Source code for fit_neuron.optimize.fit_gLIF

Fits subthreshold and threshold parameters of a gLIF model from voltage 
patch clamp data.  A neuron object is returned to the client that
can easily be simulated using standard methods listed in the documentation.

#import numpy as np
#from .. import data
#from import NeuronData
import sys 
from fit_neuron import data
from import RawData
import threshold
import subthreshold 
import sic_lib 
from neuron_base_obj import Neuron

# this list determines the endpoints of the intervals that are used 
# to specify the shape of the dynamic threshold 
T_BIN_DEFAULT = [0.0001,0.0002,0.0003,0.0004,0.0005,0.0006,0.0008,0.001,0.00125,0.0015,0.002,0.003,0.004,0.005,0.01,0.015,0.02,0.025,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.5,0.7,0.9,1.2]

# defines time constants of voltage chasing currents

# default voltage nonlinearity function

# default time constants for spike induced currents (units of inverse seconds)
K_VECTOR_DEFAULT = [10,25,50,75,100,150,200]
[docs]def fit_neuron(input_current_list=None, membrane_voltage_list=None, dt=None, volt_nonlin_fcn=None, sic_list=None, t_thresh_bins=[], volt_adapt_time_const=[], thresh_param_init=None, max_lik_iter_max=20, process_ct = None, stopping_criteria = 0.01, look_behind=0.002 ): r""" Fits an actionable neuron to the data provided. :param input_current_list: list of arrays of recorded current injections. :param membrane_voltage_list: list of arrays of recorded membrane voltages corresponding to :attr:`input_current_list` input. :param dt: time step. :param volt_nonlin_fcn: voltage nonlinearity function (see :class:`fit_neuron.optimize.subthreshold.Voltage`). :param sic_list: list of spike induced current objects (see :mod:`fit_neuron.optimize.sic_lib`). :param t_thresh_bins: list of endpoints of time intervals used to compute step-like threshold (see :class:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.StochasticThresh`). :param volt_adapt_time_const: list of time constancs :math:`Q_i` for voltage chasing currents. (see :class:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.StochasticThresh`). :param thresh_param_init: initial value of threshold parameters for max likelihood threshold optimization (see :func:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.max_likelihood`). :param make_lik_iter_max: maximum number of max likelihood iterations (see :func:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.max_likelihood`). :param process_ct: number of processors we want to use to distribute max likelihood; if None then use max CPU count (see :func:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.max_likelihood`). :param stopping_criteria: minimum :math:`L^2` norm of log likelihood gradient below which we stop optimization (see :func:`fit_neuron.optimize.threshold.max_likelihood`). :param look_behind: parameter that controls how the length of the refractory period is computed (see :func:``). :returns: :class:`fit_neuron.optimize.neuron_base_obj.Neuron` instance. """ if sic_list == None: sic_list = [sic_lib.StepSic(t,dt=dt) for t in T_BIN_DEFAULT] if len(t_thresh_bins) == 0: t_thresh_bins = T_BIN_DEFAULT # organize training data in nice data structure raw_data = RawData(input_current_list=input_current_list, membrane_voltage_list=membrane_voltage_list, dt=dt) # estimates refractory period and reset potential from data spike_shapes = data.compute_spike_shapes(raw_data,look_behind=look_behind) t_ref = data.compute_t_ref(spike_shapes,dt) Vr = data.compute_Vr(spike_shapes,t_ref,dt) # estimates subthreshold model subthresh_obj = subthreshold.Voltage(sic_list=sic_list, volt_nonlin_fcn=volt_nonlin_fcn, dt=dt, Vr=Vr, t_ref=t_ref) # removes spike shapes from data so we can estimate threshold parameters processed_data = data.raw_2_processed(raw_data,look_behind=look_behind) # estimate subthreshold parameters subthresh_param_arr = subthreshold.estimate_volt_parameters(subthresh_obj, processed_data) # sets subthreshold parameters subthresh_obj.set_param(subthresh_param_arr) # compute the resting potential of the neuron subthresh_obj.estimate_V_rest() #print "V rest", subthresh_obj.V_rest #print "V reset", subthresh_obj.Vr thresh_obj = threshold.StochasticThresh(t_bins=t_thresh_bins, volt_adapt_time_const=volt_adapt_time_const, dt=dt) thresh_param_arr = threshold.estimate_thresh_parameters(subthresh_obj, thresh_obj, raw_data, process_ct=process_ct, max_lik_iter_max=max_lik_iter_max, thresh_param_init=thresh_param_init, stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria) thresh_obj.set_param(thresh_param_arr) neuron = Neuron(subthresh_obj=subthresh_obj, thresh_obj=thresh_obj, V_init=None) return neuron
if __name__ == "__main__": pass