Psychoacoustic NTF design (pydsm.NTFdesign.psychoacoustic)

This modules provides a psychoacoustic aware design method for the NTF of ΔΣ modulators used in audio applications.


dunn_optzeros(n) Helper function for synthesising psychoacoustically optimal modulators.
dunn_optzeros_cplx(order, osr) Helper function for synthesising psychoacoustically optimal modulators.
ntf_dunn([order, osr, H_inf]) Synthesizes an NTF for a DS audio modulator by Dunn’s approach.
ntf_fir_audio_weighting(order, osr[, ...]) Synthesize a FIR NTF based on an audio weighting function.

Deprecated functions

synthesize_ntf_dunn([order, osr, H_inf]) Alias of ntf_dunn()
synthesize_ntf_from_audio_weighting(order, osr) Alias of ntf_fir_audio_weighting()