Package pymeshio :: Module converter
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Source Code for Module pymeshio.converter

  1  # coding: utf-8 
  2  """ 
  3  convert model 
  4  """ 
  6  import math 
  7  from . import common 
  8  from .common import unicode as u 
  9  from . import pmx 
 10  from . import pmd 
12 -class ConvertException(Exception):
13 """ 14 Exception in writer 15 """ 16 pass
17 18
19 -def pmd_to_pmx(src):
20 """ 21 return pymeshio.pmx.Model. 22 23 :Parameters: 24 src 25 pymeshio.pmd.Model 26 """ 27 dst=pmx.Model() 28 # model info 29"cp932") 30 dst.english_name=src.english_name.decode("cp932") 31 dst.comment=src.comment.replace( 32 b"\n", b"\r\n").decode("cp932") 33 dst.english_comment=src.english_comment.replace( 34 b"\n", b"\r\n").decode("cp932") 35 # vertices 36 def createDeform(bone0, bone1, weight0): 37 if weight0==0: 38 return pmx.Bdef1(bone1) 39 elif weight0==100: 40 return pmx.Bdef1(bone0) 41 else: 42 return pmx.Bdef2(bone0, bone1, weight0*0.01)
43 dst.vertices=[ 44 pmx.Vertex( 45 v.pos, 46 v.normal, 47 v.uv, 48 createDeform(v.bone0, v.bone1, v.weight0), 49 1.0 if v.edge_flag==0 else 0.0 50 ) 51 for v in src.vertices] 52 # indices 53 dst.indices=src.indices[:] 54 # materials 55 texture_map={} 56 def get_flag(m): 57 return ( 58 (1 if False else 0)+ 59 (2 if (m.edge_flag & 1!=0) else 0)+ 60 (4 if True else 0)+ 61 (8 if True else 0)+ 62 (16 if (m.edge_flag & 1!=0) else 0) 63 ) 64 def get_texture_file(path): 65 if len(path)==0: 66 return None 67 elif path.find(b'*')==-1: 68 return path 69 else: 70 return b'*'.split(path)[0] 71 def get_sphere_texture_file(path): 72 if len(path)==0: 73 return None 74 elif path.find(b'*')==-1: 75 return None 76 else: 77 return b'*'.split(path)[1] 78 def get_texture_index(path): 79 try: 80 return texture_map[get_texture_file(path)] 81 except KeyError: 82 return -1 83 def get_sphere_texture_index(path): 84 try: 85 return texture_map[get_sphere_texture_file(path)] 86 except KeyError: 87 return -1 88 def get_sphere_texture_flag(path): 89 sphere_texture=get_sphere_texture_file(path) 90 if sphere_texture: 91 if sphere_texture.endswith('.sph'): 92 return 1 93 elif sphere_texture.endswith('.spa'): 94 return 2 95 else: 96 raise ConvertException( 97 "invalid sphere texture: {0}".format(sphere_texture)) 98 return 0 99 def get_toon_shared_flag(m): 100 return 1 101 def get_toon_index(m): 102 return m.toon_index 103 for m in src.materials: 104 texture=get_texture_file(m.texture_file) 105 if texture and not texture in texture_map: 106 texture_map[texture]=len(texture_map) 107 dst.textures.append(texture.decode("cp932")) 108 sphere_texture=get_sphere_texture_file(m.texture_file) 109 if sphere_texture and not sphere_texture in texture_map: 110 texture_map[sphere_texture]=len(texture_map) 111 dst.textures.append(sphere_texture.decode("cp932")) 112 dst.materials=[ 113 pmx.Material( 114 name=common.unicode(""), 115 english_name=common.unicode(""), 116 diffuse_color=m.diffuse_color, 117 alpha=m.alpha, 118 specular_factor=m.specular_factor, 119 specular_color=m.specular_color, 120 ambient_color=m.ambient_color, 121 flag=get_flag(m), 122 edge_color=common.RGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 123 edge_size=1.0, 124 texture_index=get_texture_index(m.texture_file), 125 sphere_texture_index=get_sphere_texture_index(m.texture_file), 126 sphere_mode=get_sphere_texture_flag(m.texture_file), 127 toon_sharing_flag=get_toon_shared_flag(m), 128 toon_texture_index=get_toon_index(m), 129 comment=common.unicode(""), 130 vertex_count=m.vertex_count 131 ) 132 for i, m in enumerate(src.materials)] 133 # bones 134 ik_map={} 135 for ik in src.ik_list: 136 ik_map[ik.index]=ik 137 def is_connected(b): 138 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Rolling): 139 return False 140 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Tweak): 141 return False 142 return True 143 def is_rotatable(b): 144 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Rotate): 145 return True 146 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_RotateMove): 147 return True 148 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_RotateInfl): 149 return True 150 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IKRotateInfl): 151 return True 152 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Rolling): 153 return True 154 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IKTarget): 155 return True 156 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IK): 157 return True 158 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Unvisible): 159 return True 160 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Tweak): 161 return True 162 def is_movable(b): 163 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_RotateMove): 164 return True 165 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IK): 166 return True 167 def is_visible(b): 168 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Unvisible): 169 return False 170 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IKTarget): 171 return False 172 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Tweak): 173 return False 174 return True 175 def is_manupilatable(b): 176 return True 177 def has_ik(b): 178 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IK): 179 return True 180 def is_external_rotation(b): 181 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_RotateInfl): 182 return True 183 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Tweak): 184 return True 185 def is_fixed_axis(b): 186 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Rolling): 187 return True 188 def is_local_axis(b): 189 pass 190 def after_physics(b): 191 pass 192 def external_parent(b): 193 pass 194 def get_bone_flag(b): 195 return ( 196 (1 if is_connected(b) else 0)+ 197 (2 if is_rotatable(b) else 0)+ 198 (4 if is_movable(b) else 0)+ 199 (8 if is_visible(b) else 0)+ 200 201 (16 if is_manupilatable(b) else 0)+ 202 (32 if has_ik(b) else 0)+ 203 0+ 204 0+ 205 206 (256 if is_external_rotation(b) else 0)+ 207 0+ 208 (1024 if is_fixed_axis(b) else 0)+ 209 (2048 if is_local_axis(b) else 0)+ 210 211 (4096 if after_physics(b) else 0)+ 212 (8192 if external_parent(b) else 0) 213 ) 214 def get_tail_position(b): 215 return common.Vector3() 216 def get_tail_index(b): 217 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Rolling): 218 return -1 219 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IKTarget): 220 return -1 221 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Unvisible): 222 return -1 223 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_Tweak): 224 return -1 225 return b.tail_index 226 def get_ik_link(bone_index): 227 b=src.bones[bone_index] 228 if b.english_name.find(b'knee')==-1: 229 return pmx.IkLink( 230 bone_index, 0, 231 common.Vector3(), 232 common.Vector3()) 233 else: 234 return pmx.IkLink( 235 bone_index, 1, 236 common.Vector3(-3.1415927410125732, 0.0, 0.0), 237 common.Vector3(-0.00872664619237184524536132812500, 0.0, 0.0)) 238 def get_ik(b): 239 if isinstance(b, pmd.Bone_IK): 240 ik=ik_map[b.index] 241 return pmx.Ik( 242, ik.iterations, ik.weight * 4, [ 243 get_ik_link(child) for child in ik.children ]) 244 return None 245 def get_layer(b): 246 return 0 247 dst.bones=[ 248 pmx.Bone( 249'cp932'), 250 english_name=b.english_name.decode('cp932'), 251 position=b.pos, 252 parent_index=b.parent_index if b.parent_index!=65535 else -1, 253 layer=get_layer(b), 254 flag=get_bone_flag(b), 255 tail_position=get_tail_position(b), 256 tail_index=get_tail_index(b), 257 effect_index=-1, 258 effect_factor=0.0, 259 fixed_axis=common.Vector3(), 260 local_x_vector=common.Vector3(), 261 local_z_vector=common.Vector3(), 262 external_key=-1, 263 ik=get_ik(b), 264 ) 265 for i, b in enumerate(src.bones)] 266 # bones 267 def get_panel(m): 268 return 1 269 if len(src.morphs)>0: 270 base=src.morphs[0] 271 assert("base") 272 dst.morphs=[ 273 pmx.Morph( 274'cp932'), 275 english_name=m.english_name.decode('cp932'), 276 panel=get_panel(m), 277 morph_type=1, 278 offsets=[pmx.VertexMorphOffset(base.indices[i], pos) 279 for i, pos in zip(m.indices, m.pos_list)] 280 ) 281 for i, m in enumerate(src.morphs) if!=b"base"] 282 # display_slots 283 dst.display_slots=[ 284 pmx.DisplaySlot(u('Root'), u('Root'), 1), 285 pmx.DisplaySlot(u('表情'), u('Exp'), 1)]+[ 286 pmx.DisplaySlot( 287'cp932'), 288 english_name=g.english_name.strip().decode('cp932'), 289 special_flag=0) 290 for i, g in enumerate(src.bone_group_list)] 291 # rigidbodies 292 dst.rigidbodies=[ 293 pmx.RigidBody( 294"cp932"), 295 english_name=u(""), 296 bone_index=r.bone_index, 297 collision_group=r.collision_group, 298 no_collision_group=r.no_collision_group, 299 shape_type=r.shape_type, 300 shape_size=r.shape_size, 301 shape_position=(r.shape_position+src.bones[0].pos if r.bone_index==-1 302 else r.shape_position+src.bones[r.bone_index].pos), 303 shape_rotation=r.shape_rotation, 304 mass=r.mass, 305 linear_damping=r.linear_damping, 306 angular_damping=r.angular_damping, 307 restitution=r.restitution, 308 friction=r.friction, 309 mode=r.mode 310 ) 311 for i, r in enumerate(src.rigidbodies)] 312 # joints 313 dst.joints=[ 314 pmx.Joint( 315'cp932'), 316 u(""), 317 0, 318 j.rigidbody_index_a, 319 j.rigidbody_index_b, 320 j.position, 321 j.rotation, 322 j.translation_limit_min, 323 j.translation_limit_max, 324 j.rotation_limit_min, 325 j.rotation_limit_max, 326 j.spring_constant_translation, 327 j.spring_constant_rotation 328 ) 329 for i, j in enumerate(src.joints)] 330 return dst 331