
Component system. Web framework. And more ...

Source code for pluggdapps.interfaces

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# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
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#       Copyright (c) 2011 R Pratap Chakravarthy

"""Basic set of interface specifications."""

from   pluggdapps.plugin import Interface

__all__ = [
    'IConfigDB', 'ICommand', 'IHTTPServer', 'IHTTPConnection', 'IWebApp',
    'IScaffold', 'ITemplate'

[docs]class IConfigDB( Interface ): """Interface specification to persist / access platform configuration to backend data-store or database. When platform gets booted and if config-backend is available, then configuration settings from datastore will override settings from `.ini` files."""
[docs] def connect(): """Do necessary initialization to connect with data-store."""
[docs] def dbinit( *args, **kwargs ): """If datastore does not exist, create one. Also intialize configuration tables for each mounted application under [mountloc] section. Expect this method to be called when ever platform starts-up. For more information refer to corresponding plugin's documentation. """
[docs] def config( **kwargs ): """Get or set configuration parameter for platform. For more information refer to corresponding plugin's documentation."""
[docs] def close(): """Reverse of :meth:`connect`."""
[docs]class ICommand( Interface ): """Handle sub-commands issued from command line script. Plugins are expected to parse the command line string arguments into ``options`` and ``arguments`` and execute the sub-command.""" description = '' """A short description about plugin implementing this specification.""" usage = '' """String describing the program usage""" cmd = '' """Name of sub-command"""
[docs] def subparser( parser, subparsers ): """Use ``subparsers`` to create a sub-command parser. The `subparsers` object would have been created, by the main script, using ArgumentParser object ``parser``. """
[docs] def handle( args ): """Previously :meth:`subparser` would have used set_default() method on `subparser` to set the `handler` attribute to this method so that this handler will automatically be invoked if the sub-command is used on the command line. ``args``, parsed args from ArgumentParser's parse_args() method. """
[docs]class IHTTPServer( Interface ): """Web server specification to bind and listen for new client connections. Every successfull connection will further be handled by :class:`IHTTPConnection` plugin. """ sockets = {} """Mapping of socket (file-descriptor) listening for new connection and the socket object. These are server sockets.""" connections = [] """List of accepted and active connections. Each connection is a plugin implementing :class:`IHTTPConnection` interface.""" version = b'' """HTTP Version supported by this server."""
[docs] def start( *args, **kwargs ): """Starts the server. This is typically a blocking call."""
[docs] def stop(): """Stop listening for new connections. Close ``connections`` that are currently active and finally close the server sockets. Implementers must make sure that when this method is called :meth:`start` method must return from blocking. """
[docs] def close_connection( httpconn ): """Close a client connection ``httpconn`` a :class:`IHTTPConnection` plugin maintained in :attr:`connections` list. """
[docs]class IHTTPConnection( Interface ): """Every new client connection accepted by :class:`IHTTPServer` will be handled by a plugin instance implementing this interface. All read-writes on the connection is specified by this interface.""" conn = None """Socket connection object accepted by the server.""" address = tuple() """Client's IP address and port number.""" server = None """:class:`IHTTPServer` plugin that accepted this connection.""" product = b'' """HTTP product string (byte-string) for this server. Typically sent with HTTP `Server` Reponse header.""" version = b'' """HTTP Version supported by this connection. Normally infered from :attr:`IHTTPServer.version` attribute. """ request = None """:class:`IHTTPRequest` plugin instance for current on-going request.""" def __init__( self, conn, addr, server, version ): """Positional arguments, ``conn``, Accepted connection object. ``addr``, Accepted client's address. ``server``, :class:`IHTTPServer` plugin object. ``version``, HTTP Version supported by this connection. """
[docs] def get_ssl_certificate() : """In case of SSL traffic, return SSL certifacte."""
[docs] def set_close_callback( callback ): """Subscribe a ``callback`` function, to be called when the connection gets closed."""
[docs] def set_finish_callback( callback ): """Subscribe a ``callback`` function, to be called when an on-going request/response is finished."""
[docs] def handle_request( method, uri, version, headers, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None ): """When a new request is received, this method is called to handle the request. ``method``, Request method in byte-string. ``uri``, Request URI in byte-string. ``version``, Request version in byte-string. ``headers``, Dictionary of request headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string. ``body``, Optional request body in byte-string. ``chunk``, If the new request is chunked Transfer-Encoded, `body` will be None while this argument will contain the request chunk in byte-string. Passed as tuple of, ``(chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data)`` ``trailers``, If the new request is chunked Transfer-Encoded, and `chunk` is the last chunk, then trailers might optionally contain a dictionary of chunk trailer headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string. The request is resolved for configured web-application and dispatched to it."""
[docs] def handle_chunk( chunk, trailers=None ): """For every request chunk received, this method will be called. For the last chunk `trailers`, if present, will also be passed. In case of chunked request, ``request`` attribute of this plugin will preserve the on-going request as :class:`IHTTPRequest` plugin. ``chunk``, Request chunk to be handled. Passed as a tuple of, ``(chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data)`` ``trailers``, Dictionary of chunk trailer headers. Key names in this dictionary will be decoded to string-type. Value names will be preserved as byte-string. """
[docs] def write( chunk, callback=None ): """Write a ``chunk`` of data (bytes) to the connection and optionally subscribe a ``callback`` function to be called when data is successfully transfered. ``chunk`` Chunk of data in byte-string to buffer and send. ``callback`` Handler to callback when data is written to the socket. """
[docs] def close(): """Close this connection."""
[docs]class IWebApp( Interface ): """In pluggdapps, a web-Application is a plugin implementing this interface. And for this interface to be relevant, :class:`pluggdapps.platform.Webapps` must be used to boot the platform. There is also a base class :class:`pluggdapps.web.WebApp` which implements this interface and provides necessary support functions for application creators. Therefore application plugins must derive from this base class. """ instkey = tuple() """A tuple of (appsec, netpath, configini)""" appsettings = {} """Optional read only copy of application's settings. Gathered from plugin's default settings, ini configuration file(s) and optionally a backend store.""" netpath = '' """Net location and script-path on which the instance of webapp is mounted. This is obtained from configuration settings.""" baseurl = '' """Computed string of base url for web application, more-or-less similar to netpath.""" router = None """Plugin instance implementing :class:`IHTTPRouter` interface. This is the primary router using which request urls will be resolved to a view callable. Must be instantiated during boot time inside :meth:`startapp` method.""" cookie = None """Plugin instance implementing IHTTPCookie interface spec. Methods " from this plugin will be used to process both request cookies and response cookies.""" livedebug = None """Plugin to handle web based interactive debugging. Used only when `debug` is enabled in configuration settings.""" in_transformers = [] """List of plugins implmenting :class:`pluggdapps.web.IHTTPInBound` interface. In bound requests will be passed through plugins listed here before being dispatched to the router.""" out_transformers = [] """List of plugins implmenting :class:`pluggdapps.web.IHTTPOutBound` interface. Out bound responses will be passed through plugins listed here before writing it on the connection."""
[docs] def startapp(): """Boot the applications. Called at platform boot-time."""
[docs] def dorequest( request, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None ): """This method is called after a new request is resolved to an application, typically by :class:`pluggdapps.web.IHTTPConnection` plugin. This callback will be issued when, * A new request without body is received, where the request data is available in ``request``. * A new request with a body is received, in which case kwarg ``body`` gives the request body as byte-string. It is responsibility of this method to initialize ``request`` plugin. Callback :meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.handle` method. And finally use the :meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.route` method to handle request. ``body``, byte string request body. ``chunk``, tuple of (chunk-size, chunk-ext, chunk-data), where chunk-size is integer size of chunk-data, chunk-ext is byte string and chunk-data is request-chunk in byte string. ``trailers``, Dictionary of HTTP headers. instance of :class:`HTTPHeaders` class. """
[docs] def dochunk( request, chunk=None, trailers=None ): """This method is called for a request of type chunked encoding. Even in this case, a call to :meth:`dorequest` is already made when the request was new. The request plugin is preserved after dorequest and a call back is made to this method for every new chunk that is received. The callback will be issued when, * A request is being received in chunked mode and a request chunk just received, in which case `chunk` is a tuple of, ``(chunk_size, chunk_ext, chunk_data)``. * The last chunk of the request is received without a trailer. * The last chunk of the request is received with a trailer. """
[docs] def onfinish( request ): """When finish is called on the :attr:`request.response`, by calling ``flush( finished=True )``, a chain of onfinish() callbacks will be issued by :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPResponse`."""
[docs] def shutdown(): """Shutdown this application. Reverse of :meth:`startapp`."""
[docs] def urlfor( request, *args, **kwargs ): """Generate url (full url) for request using ``args`` and ``kwargs``. Typically, :meth:`pathfor` method shall be used to generate the relative url and joined with web-application's :attr:`webapp.base_url`. To know more about method arguments refer corresponding router's :meth:`urlpath` interface method. Returns an absolute-URL as string. ``request``, The :class:`IHTTPRequest` object for which url is generated. ``args``, ``kwargs``, Positional and keyword arguments passed to :meth:`pathfor` method. """
[docs] def pathfor( request, *args, **kwargs ): """Generate relative url for request using route definitions, ``args`` and ``kwargs``. To learn more about ``args`` and ``kwargs``, refer corresponding router's :meth:`pathfor` interface method. Returns a URL path as string. ``request``, The :class:`IHTTPRequest` object for which url is generated. """
[docs]class IScaffold( Interface ): """Interface specification for automatically creating scaffolds of source code and project tree based on collection of user-fed variables and a source-template.""" description = '' """One line description of scaffolding logic.""" def __init__( settings={} ): """Initialize interface attributes with ``settings`` parameter. """
[docs] def query_cmdline(): """Query command line for variable details."""
[docs] def generate(): """Generate the scaffolding logic."""
[docs] def printhelp(): """If executed in command line, provide a meaning full description about this scaffolding plugin and variables that can be defined."""
[docs]class ITemplate( Interface ): """Attributes and methods to render a page using supplied context."""
[docs] def render( context, *args, **kwargs ): """Implementing plugin should interpret `args` and ``kwargs`` arguments and invoke one or more rendering resource (like templates). Typical plugins should accept key-word arguments like ``file`` and ``text``, where `file` shall to template file or `text` shall point to template text - as string. Returns html text as string. ``context``, Dictionary like context object. Typically populated by :class:`IHTTPResource` and view-callable, made availabe inside HTML templates. """

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