
pydsm.NTFdesign.legacy.quantization_noise_gain_by_conv(NTF, H, H_type='zpk', db=80)

Legacy version of NTFDesign.quantization_noise_gain()

Computes the quantization noise power gain, based on a convolution


NTF : tuple

NTF definition in zpk or nd form

H : tuple or array_like

output filter definition in zpk or nd form if H_type=’zpk’ or ‘ba’ (in this case, H is a tuple with 3 or 2 entries); output filter impulse response if H_type=’imp’ (in this case, H is an array)

H_type : str

type of specification for parameter H. One of: ‘zpk’, ‘ba’, or ‘imp’

db : real

a precision hint for the computation of impulse responses


a : real

noise power gain


The computation is practiced as the sum of the squared entries in the impulse response of the cascaded filter NTF*H