Test module: standard_parsers.py


This module tests the argparse.ArgumentParser instance returned by standard_parsers.py with a variety of options and choices. These tests use the standard unittest package and extend the unittest.TestCase class.


Standard Parser tests

class tests.standard_parsers.TestStandardArgparse(methodName='runTest')[source]

Test the function defined in standard_parsers.py.

A standard argparse.ArgumentParser instance is created from a call to standard_parser and then is tested with different sets of arguments.


Initialize the framework for testing.

Creates a new parser and creates a new system temporary directory with the tempfile package for use as an existing directory. A file called thisfileexists.txt is created in this directory as an existing file. Two new paths that do not exist, one a fake sub-directory in the existing directory and the other a fake file in this fake directory, are constructed.


Remove testing framework.

Deletes the created temporary directory and thisfileexists.txt file.


Test the parser with existing and non-existent infile arguments

Test object Expectation
Existing file Stores the filename
Non-existent file Raise SystemExit exception

Test the parser with existing and non-existent -l|–log arguments

Test object Expectation
Existing file Stores the filename
Non-existent file Creates the path and stores the filename

Test the parser with existing and non-existent outfile arguments

Test object Expectation
Existing file Stores the filename
Non-existent file Creates the path and stores the filename

Test that the standard_parser function returns the correct objects

Test object Expectation
valid arguments Returns a argparse.ArgumentParser instance & 2 lists; 1) list of positional arguments & defaults (should be None), 2)list of keyword arguments & defaults.

Test the parser with existing and non-existent –tmpdir arguments

Test object Expectation
no –tmpdir Create & store a system defined temp dir
–tmpdir Create & store a system defined temp dir
–tmpdir <existing path> Store <path> as the temp dir
–tmpdir <non-existent path> Create & store <path> as the temp dir

Test the parser with a -v|–verbose argument

Test object Expectation
no -v Stores False
-v Stores True

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