
pydsm.ft.idtft_hermitian(Ff, tt, fs=1, **options)

Compute the inverse discrete time Fourier transform (IDTFT) for a hermitian function of frequency.

Since the input function is hermitian, i.e. F(-f)=conjugate(F(f)), it is sufficient to look at a single side of it. Furthermore, the IDTFT turns out to be a real vector.


Ff : callable

the function of frequency to compute the IDTFT from. The values for a negative argument are not used.

tt : real or array_like

the time sample (or 1-D vector of) where to compute the IDTFT


x : ndarray

the inverse discrete time Fourier transform at time values in tt

Other Parameters:

fs : real, optional

the sample frequency for the output sequence (defaults to 1)

quad_opts : dictionary

Parameters to be passed to the quad function used internally as an integrator. Allowed options are epsabs, epsrel, limit, points. Do not use other options since they could break the integrator in unexpected ways. Defaults can be set by changing the function default_options attribute.

See also

integrator used internally. For the meaning of the integrator parameters.