Test module: standard_logging.py


This module tests the logging.Logger instance returned by standard_logging.py with a variety of options and choices. These tests use the standard unittest package and extend the unittest.TestCase class.


Standard Logging tests

class tests.standard_logging.TestStandardLogging(methodName='runTest')[source]

Test the functions defined in standard_logging.py.

A standard logging.Logger instance is created from a call to standard_logging and then is tested with different sets of arguments.


Initialize the framework for testing.

Creates a new system temporary directory with the tempfile package as a place to generate our test log file, and generate a name for the test log file. Also generates argparse.ArgumentParser instance from standard_parsers.py, a fake command line and arguments.


Remove testing framework.

Deletes the created temporary directory and thisfileexists.txt file.


Test for graceful fail when not given required arguments

Test object Expectation
no verbose argument Raise AttributeError
no log argument Raise AttributeError

Test for open logfile & that script command-line is correctly written

Test object Expectation
valid command-line arguments Create file and write welcome message, time date and calling command line to it.

Test for logging of parsed arguments

Test object Expectation
valid command-line arguments Log the full set of script arguments parsed byt he parser. Include defaults and make sure they are marked.

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