
Component system. Web framework. And more ...

scaffolds.newapp – Create a new web-application in project.

class pluggdapps.scaffolds.newapp.NewWebApp(pa, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Plugin

Inside a pluggapps package, more than one web-application can be defined. Typically a web-application, which is going to be a plugin, must implement IWebApp interface and a bunch of plugins to handle http request - like, routing url to view-callables, view-plugin, resource-plugin, and reply back with valid response. To facilitate this repeatitive activity, pa-script provides this command to create a webapp-source-tree base on couple of parameters.

$ pa -c <master.ini> webapp [-t TARGET_DIR] <webapp-name>

creates a new web application under project source tree. This command creates relevant scaffolds, as modules and directories, under the specified target directory.

to learn more options on this sub-command use --help.

description = 'Scaffolding logic to create a new web application source tree.'

pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.query_cmdline() interface method.


pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.generate() interface method.


pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.printhelp() interface method.

cmd = 'webapp'
subparser(parser, subparsers)[source]

pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser() interface method.


pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle() interface method.

classmethod default_settings()[source]

pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings() interface method.

classmethod normalize_settings(sett)[source]

pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings() interface method.

caname = 'pluggdapps.newwebapp'

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