pypi_get_stat usage : ===================== .. literalinclude:: inc/pypi_get_stat.txt Fetching sepcific data for packages *********************************** -p numpy -p matplotlib will fectch, store and print the data for the packages numpy and matplotlib Fetching all data for already known package ******************************************* If you made the previous call successfully fetching all data for numpy and matplotlib will be made by calling pypi_graph_stat usage : ======================= .. literalinclude:: inc/pypi_grah_stat.txt Graphing for a package with a direct output in tk ************************************************* `` -p VectorDict`` Result : .. image:: image/sample1.png Graphing all known package in a file ************************************ -o docs/source/image/sample2.png .. image:: image/sample2.png Graphing all keys for two packages ********************************** -k av_dl -k min_dl -k max_dl -k total_dl -p VectorDict -p pypi-stat .. image:: image/sample3.png Graphing between two dates ************************** -f 2012-04-01 -t 2012-04-15 -p VectorDict .. image:: image/sample4.png