. Print them, and stores them in a file for further use. If no
package name are provided, it will try to get all packages known from
previously fetched stats.

positional arguments:
  package_name  package name information to be retrieved

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Fetching sepcific data for packages -p numpy -p matplotlib

will fectch, store and print the data for the packages numpy and matplotlib

Fetching all data for already known package

If you made the previous call successfully fetching all data for numpy and matplotlib will be made by calling

pypi_graph_stat usage :

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY                keys to plot in stored stats amongst av_dl, total_dl,
  -f _FROM, --from=_FROM
                        min date from which to plot
  -t _TO, --to=_TO      maximum date to which to plot
  -o _DEST, --output=_DEST
                              filename of the output image. Don't create
                        output directory if non existant. If this is enabled
                        output in TK backend is desactivated.
  -p _PACKAGE, --package=_PACKAGE
                        packages for wich to graph

Graphing for a package with a direct output in tk -p VectorDict

Result :


Graphing all known package in a file -o docs/source/image/sample2.png

Graphing all keys for two packages -k av_dl -k min_dl -k max_dl -k total_dl -p VectorDict -p pypi-stat

Graphing between two dates -f 2012-04-01 -t 2012-04-15 -p VectorDict