joystick package


joystick.core module

Here are some useful constants:


= [‘init’, ‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘exit’, ‘add_frame’]


= [‘init’, ‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘exit’, ‘update’]

joystick.core.add_datapoint(ar, ar2, xnptsmax=None)

Concatenates ar2 at the end of ar. ar2 can either be a int/float or 1-dim vectors. Cuts the vector to xnptsmax elements.

joystick.deco module


This decorator creates a daemon-thread to call the decotared joystick method in an infinite loop every wait_time seconds, as long as the joystick.running attribute is True, or until the end of the universe, whichever is first.

This is a self-aware decorator, recording all function names decorated with itself, such that all threads can be launched simultaneously with the joystick.start() method.

However, it must be initialized at run-time before use:

>>> class yuhu(joystick.Joystick):
>>>     _infinite_loop = joystick.deco_infinite_loop()
>>>     ...
(the reason is that it must get a memory copy of the decorator
function in order to record the decorated functions in the desired scope, not in the pakage import scope. In short, just initilize it as above and it will work)

It then can be used normally (within a class definition):

>>> @_infinite_loop(wait_time=0.5)  # in sec
>>> def repetitive_task(self, ...):
>>>     print("Next time I'm done I swear.")

This decorator creates a daemon-thread to wrap the decotared function into a separate thread that is started at the call of the function (not with simulation start)

>>> @joystick.deco_thread_it
>>> def wait_and_print(txt, wait_time=0.5):
>>>     time.sleep(wait_time)
>>>     print("Hey, btw: {}".format(txt))
joystick.deco.deco_callit(when='after', fct='init')

This decorator, when applied to a function f, registers it as to be called when (‘before’ or ‘after’) the method fct. INITMETHOD init.

This is a self-aware decorator, recording all function names decorated with itself, such that all threads can be launched simultaneously with the joystick.start() method.

However, it must be initialized at run-time before use:

>>> class yuhu(joystick.Joystick):
>>>     _callit = joystick.deco_callit()
>>>     ...
(the reason is that it must get a memory copy of the decorator
function in order to record the decorated functions in the desired scope, not in the pakage import scope. In short, just initilize it as above and it will work)

It then can be used normally (within a class definition):

>>> @_callit('before', 'exit')
>>> def exit_warning(self):
>>>     print("OMG, you're about to exit")

joystick.frame module

class joystick.frame.Frame(name, freq_up, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, **kwargs)

Bases: object

__init__(name, freq_up, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, **kwargs)

Initialises a frame, a base-class used to contain a e.g. Graph or Text.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()

Terminates the frame, if not already exited


Update frequency (Hz) of the frame. Set between 1e-3 and 1e2 Hz, or None for no updating


Re-initializes the frame, i.e. closes the current frame if necessary and creates a new one. Uses the parameters of initialization by default or anything provided through kwargs. See class Frame for the description of input parameters.


Returns True if the frame should update Set to True/False to start/stop the updating


Does nothing - a bare frame does not need update


Starts updating the frame, even if already running


Stops updating the frame, if not already stopped


Returns the type of the frame, e.g. Graph. Read-only.


Returns True if the frame has not been closed. Read-only.

joystick.graph module

class joystick.graph.Graph(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, fmt='ro-', bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), **kwargs)

Bases: joystick.frame.Frame

__init__(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, fmt='ro-', bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), **kwargs)

Initialises a graph-frame. Use set_xydata() and get_xydata() to set and get the x- and y-data of the graph, or set_xylim() and get_xylim() to get and set the axes limits.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • xnpts (int or None) [optional]: the number of data points to be plotted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • fmt (str) [optional]: the format of the line as in plt.plot(x, y, fmt)
  • bgcol (color) [optional]: the background color of the graph
  • axrect (list of 4 floats) [optional]: the axes bounds (l,b,w,h) as in plt.figure.add_axes(rect=(l,b,w,h))
  • grid (color or None) [optional]: the grid color, or no grid if None
  • xylim (list of 4 floats or None) [optional]: the values of the axes limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), where any value can take None to be recalculated according to the data at each update
  • xnptsmax (int or None) [optional]: the maximum number of data points to be recorded, older data points will be deleted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • axmargin (tuple of 2 floats) [optional]: a expand factor to increase the (x, y) axes limits when they are automatically calculated from the data (i.e. some xylim is None)
  • Any non-abbreviated parameter accepted by figure.add_axes (eg. xlabel, ylabel, title, aspect) and plt.plot
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()
add_datapoint(data1, data2)

Returns the x and y data of the graph


DEPRECATED, use get_xylim_graph method instead


Returns the (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) limits of the graph


Re-initializes the frame, i.e. closes the current frame if necessary and creates a new one. Uses the parameters of initialization by default or anything provided through kwargs. See class Graph for the description of input parameters.

set_xydata(x, y)

Sets the x and y data of the graph. Give x and y vectors as numpy arrays; only the last xnpts() data-points will be displayed

set_xylim(xylim=(None, None, None, None))

DEPRECATED, set xylim property instead


Updates the graph


The number of data points to be plotted. Must be 1 < xnpts <= Graph.xnptsmax. If None, no limit is applied.


The maximum number of data points to be recorded, older data points will be deleted. Must be > 1. If None, no limit is applied.


joystick.graphmulti module

class joystick.graphmulti.GraphMulti(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, nlines=2, numbering=True, lbls=None, legend=2, fmt=None, bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), **kwargs)

Bases: joystick.graph.Graph

__init__(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, nlines=2, numbering=True, lbls=None, legend=2, fmt=None, bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), **kwargs)

Initialises a graph-frame. Use set_xydata() and get_xydata() to set and get the x- and y-data of the graph, or set_xylim() and get_xylim() to get and set the axes limits.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • xnpts (int or None) [optional]: the number of data points to be plotted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • nlines (int): the number of lines in the frame
  • numbering (bool) [optional]: whether to display the index (or labels) of the lines near the left-most data-point
  • lbls (list of str) [optional]: the labels to display in the legend. Default None is equivalent to ['L0', ..., 'Ln-1']
  • legend (int or False) [optional]: if False: no legend, else legend is its location (0 to 10, see loc in plt.legend)
  • fmt (str or list of str) [optional]: the format of the lines as in plt.plot(x, y, fmt). Leave to None for auto.
  • bgcol (color) [optional]: the background color of the graph
  • axrect (list of 4 floats) [optional]: the axes bounds (l,b,w,h) as in plt.figure.add_axes(rect=(l,b,w,h))
  • grid (color or None) [optional]: the grid color, or no grid if None
  • xylim (list of 4 floats or None) [optional]: the values of the axes limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), where any value can take None to be recalculated according to the data at each update
  • xnptsmax (int or None) [optional]: the maximum number of data points to be recorded, older data points will be deleted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • axmargin (tuple of 2 floats) [optional]: a expand factor to increase the (x, y) axes limits when they are automatically calculated from the data (i.e. some xylim is None)
  • Any parameter accepted by plt.figure.add_axes (eg. xlabel, ylabel, title, aspect, etc)
  • Any parameter accepted by plt.plot (either a single element or a list of nlines elements)
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()

Returns the x and y data from all lines in the graph: ([x0,x1,...], [y0,y1,...]), unless ln is an integer


The list of labels for the legend (len= nlines()) Set to None to simply display [‘L0’, ..., ‘Ln-1’].

legend(show, lbls=[], loc=None, **kwargs)

Turns the legend on/off interactively

  • show (bool): True or False whether to display
  • lbls (None or list of str): the labels of the legend. See lbls(). Leave to [] for no change in labels
  • loc (int): the location of the legend, as in plt.legend
  • Any parameter accepted by

The number of lines in the display


Whether to display the line-boxes on the graph

set_xydata(x, y, ln=None)

Sets the x and y data of the graph. If ln is left None, the data of all lines will be set. In that case, x and y are expected to be lists (len= nlines()) of numpy 1d-vectors.

If ln is an integer (i.e. line-index), only this line will be updated x and y shall be numpy 1d-vectors.

For each line, only the last xnpts() data-points will be displayed

joystick.image module

class joystick.image.Image(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, background='black', foreground='green', cmap='gist_earth', cm_bounds=(None, None), unitperpx=1.0, axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid=None, **kwargs)

Bases: joystick.frame.Frame

__init__(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, background='black', foreground='green', cmap='gist_earth', cm_bounds=(None, None), unitperpx=1.0, axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid=None, **kwargs)

Initialises an image-frame.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • cmap (colormap name) [optional]: the colormap of the image
  • cm_bounds (tuple of 2 float) [optional]: the (min, max) values of the colormap
  • unitperpx (float) [optional]: unit scaling
  • axrect (list of 4 floats) [optional]: the axes bounds (l,b,w,h) as in plt.figure.add_axes(rect=(l,b,w,h))
  • grid (color or None) [optional]: the grid color, or no grid if None
  • aspect: see plt.imshow, default ‘auto’
  • origin: see plt.imshow, default ‘lower’
  • Any non-abbreviated parameter accepted by figure.add_axes and plt.imshow
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()

The (min, max) values of the colormap.


The colormap name of the image


Returns the image.


Re-initializes the frame, i.e. closes the current frame if necessary and creates a new one. Uses the parameters of initialization by default or anything provided through kwargs. See Image for the description of input parameters.

reset_image(data=None, **kwargs)

Resets the image in the frame (cmap, cm_bounds), axes, etc, using the kwargs provided (default is values of initialization). See Image for accepted parameters.


Sets the image. If the data shape does not corerspond to the current data shape, the reset_image() is called.


Updates the image

joystick.joystick module

class joystick.joystick.Joystick(**kwargs)

Bases: object


Main class to be wrapped (see

  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()
add_frame(frame, **kwargs)

Adds a frame to the simulation. Use it as:

>>> self.mygraph = self.add_frame(frame)

Terminates the simulation


Returns True if the simulation is running Set to True/False to start/stop the simulation


Starts the simulation if not already running nor exited Starts each individual frame (calls start_frames())


Turns on the updating of all frames, keeps the simulation as it was, running or not


Stops the simulation if not already exited or stopped Does not individually stop each frames, although frames will stop updating given that the simulation is no longer running; i.e. does not call stop_frames().


Stops all frames from updating, the simulation continues running

joystick.scatter module

class joystick.scatter.Scatter(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, c='r', s=20, bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), cmap='gist_earth', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)

Bases: joystick.graph.Graph

__init__(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, xnpts=30, c='r', s=20, bgcol='w', axrect=(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), grid='k', xylim=(None, None, None, None), xnptsmax=50, axmargin=(1.1, 1.1), cmap='gist_earth', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)

Initialises a graph-frame. Use set_xydata() and get_xydata() to set and get the x- and y-data of the graph, or set_xylim() and get_xylim() to get and set the axes limits.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • xnpts (int or None) [optional]: the number of data points to be plotted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • c (color, sequence, or sequence of color): the color of the markers, as in plt.scatter.
  • s (scalar or vector): the size of the markers, as in plt.scatter
  • bgcol (color) [optional]: the background color of the graph
  • axrect (list of 4 floats) [optional]: the axes bounds (l,b,w,h) as in plt.figure.add_axes(rect=(l,b,w,h))
  • grid (color or None) [optional]: the grid color, or no grid if None
  • xylim (list of 4 floats or None) [optional]: the values of the axes limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), where any value can take None to be recalculated according to the data at each update
  • xnptsmax (int or None) [optional]: the maximum number of data points to be recorded, older data points will be deleted. If None, no limit is applied.
  • axmargin (tuple of 2 floats) [optional]: a expand factor to increase the (x, y) axes limits when they are automatically calculated from the data (i.e. some xylim is None)
  • cmap (str or colormap): the colormap of the scatter colors
  • vmin (float or None): the value corresponding to the min of the colorbar, or None for auto-scaling
  • vmax (float or None): the value corresponding to the max of the colorbar, or None for auto-scaling
  • Any non-abbreviated parameter accepted by figure.add_axes (eg. xlabel, ylabel, title, aspect) and plt.scatter
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()

The colormap of the scatter points


Returns the (x, y, c, s) data of the scatter points

set_xydata(x, y, c=None, s=None)

Sets the x, y, c and s data of the points. Only the last xnpts() data-points will be displayed


joystick.text module

class joystick.text.Text(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, background='black', foreground='green', rev=True, font=('consolas', 11), mark_line=True, mark_fmt='%H:%M:%S > ', scrollbar=True, **kwargs)

Bases: joystick.frame.Frame

__init__(name, freq_up=1, pos=(50, 50), size=(400, 400), screen_relative=False, background='black', foreground='green', rev=True, font=('consolas', 11), mark_line=True, mark_fmt='%H:%M:%S > ', scrollbar=True, **kwargs)

Initialises a text-frame. Use add_text() to add text to it.

  • name (str): the frame name
  • freq_up (float or None): the frequency of update of the frame, between 1e-3 and 1e3 Hz, or None for no update
  • pos (px or %) [optional]: left-top corner position of the frame, see screen_relative
  • size (px or %) [optional]: width-height dimension of the frame, see screen_relative
  • screen_relative (bool) [optional]: set to True to give pos and size as a % of the screen size, or False to give then as pixels
  • background (color) [optional]: background color of the frame
  • foreground (color) [optional]: text color of the frame
  • rev (bool) [optional]: if True, a new line will be added on the top of the text
  • font (tuple (font, size)) [optional]: the font of the text
  • mark_line (bool) [optional]: if True, each line will be prepended using the Text.mark_fmt format
  • mark_fmt (str) [optional]: time.strftime format to be used for (optionally) prepending each text added to the frame
  • scrollbar (bool) [optional]: if True, a Y-scrollbar is added
  • wrap (str): wrap mechanism (default ‘word’)
  • undo (bool): authorized undoing if True
  • Any non-abbreviated parameter accepted by tkinter.Text
  • Will be passed to the optional custom methods decorated with deco_callit()
add_text(txt='', end=None, newline=True, mark_line=None, encoding='utf-8')

Adds the text txt to the frame, on a newline if newline is True. The new txt is prepended using the format in Text.mark_fmt if mark_line is True, default is Text.mark_line. It is added at the end of the frame text if rev is True, default is not(Text.rev).


Flushes the text in the frame


Re-initializes the frame, i.e. closes the current frame if necessary and creates a new one. Uses the parameters of initialization by default or anything provided through kwargs. See class Text for the description of input parameters.


Updates the text

Module contents
Author:Guillaume Schworer

Joystick provides a light-weight and simple framework to real-time data-plotting and logging, while the console remains accessible to manage the on-going simulation and data acquisition.

In some ways, this framework can replace a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on many projects, as long as 1) the user is comfortable enough with managing the simulation using command-lines, and 2) the display of the real-time data is not too complex.

Allright. Let’s say you have some data-stream (serial port, web scraping, on-going simulation or experiment, etc), and you would like to plot or log in real-time whatever is happening. In addition you would also like to send commands to interact with the mechanisms producing the data... without having to build a GUI (which looks pretty to your boss, but is time-consumming both in initial design and maintenance).

Then, this package is for you.

Note that Joystick is based on Tkinter to display frames of text or graph, and that it is released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+).

Straight to the point: check-out this example. It generates fake random data (ydata) between 0 and 1.05 every 0.2 second, displayed as a function of time in a graph-frame. Whenever there is a datapoint above 1, it drops a warning in the text-frame.

import joystick as jk
import numpy as np
import time

class test(jk.Joystick):
    # initialize the infinite loop and callit decorators so they can auto-
    # register methods they decorate
    _infinite_loop = jk.deco_infinite_loop()
    _callit = jk.deco_callit()

    @_callit('before', 'init')
    def _init_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Function automatically called at initialization, thanks to the
        # decorator
        self.xdata = np.array([])  # time x-axis
        self.ydata = np.array([])  # fake data y-axis

    @_callit('after', 'init')
    def _build_frames(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Function automatically called at initialization, thanks to the
        # decorator. It will be called after "_init_data" given that it is
        # declared after
        # create a graph frame
        self.mygraph = self.add_frame(
                   jk.Graph(name="test", size=(500, 500), pos=(50, 50),
                            fmt="go-", xnpts=15, freq_up=7, bgcol="y",
                            xylim=(0,10,0,1), xlabel='t', ylabel='random'))
        # create a text frame
        self.mytext = self.add_frame(
                      jk.Text(name="Y-overflow", size=(500, 250),
                              pos=(600, 50), freq_up=1))

    @_callit('before', 'start')
    def _set_t0(self):
        # initialize t0 at start-up
        self._t0 = time.time()

    def _get_data(self):
        # This method will automatically be called with simulation start
        # (t.start()), and looped every 0.2 in a separate thread as long as
        # the simulation runs (running == True)
        # It gets new data (fake random data) and pushes it to the frames.
        # concatenate data on the time x-axis
        new_x_data = time.time()
        self.xdata = jk.core.add_datapoint(self.xdata,
        # concatenate data on the fake data y-axis
        new_y_data = np.random.random()*1.05
        # check overflow for the new data point
        if new_y_data > 1:
            # send warning to the text-frame
            self.mytext.add_text('Some data bumped into the ceiling: '
        self.ydata = jk.core.add_datapoint(self.ydata,
        # prepare the time axis
        t = np.round(self.xdata-self._t0, 1)
        # push new data to the graph
        self.mygraph.set_xydata(t, self.ydata)

    @_callit('before', 'exit')
    def exit_warning(self):
        # Just a warning, automatically called with the exit method, and
        # before the exiting actually takes place (closing frames, etc)
        print("You're about to exit, frames will disappear in 1 second")

t = test()

Here is what it should look like:

You should see a ‘snake’ going through the graph-frame, but after 10 seconds it is gone (that was on purpose, for the sake of the demo!). Type (line by line):

t.mygraph.xnpts = 50
t.mygraph.freq_up = 2
t.mygraph.xylim = (None, None, 0, 1)

Now that should be better, displaying the latest 50 points at a slower pace (twice a second), and the x-axis is auto-adjusting. Let’s stop and reinitialize the graph with slightly different parameters:

t.mygraph.reinit(bgcol='w', axrect=(0,0,1,1), xylim=(None, None, 0, 1))

Too easy!

Note that this is a quick overview of the main point of this package. Other frames than simple text or graph are available: image, multi-line graph, 2D+color scatter graph, etc. Checkout the for further details.


Refer to this page,


Joystick requires the following Python packages:

  • tkinter: for the frames GUI
  • NumPy: for basic numerical routines
  • matplotlib: for plotting
  • threading, time, functools, os: for basic stuff


The easiest and fastest way for you to get the package and run is to install joystick through pip:

$ pip install joystick

You can also download joystick source from GitHub and type:

$ python install

Dependencies will not be installed automatically. Refer to the requirements section. If you have an anaconda distribution, you will be good to go.


Code writing

Code contributions are welcome! Just send a pull request on GitHub and we will discuss it. In the issue tracker you may find pending tasks.

Bug reporting

If you think you’ve found one please refer to the issue tracker on GitHub.

Additional options

You can either send me an e-mail or add it to the issues/wishes list on GitHub.


If you use joystick on your project, please drop me a line <mailto:{my first name}.{my family name}>, you will get fixes and additional options earlier.


Joystick is released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+). Please refer to the LICENSE file.