
Component system. Web framework. And more ...

interfaces – Interface specifications.

Basic set of interface specifications.

Module contents

class pluggdapps.interfaces.IConfigDB[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Interface specification to persist / access platform configuration to backend data-store or database. When platform gets booted and if config-backend is available, then configuration settings from datastore will override settings from .ini files.


Do necessary initialization to connect with data-store.

dbinit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

If datastore does not exist, create one. Also intialize configuration tables for each mounted application under [mountloc] section. Expect this method to be called when ever platform starts-up. For more information refer to corresponding plugin’s documentation.


Get or set configuration parameter for platform. For more information refer to corresponding plugin’s documentation.


Reverse of connect().

class pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Handle sub-commands issued from command line script. Plugins are expected to parse the command line string arguments into options and arguments and execute the sub-command.

description = ''

A short description about plugin implementing this specification.

usage = ''

String describing the program usage

cmd = ''

Name of sub-command

subparser(parser, subparsers)[source]

Use subparsers to create a sub-command parser. The subparsers object would have been created, by the main script, using ArgumentParser object parser.


Previously subparser() would have used set_default() method on subparser to set the handler attribute to this method so that this handler will automatically be invoked if the sub-command is used on the command line.

parsed args from ArgumentParser’s parse_args() method.
class pluggdapps.interfaces.IHTTPServer[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Web server specification to bind and listen for new client connections. Every successfull connection will further be handled by IHTTPConnection plugin.

sockets = {}

Mapping of socket (file-descriptor) listening for new connection and the socket object. These are server sockets.

connections = []

List of accepted and active connections. Each connection is a plugin implementing IHTTPConnection interface.

version = b''

HTTP Version supported by this server.

start(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Starts the server. This is typically a blocking call.


Stop listening for new connections. Close connections that are currently active and finally close the server sockets. Implementers must make sure that when this method is called start() method must return from blocking.


Close a client connection httpconn a IHTTPConnection plugin maintained in connections list.

class pluggdapps.interfaces.IHTTPConnection(conn, addr, server, version)[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Every new client connection accepted by IHTTPServer will be handled by a plugin instance implementing this interface. All read-writes on the connection is specified by this interface.

conn = None

Socket connection object accepted by the server.

address = ()

Client’s IP address and port number.

server = None

IHTTPServer plugin that accepted this connection.

product = b''

HTTP product string (byte-string) for this server. Typically sent with HTTP Server Reponse header.

version = b''

HTTP Version supported by this connection. Normally infered from IHTTPServer.version attribute.

request = None

IHTTPRequest plugin instance for current on-going request.


In case of SSL traffic, return SSL certifacte.


Subscribe a callback function, to be called when the connection gets closed.


Subscribe a callback function, to be called when an on-going request/response is finished.

handle_request(method, uri, version, headers, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None)[source]

When a new request is received, this method is called to handle the request.

Request method in byte-string.
Request URI in byte-string.
Request version in byte-string.
Dictionary of request headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string.
Optional request body in byte-string.
If the new request is chunked Transfer-Encoded, body will be None while this argument will contain the request chunk in byte-string. Passed as tuple of, (chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data)
If the new request is chunked Transfer-Encoded, and chunk is the last chunk, then trailers might optionally contain a dictionary of chunk trailer headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string.

The request is resolved for configured web-application and dispatched to it.

handle_chunk(chunk, trailers=None)[source]

For every request chunk received, this method will be called. For the last chunk trailers, if present, will also be passed. In case of chunked request, request attribute of this plugin will preserve the on-going request as IHTTPRequest plugin.

Request chunk to be handled. Passed as a tuple of, (chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data)
Dictionary of chunk trailer headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string.
write(chunk, callback=None)[source]

Write a chunk of data (bytes) to the connection and optionally subscribe a callback function to be called when data is successfully transfered.

Chunk of data in byte-string to buffer and send.
Handler to callback when data is written to the socket.

Close this connection.

class pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApp[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

In pluggdapps, a web-Application is a plugin implementing this interface. And for this interface to be relevant, pluggdapps.platform.Webapps must be used to boot the platform. There is also a base class pluggdapps.web.WebApp which implements this interface and provides necessary support functions for application creators. Therefore application plugins must derive from this base class.

instkey = ()

A tuple of (appsec, netpath, configini)

appsettings = {}

Optional read only copy of application’s settings. Gathered from plugin’s default settings, ini configuration file(s) and optionally a backend store.

netpath = ''

Net location and script-path on which the instance of webapp is mounted. This is obtained from configuration settings.

baseurl = ''

Computed string of base url for web application, more-or-less similar to netpath.

router = None

Plugin instance implementing IHTTPRouter interface. This is the primary router using which request urls will be resolved to a view callable. Must be instantiated during boot time inside startapp() method.

cookie = None

Plugin instance implementing IHTTPCookie interface spec. Methods ” from this plugin will be used to process both request cookies and response cookies.

livedebug = None

Plugin to handle web based interactive debugging. Used only when debug is enabled in configuration settings.

in_transformers = []

List of plugins implmenting pluggdapps.web.IHTTPInBound interface. In bound requests will be passed through plugins listed here before being dispatched to the router.

out_transformers = []

List of plugins implmenting pluggdapps.web.IHTTPOutBound interface. Out bound responses will be passed through plugins listed here before writing it on the connection.


Boot the applications. Called at platform boot-time.

dorequest(request, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None)[source]

This method is called after a new request is resolved to an application, typically by pluggdapps.web.IHTTPConnection plugin. This callback will be issued when,

  • A new request without body is received, where the request data is available in request.
  • A new request with a body is received, in which case kwarg body gives the request body as byte-string.

It is responsibility of this method to initialize request plugin. Callback pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.handle() method. And finally use the pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.route() method to handle request.

byte string request body.
tuple of (chunk-size, chunk-ext, chunk-data), where chunk-size is integer size of chunk-data, chunk-ext is byte string and chunk-data is request-chunk in byte string.
Dictionary of HTTP headers. instance of HTTPHeaders class.
dochunk(request, chunk=None, trailers=None)[source]

This method is called for a request of type chunked encoding. Even in this case, a call to dorequest() is already made when the request was new. The request plugin is preserved after dorequest and a call back is made to this method for every new chunk that is received.

The callback will be issued when,

  • A request is being received in chunked mode and a request chunk just received, in which case chunk is a tuple of, (chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data).
  • The last chunk of the request is received without a trailer.
  • The last chunk of the request is received with a trailer.

When finish is called on the request.response, by calling flush( finished=True ), a chain of onfinish() callbacks will be issued by pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPResponse.


Shutdown this application. Reverse of startapp().

urlfor(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Generate url (full url) for request using args and kwargs. Typically, pathfor() method shall be used to generate the relative url and joined with web-application’s webapp.base_url. To know more about method arguments refer corresponding router’s urlpath() interface method. Returns an absolute-URL as string.

The IHTTPRequest object for which url is generated.
args, kwargs,
Positional and keyword arguments passed to pathfor() method.
pathfor(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Generate relative url for request using route definitions, args and kwargs. To learn more about args and kwargs, refer corresponding router’s pathfor() interface method. Returns a URL path as string.

The IHTTPRequest object for which url is generated.
class pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold(settings={})[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Interface specification for automatically creating scaffolds of source code and project tree based on collection of user-fed variables and a source-template.

description = ''

One line description of scaffolding logic.


Query command line for variable details.


Generate the scaffolding logic.


If executed in command line, provide a meaning full description about this scaffolding plugin and variables that can be defined.

class pluggdapps.interfaces.ITemplate[source]

Bases: pluggdapps.plugin.Interface

Attributes and methods to render a page using supplied context.

render(context, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Implementing plugin should interpret args and kwargs arguments and invoke one or more rendering resource (like templates). Typical plugins should accept key-word arguments like file and text, where file shall to template file or text shall point to template text - as string.

Returns html text as string.

Dictionary like context object. Typically populated by IHTTPResource and view-callable, made availabe inside HTML templates.

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