
pydsm.iso226.tabled_L_p(L_N, hfe=False)

Table of sound pressure levels for given loudness in ISO 226.

This function returns a table according to ISO 226 sect 4.1.


L_N : float

percieved loudness level in phons

hfe : bool

whether the table should be augmented with a data point at 20 kHz (High-Frequency-Enhanced table)


L_p : array of floats

the sound pressure level table. Sound pressure levels are returned in DB_SPL


1 phon is 1 dB_SPL (sound pressure level) at 1 kHz. Sound pressure levels are measured in dBs by referring to a reference pressure level P0 (close to the hearing threshold at 1 kHz and set to 20 uPa RMS).