Source code for gdsCAD.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utility functions for geometric transformations and layer manipulation.

.. note::
    Copyright 2009-2012 Lucas Heitzmann Gabrielli
    Copyright 2013 Andrew G. Mark

    gdsCAD (based on gdspy) is released under the terms of the GNU GPL

import numpy as np
from core import (Cell, CellReference, CellArray,
                  ElementBase, Elements, ReferenceBase)

[docs]def translate(obj, displacement): """ Translate an object, 2D vector, or a sequence of 2D vectors by the given vector :param obj: an object, a 2D vector, or a sequence of 2D vectors :param displacment: the vector by which to move ``obj`` :returns: A moved copy of the ``obj`` """ if isinstance(obj, (ElementBase, Elements)): obj=obj.copy() obj.translate(displacement) return obj return np.array(obj)+np.array(displacement)
[docs]def rotate(obj, theta, center=(0,0)): """ Rotate an object by given angle :param obj: an object, a 2D vector, or a sequence of 2D vectors :param theta: angle by which to rotate points in deg :param center: optional, pt about which to perform the rotation :return: A rotated copy of ``obj`` """ if isinstance(obj, (ElementBase, Elements)): obj=obj.copy() obj.rotate(theta, center) return obj pts=np.array(obj) ang = theta * np.pi/180 m=np.array([[np.cos(ang), -np.sin(ang)], [np.sin(ang), np.cos(ang)]]) if isinstance(center, str) and center.lower()=='com': center=pts.mean(0) else: center=np.array(center) return
[docs]def reflect(obj, axis, origin=(0,0), reverse_seq=True): """ Reflect an object in the x or y axis :param obj: a geometric object, 2D vector, or a sequence of 2D vectors. :param axis: string 'x' or 'y' indcating which axis in which to make the refln. :param origin: optional, pt about which to perform the rotation. :param reverse_seq: if ``True`` reverses the order of a sequence. :returns: a reflected copy of ``obj`` Sequences of points are reversed to maintain the same sense as the original sequence. """ if isinstance(obj, (ElementBase, Elements)): obj=obj.copy() obj.reflect(axis, origin) return obj if axis=='x': return scale(obj, [1,-1], origin, reverse_seq) elif axis=='y': return scale(obj, [-1,1], origin, reverse_seq) else: raise ValueError('Unknown axis %s'%str(axis))
[docs]def scale(obj, k, origin=(0,0), reverse_seq=True): """ Scale the pt or sequence of pts by the factor k :param obj: a geometric object, 2D vector, or a sequence of 2D vectors. :param k: factor by which to scale ``obj`` :param origin: pt which remains invariant under scale :param reverse_seq: if ``True`` reverses the order of a sequence. :returns: a scaled copy of ``obj`` The factor k can be a scalar or 2D vector allowing non-uniform scaling Optional origin can be a 2D vector or 'COM' indicating that scaling should be made about the pts centre of mass. The center of mass is calculated only for the points, not by the area of the polygon they define. Sequences of points are reversed if necessary to maintain the same sense as the original sequence. """ if isinstance(obj, (ElementBase, Elements)): obj=obj.copy() obj.scale(k, origin) return obj pts=np.array(obj) if isinstance(origin, str) and origin.lower()=='com': origin=pts.mean(0) else: origin=np.array(origin) k=np.array(k) if reverse_seq and ((>=0) or k.shape==(2,)): #even parity or single point return (pts-origin)*k+origin else: return ((pts-origin)*k+origin)[::-1]
[docs]def split_layers(cell, old_layers): """ Split the artwork in a cell between two copies according by layer. :param cells: The :class:`Cell` to split :param old_layers: A list of layers whose artwork will be moved to the second cell :returns: A tuple of two cells TODO: use same labelling scheme found in GdsImport :func:`split_layers` provides a convenient method of separating layers in a ``Cell`` into different Cells. It creates two copies of ``cell`` based on the list of layers in ``old_layers``. Any artwork found on the layers of ``old_layers`` is moved to the first cell, and any artwork not found on the layers of ``old_layers`` is moved to the second layer. The existing heirarchy is maintained, however any empty ``Cells`` or references are removed. """ subA=cell.copy() subB=cell.copy() #identify all art in subA that should be removed blacklist=set() deps=subA.get_dependencies(True) print 'DEPENDENCY LIST HAS LENGTH: ',len(deps) for e in deps: if not isinstance(e, (Cell, CellReference, CellArray)): if e.layer in old_layers: blacklist.add(e) #remove references to removed art for c in [subA]+deps: if isinstance(c, Cell): c._objects=[e for e in c.objects if e not in blacklist] #clean heirarchy subA.prune() #identify all art in subB that should be removed blacklist=set() deps=subB.get_dependencies(True) for e in deps: if not isinstance(e, (Cell, CellReference, CellArray)): if e.layer not in old_layers: blacklist.add(e) #remove references to removed art for c in [subB]+deps: if isinstance(c, Cell): c._objects=[e for e in c.objects if e not in blacklist] #clean heirarchy subB.prune() return (subA, subB)
[docs]def relayer(cell, old_layers, new_layer): """ Move any elements in old_layers to new_layer :param cell: The :class:`Cell` to process :param old_layers: A list of layers to be relayed :param new_layer: The layer that ``old_layers`` will be moved to :returns: A copy of the relayered ``Cell`` TODO: use same labelling scheme found in GdsImport """ new_cell=cell.copy() #change layer of art for e in new_cell.get_dependencies(True): if not isinstance(e, (Cell, CellReference, CellArray)): if e.layer in old_layers: e.layer=new_layer return new_cell #=========================================== #functions below here probably no longer work
[docs]def chop(polygon, position, axis): """ **BROKEN**: Slice polygon at a given position along a given axis. Parameters polygon : array-like[N][2] Coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. position : number Position to perform the slicing operation along the specified axis. axis : 0 or 1 Axis along which the polygon will be sliced. Returns out : tuple[2] Each element is a list of polygons (array-like[N][2]). The first list contains the polygons left before the slicing position, and the second, the polygons left after that position. """ out_polygons = ([], []) polygon = list(polygon) while polygon[-1][axis] == position: polygon = [polygon[-1]] + polygon[:-1] cross = list(numpy.sign(numpy.array(polygon)[:, axis] - position)) bnd = ([], []) i = 0 while i < len(cross): if cross[i - 1] * cross[i] < 0: if axis == 0: polygon.insert(i, [position, polygon[i - 1][1] + (position - polygon[i - 1][0]) * float(polygon[i][1] - polygon[i - 1][1]) / (polygon[i][0] - polygon[i - 1][0])]) else: polygon.insert(i, [polygon[i - 1][0] + (position - polygon[i - 1][1]) * float(polygon[i][0] - polygon[i - 1][0]) / (polygon[i][1] - polygon[i - 1][1]), position]) cross.insert(i, 0) bnd[1 * (cross[i + 1] > 0)].append(i) i += 2 elif cross[i] == 0: j = i + 1 while cross[j] == 0: j += 1 if cross[i - 1] * cross[j] < 0: bnd[1 * (cross[j] > 0)].append(j - 1) i = j + 1 else: i += 1 if len(bnd[0]) == 0: out_polygons[1 * (numpy.sum(cross) > 0)].append(polygon) return out_polygons bnd = (numpy.array(bnd[0]), numpy.array(bnd[1])) bnd = (list(bnd[0][numpy.argsort(numpy.array(polygon)[bnd[0], 1 - axis])]), list(bnd[1][numpy.argsort(numpy.array(polygon)[bnd[1], 1 - axis])])) cross = numpy.ones(len(polygon), dtype=int) cross[bnd[0]] = -2 cross[bnd[1]] = -1 i = 0 while i < len(polygon): if cross[i] > 0 and polygon[i][axis] != position: start = i side = 1 * (polygon[i][axis] > position) out_polygons[side].append([polygon[i]]) cross[i] = 0 nxt = i + 1 if nxt == len(polygon): nxt = 0 boundary = True while nxt != start: out_polygons[side][-1].append(polygon[nxt]) if cross[nxt] > 0: cross[nxt] = 0 if cross[nxt] < 0 and boundary: j = bnd[cross[nxt] + 2].index(nxt) nxt = bnd[-cross[nxt] - 1][j] boundary = False else: nxt += 1 if nxt == len(polygon): nxt = 0 boundary = True i += 1 return out_polygons
[docs]def slice(layer, objects, position, axis, datatype=0): """ **BROKEN** Slice polygons and polygon sets at given positions along an axis. Parameters layer : integer, list The GDSII layer numbers for the elements between each division. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of divided regions, the list is repeated. objects : ``Polygon``, ``PolygonSet``, or list Operand of the slice operation. If this is a list, each element must be a ``Polygon``, ``PolygonSet``, ``CellReference``, ``CellArray``, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon. position : number or list of numbers Positions to perform the slicing operation along the specified axis. axis : 0 or 1 Axis along which the polygon will be sliced. datatype : integer The GDSII datatype for the resulting element (between 0 and 255). Returns out : list[N] of PolygonSet Result of the slicing operation, with N = len(positions) + 1. Each PolygonSet comprises all polygons between 2 adjacent slicing positions, in crescent order. Examples >>> ring = gdspy.Round(1, (0, 0), 10, inner_radius = 5) >>> result = gdspy.slice(1, ring, [-7, 7], 0) >>> cell.add(result[1]) """ if (layer.__class__ != [].__class__): layer = [layer] if (objects.__class__ != [].__class__): objects = [objects] if (position.__class__ != [].__class__): position = [position] position.sort() result = [[] for i in range(len(position) + 1)] polygons = [] for obj in objects: if isinstance(obj, Boundary): polygons.append(obj.points) elif isinstance(obj, Elements): polygons += obj.polygons elif isinstance(obj, CellReference) or isinstance(obj, CellArray): polygons += obj.get_polygons() else: polygons.append(obj) for i, p in enumerate(position): nxt_polygons = [] for pol in polygons: (pol1, pol2) = chop(pol, p, axis) result[i] += pol1 nxt_polygons += pol2 polygons = nxt_polygons result[-1] = polygons for i in range(len(result)): result[i] = Elements(layer[i % len(layer)], result[i], datatype) return result
[docs]def boolean(layer, objects, operation, max_points=199, datatype=0, eps=1e-13): """ **BROKEN** Execute any boolean operation on polygons and polygon sets. Parameters layer : integer The GDSII layer number for the resulting element. objects : array-like Operands of the boolean operation. Each element of this array must be a ``Polygon``, ``PolygonSet``, ``CellReference``, ``CellArray``, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon. operation : function Function that accepts as input ``len(objects)`` integers. Each integer represents the incidence of the corresponding ``object``. The function must return a bool or integer (interpreted as bool). max_points : integer If greater than 4, fracture the resulting polygons to ensure they have at most ``max_points`` vertices. This is not a tessellating function, so this number should be as high as possible. For example, it should be set to 199 for polygons being drawn in GDSII files. datatype : integer The GDSII datatype for the resulting element (between 0 and 255). eps : positive number Small number to be used as tolerance in intersection and overlap calculations. Returns out : PolygonSet Result of the boolean operation. Notes Since ``operation`` receives a list of integers as input, it can be somewhat more general than boolean operations only. See the examples below. Because of roundoff errors there are a few cases when this function can cause segmentation faults. If that happens, increasing the value of ``eps`` might help. Examples >>> circle = gdspy.Round(0, (0, 0), 10) >>> triangle = gdspy.Round(0, (0, 0), 12, number_of_points=3) >>> bad_poly = gdspy.L1Path(1, (0, 0), '+y', 2, [6, 4, 4, 8, 4, 5, 10], [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]) >>> union = gdspy.boolean(1, [circle, triangle], lambda cir, tri: cir or tri) >>> intersection = gdspy.boolean(1, [circle, triangle], lambda cir, tri: cir and tri) >>> subtraction = gdspy.boolean(1, [circle, triangle], lambda cir, tri: cir and not tri) >>> multi_xor = gdspy.boolean(1, [badPath], lambda p: p % 2) """ polygons = [] indices = [0] special_function = False for obj in objects: if isinstance(obj, ElementBase): polygons.append(obj.points) indices.append(indices[-1] + 1) elif isinstance(obj, Elements): special_function = True polygons += obj.polygons indices.append(indices[-1] + len(obj.polygons)) elif isinstance(obj, CellReference) or isinstance(obj, CellArray): special_function = True a = obj.get_polygons() polygons += a indices.append(indices[-1] + len(a)) else: polygons.append(obj) indices.append(indices[-1] + 1) if special_function: result = boolext.clip(polygons, lambda *p: operation(*[sum(p[indices[ia]:indices[ia + 1]]) for ia in range(len(indices) - 1)]), eps) else: result = boolext.clip(polygons, operation, eps) return None if result is None else Elements(layer, result, datatype, False).fracture(max_points)